Foundry Elim Chamber

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by TwiztedMatt1007, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    NOTE: BOTH release mechanisms (CRMs) WORK properly in CUSTOM GAMES but RED base does NOT FUNCTION properly in FORGE unless you SHOOT the fusion COILS FIRST then attempt to use it.

    MXD on Elim Chamber
    Created by: TwiztedMatt1007
    Plays best with 10-12 people. Anymore will cause lag issues.

    (Click Images for Higher Quality)
    Not your traditional game of Dodgeball.

    This map may look like just another nicely forged Dodgeball arena but don't be fooled by its simple appearance, it is quite deceiving. This "map" is more of a working machine than a stagnant map with numerous anti-cheating elements added in as well as other elements that add depth to the gameplay. It is a fast paced game where only the best will survive. You need to be aware of your surroundings and hone your grenade throwing skills to not only be able to stick individuals but to be able to hit the target at the back of the enemy base, more on that in just a moment. This mini-game is fun, addictive, fast, and requires a certain level of skill but nothing to overbearing. I personally was horrible at sticking for a long time before and for a while after creating this game yet I still enjoyed it as did a great number of my friends. Over time this game will increase your abilities with grenades as well. Enough with the bantering, lets get into gameplay shall we?

    Now for the fun part. As most of you probable know the point of a Dodgeball game is to throw sticky grenades at your opponents in an attempt to kill them off before your team is wiped out. That basic trait is still a fundamental aspect of this game however, as stated before, its not quite that simple with this game.

    When a teammate dies they will respawn in an area that kind of looks like a giant Pez Dispenser. This area is called Purgatory. It is located at the back right corner of each enemy base. Keep an eye on it to see when your teammates need an out.

    Now, you may be wondering "how do I get my teammates out of this area?" Well, there is a hole at the back of the ENEMY base you need to land a grenade into to get them out. It is located UNDER the powerup at each base but above the yellow indicator from the receiver node.

    Landing this shot is not the easiest thing in the world to do but it is doable and with practice it will only get easier. When you get a grenade in the hole it will set off my mechanism I created and will let 1 to 2 teammates out. This mechanism is called the Containment and Release Mechanism, CRM for short. We will take a more in-depth look at the CRM later in the post for those of you who are interested. When someone is released they will fall onto a custom powerup, will turn gold, and will be invulnerable for 3 seconds to stop the person from being killed the second he or she is released.

    The last few things you need to know to be able to play the game are that the game will continue even when the timer runs out so long as there are two opposing teams on the field. So when you hear 10 seconds remaining don't worry about it.

    Grenades are not the only things on the map you can use to win the game either, as you could probable tell from the first image. Borrowing from MLG I set up two equipment items to drop spawn in at different times.

    1st Flare will spawn on each teams side to the left of the pit every 45 seconds and does not spawn there at start.

    2nd Regenerator will spawn on each teams side to the right of the pit every 60 seconds and does not spawn at start either.

    When one team is eliminated the center territory will capture and the round will end, best out of 5 rounds wins the game. If both teams are eliminated, in a worst case scenario, the players will need to wait no more then 1 minute for the round to end. In just about every case this wait will be a LOT shorter however because the game itself is designed to run off of Sudden Death. When both teams are dead, the territories are no longer being contested and the round will end as a draw after 5 seconds. The game timer is set to the minimum, 1 minute, as to get the players into Sudden Death as soon as possible.

    One last thing you need to know before partaking in a game. If you attempt to jump to the other side you will most likely fall to your death, you will turn pink in the process as well. There is a pit in the middle, pictured a bit later on in this post, that will teleport you to your death. If you DO make it across you will be greeted by the inability to move much at all, unable to deal damage, you will turn pink, you will be able to be killed by a fly, and will have an indicator above your head for the other team to see you stand out like a sore thumb.

    That's all you need to know to play the game so you can stop reading at this point and check out the action shots below. If you want a more detailed description of the game I will provide it for you in the next section.

    To nominate this map for a feature go here.

    Download the Map here.

    Download the Gametype here.

    Technical and Other In-depth Data:
    This is where you will find a more concrete breakdown of the gametype and just how a CRM works.

