This is a pretty well forged map with two different sides and a large tower in the middle. Controlling the tower is the key to winning. It was made by Samari Zach and me. Meant for 4v4. : Halo 3 File Details
This is sad, how can people not have pictures.It is a requirement Even i do and it is my first day on forge hub dont double post
Reasons why this post is a fail: Description and/or post sucks ass No pictures I mean, don't get me wrong, it looks like a nice map and all, but I have no idea what it is about. You need more than one picture for the post to be up to Forgehub standards. 3/5 so far for the map, 0/5 for the post.
Sorry it's my first day on forge hub. It took a while to figure out how to get the picture. I don't see what is wrong with my map description. I didn't know I had to explain every detail of the map. Besides, it seems to tell more than your descriptions do. Hey it's my first day too jerk. Sorry if I didn't get it exactly right the first time. I edited it when I found out how.
pretty good, I like that you read up on forging 101 and looked at other maps before you posted. better than most first maps, I like the layout. my only suggestion would be to get rid of one of the fence walls between the two center structures.
Wow... so many post's about no pics even though it's true. But seriously repeating someone else? Wow. Anyways, I like the map idea, even though it's extremely simple. 2 bases and a ton of ways to get to each. The shield door tunnel is one part that I really liked, but anyways, the map, like I said, is a good map. If anyone says this is a bad map, just ignore them. Map: 4/5 Pictures: 3/5