F2P WarmUp Hi Forge Hub Community, that just a small 1 vs 1 Map made by "De Behr". This map isnt so special, but i hope that you enjoy it. Gametypes: Can by used with - normal 1vs1 CSL - MLG FFA Here are just some screenshot: DOWNLOAD: F2P WarmUp Enjoy...
Looks pretty cool and smooth. Are those man cannons functional or are they just there for decorative purposes? They give it a great touch.
So, YOU didn't make this, but it's on YOUR fileshare? Okay, so aesthetically, the map is great. I suggest you take an above shot next time, and give a better description. I like how you used walls to draw lines on the floor too. Next time why don't you give some action screen shots(= downloads).
This is hands down, probably the best map I've seen on Foundry. I think anyways. Are the fences in the middle making a dip? I most likely will dl this. I also would probably add a little more cover.
This account here is our team account so i host all the maps from all the maps of maps team. thats why its in "my" fileshare... but thanks for the possitive comments.
thats quite a stretch, to say this is hands down the best map on foundry, take a look at the featured maps. Anyways, this is still aesthetically a beautiful map, and i realize this is just meant for 1v1, but it looks like mostly spawn killing to me.
I've seen hog pit, and this is just like a mini version of it meant for people. I would DL Hog Pit but I don't have the Mythic or Legendary. Anyways, yea good map. Wouldn't recommend anymore than 2v2 though.