    As you saw above, you need to throw a grenade into the target at the back of the ENEMY base. I bet you're wondering just where it goes and what it does right? Well, first it is guided by these shield doors as it bounces around and finally lands where it is needed.

    Bounce two.

    Then like all good grenades it will detonate.

    Now, when the grenade goes off there are fusion coils in the CRM, as mentioned in the massive red note above. These fusion coils will be set off properly on both sides in custom games but in forge, for reasons beyond my understanding, the red base's will not fire unless you shoot them first (this has to be done only once), from the back, and then throw a grenade into the red base target and the CRM will function properly. When these fusion coils go off they will lift two wire spools unblocking the teleporter located in Purgatory allowing 1 to 2 people to be set free.

    Before explosion.

    After explosion.

    Person stuck in Purgatory waiting to be released.

    Ninja Vanish! After the explosion goes off the person goes into the CRM.

    The individual inside of the CRM just after the wire spools are moved out of the way. If you pay attention to this picture you will notice there are three chambers. The center one is where the player goes and is protected from the blast. The two outer ones are called the "Combustion Chambers" where the fusion coils are located. This way the person doesn't die while going through and the wire spools receive the proper amount of, encouragement to get out of the way.

    As I said before he falls onto a custom power up and turns gold.

    Finally he falls onto a second teleporter which takes him back into the game on his side of the field.

    This might seem a little complicated, and it is, but it works really well. These CRMs work properly about 90% of the time. I did testing to get this number as well and didn't just pull it out of my rear. This whole process only takes a couple seconds at max to accomplish so you aren't going through the CRM forever.

    Constructing these CRMs was a lot of work and I have spent a very long time revising my build and improving it where need be. Even to the point where I stacked the fusion coils in a specific manner to improve the reliability of the CRMs. I also put the wire spools in in a certain order. The first and third ones I spawned I put into one CRM and the second and fourth I put into the other. I also have one wire spool on each side set to 20 second respawn and the other to a 150 second resapwn to try and stop them from flashing out of existence and instantly respanwing, due to the runtime minimums, at the same time so players wouldn't get out for free. I have no idea of these measures actually do anything but I like to think I took every precaution.

    Last thing about the CRM, it can fail at times. One of two things will happen at this point, either the player's teammates will not be released or a player will become stuck in the CRM. If this happens, walk all the way to the back of the CRM and forwards until you are released. That is my fail safe part of it. You didn't think I'd just let you sit in there the entire game did you? As I said before though, the CRM works properly about 90% of the time.

    Purgatory is another place I would like to briefly talk about. Even though the top of it is open, it ends at about the invisible ceiling above Foundry so players cannot jump out. The two Purgatories are also set up to accommodate 10 people EACH so in Halo with even teams you can only have up to 8 people per team so the Purgatories work perfectly fine. I have also tested each and every respawn point myself on the map to ensure they all work. If a player somehow does get off the map, to get back on there is a death teleporter setup outside of the map to allow the player to die and then be placed in Purgatory. Mind you this has not happened in a custom game yet by either breaking the map in some manner or simply spawning outside.

    All issues brought up during the beta test have been dealt with. Some issues that hadn't come up have also been taken care of as well. If you want to see what the testers thought about my map you can view the feedback here.

    In-depth Gametype:
    When the game starts there will be a pause as the territories capture which will take around 5 seconds. During this time the players will have attacker traits. Once each sides territory is captured the players will be given Defender traits and the game will officially begin. Here's a breakdown of the traits and where they take effect.

    Territory Settings
    These are the traits players will have while actively playing the game. One stick WILL kill a player with full health.
    Damage Resistance: 200%
    Shield Recharge: 200%
    Shield Vampirism: 50% Leech
    Damage Modifier: 90%
    Infinite Ammo: Enable
    Player Gravity: 100%
    Motion Tracker: Off
    Everything else is unchanged or inherited.

    Players will only experience this during the first 5 seconds of the game, in the Pit of DOOM, and on the enemy side of the field.
    Damage Resistance: 10%
    Shield Recharge: 0%
    Shield Vampirism: Disabled
    Damage Modifier: 0%
    Infinite Ammo: Disabled
    Weapon Pickup: Disabled (This includes grenades)
    Player Speed: 25%
    Player Gravity: 200%
    Waypoint: Visible to Everyone
    Forced Color: Pink
    Motion Tracker: Off
    Everything else is unchanged or inherited.

    Players will experience this trait only when in Purgatory, the CRM before they pickup the Custom Powerup, and if they manage to get off the map.
    Damage Resistance: Invulnerable
    Shield Recharge: 200%
    Damage Modifier: 0%
    Weapon: Energy Sword
    Grenade Count: None
    Player Speed: 100%
    Player Gravity: 200%
    Motion Tracker: Off
    Forced Color: White

    Custom Powerup:
    Duration: 3 seconds
    Damage Resistance: Invulnerable
    Forced Color: Gold

    Friendly fire is disabled, round time limit does not matter because the game runs on Sudden Death, best out of 5 rounds wins.

    This photo outlines where these traits come into play. Red is attacker, blue is where the player spawns and has defender traits after the first 5 seconds of the game. There is no high res of this photo.

    What your team will see if an enemy makes it over.

    Super crazy secrete semi supported gametype!

    Its actually not all that crazy or awesome. I set this map up to work with KOTH for more traditional play. HOWEVER, map modification is needed! You WILL need to remove the respawns in the Purgatories and place them on the map. This is why I didn't post an official gametype for it. If you want to do this my suggestions for the gametype are as follows.

    Team King: Enable
    Team Scoreing: Sum of Team
    On Hill Points: -5
    Kill Points: 1
    Hill Movement: No Movement

    On Hill Traits;
    Damage Resistance: 10%
    Shield Recharge: -25% [Decay]
    Shield Vampirism: Disable
    Damage Modifier: 0%
    Infinate Ammo: Disable
    Weapon Pickup: Disable
    Player Speed: 25%
    Player Gravity: 200%
    Waypoint: Visible to Everyone
    Forced Color: Pink

    Base Player Traits;
    Damage Resistance: 200%
    Shield Recharge: 200%
    Shield Vampirism: 100% Leech (may want to put down to 50%)
    Damage Modifier: 100%
    Primary Weapon: Enerty Sword
    Grenade Count: None
    Infinite Ammo: Enable
    Weapon Pickup: Enable
    Player Speed: 100%
    Player Gravity: 100%
    Motion Tracker Mode: Off

    Respawn Settings;
    Respawn Time: 5 seconds (may want to change)
    Suicide and Betrayal Penalty: None

    Respawn Traits;
    Duration: 3 Seconds
    Damage Resistance: Invulnerable
    Shield Recharge: 200%
    Forced Color: Gold

    Turn ON friendly fire as well and turn OFF betrayal booting. For a final score make it based on time, set a score to be reached, or both!

    Action Shots!

    Time to think about releasing your teammates.

    Power Play

    Having a really bad day.

    Jump, Jump, Jump Around!

    There's a SPDR on your head! (Woot "I Love Bees" AND "RvB" reference!)

    If you read all of that thank you for taking the time to do so. It took me a very long time to write it all. Here are the download links again in case you missed them.

    [URL=""]To nominate this map for a feature go here.[/URL]

    [SIZE=5][URL=""]Download the Map here.[/URL]

    [SIZE=5][URL=""]Download the Gametype here.[/URL][/SIZE]

    Super extra special thanks to everyone who helped me test this map! Both from the testers guild and my friends! Without you guys and gals this would have never been possible. Thanks again.
    #1 TwiztedMatt1007, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    VERY detailed post. 19/5 for the post. It explains Just about everything about this map. I also love the death barriers. I have seen a dodge ball map almost exactly like this before, but not as good as this one. This is BY FAR the best dodgeball map I have seen. 23/5 for the map. You get what I mean. This is basically the perfect dodgeball map, even if you hate dodgeball games on Halo. This is a defenate dl for me. I could probably make something like this on sandbox, except without the purgatories.
    A few more questions:

    How long did it take you to make this map?
    How long did it take you to make the purgatories? Do you remember how to make them?
    Can I have your autograph? (lol jk)
    Is the gametype for this map a territories gametype?

    Bai now.
  3. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    wow, i am really really impressed with this map. Like you mentioned, at first i thought this was ANOTHER dodgeball map, but this is by far better, and much more like real dodgeball. The purgatory and that whole switch is brilliant. Overall, this looks like a great improvement on the old dodgeball idea.
  4. kilamanjara14izback

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    I was actually invited to test this map and since I was in a bored mood that day I decided to **** around with a duke nukem soundboard and got myself thrown out of it. I do wish I hadn't of been a **** head and had played this game. It looks great and original. I wish I could download it but hates me. 4.5/5 only reason for the .5 is because it is dodgeball and it has been done, just not like THIS.
  5. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    dude, way to go for the amazing post, i dont think i have ever seen a trainee put this much effort into his post ever, the map has a really great idea, i love the "purgatory" throw a grenade in the hole switch, the map looks very clean as well, congrats on that.

  6. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Hoo Lee Crap. This is genious. If what you are saying is true, this may be the most elaborate map map I've ever seen. I thought I was clever using KotH to devide the sides, but this is too much! I'm going to try this out, hopefully this meets my expectation. One thing i can say from looking at the pictures is the field is too narrow, width is a good thing in dodgeball maps. I'll check back once I've played it.
  7. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    I love this when we tested this.It was so much fun that everyone kept piling in and I was claustraphobic.One problem and I hope you remeberd and fixed this it is a major and hurts gameplay.I was the first to jump up and get OS and camo.Then on the OS(overshield) side I grenade jumped up and blocked them from getting teamates in.(see ima clevar boy.)Besides those major gameplay hits the game is alright.
  8. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    1. That depends on if we're talking about just this map or if we're talking about the CRM itself. I was designing and working on the CRM for almost 6 months, on and off that is. I actually built this game around the CRM and not the other way around.

    2. HA, way to long to get everything square and plumb. I believe I did it by using concrete barricades for the spacing, if not that then barrels. Its been way to long since I did them to remember correctly. To test the respawns I believe I put all the respawns to one specific team and changed the one I was testing to my team. Beleive it or not it was a pain in the butt to get all of them working properly in the enclosed space.

    3. The gametype is territories. All that you need to do to play this game is load it up, get a party together, and press start. The gametype and map will run everything themselves.

    Indeed. That was the first issue I took care of. As I said in the post all issues that came up during the test have been taken care of. Even a couple other things I noticed were taken care of. The game is even more solid now.

    The map is a bit narrow but due to item limit I cannot make it any wider. It has a fair amount of depth however to help avoid the grenades.

    I also did not break the budget so adding a roof isn't possible and I personally like it without a roof. A nice thing about no roof, the exit to the death teleporter is right above the field. So if you take the time to fall to your doom you can see your pink corpse sitting on the glass above the field, as can everyone else in the game.

    Lastly, this is not currently doable on Sandbox because Sandbox does not have wire spools. I am working on that however.
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played it, and everything was up to what you said it was. This map is amazing. Its funny because in the production of my dodgeball map, me and my friends were thinking of the exact same thing as you, with the same basic CRM design, but a having a KotH hill covering the field. Our problem was deviding the field, and you solved that perfectly!

    Basicly, the objective of the game is to control the court, and to get your opponents off, you stick them. Maybe you should add that to your discription, for the lazy people.

    The temorary unblocking of the teleporter, and how you thought of using territories is just mind blowing. This adds a much more interesting angle on dodgeball, so great job!
    #9 Seaboro Kibbles, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  10. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Best dogdeball map ever. The entire release mechanism is brilliant, and thank you for showing us exactly how everything was done. Not only will I be downloading this, but I'll be playing it nonstop for a long time. Wow.
  11. Civil Heroes75

    Civil Heroes75 Ancient
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    Definitely the most amazing dodgeball map I have ever seen. I love the CRM to get your partners back into the game. I absolutely love this map and its tons of fun to play on. It gets a little crazy with 8v8, but it's still pretty fun. 7.6/5
  12. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    "click" download links
    "click" Turns on xbox
    "click" turns off xbox
    "click" goes to forgehub

    100/5 man AWESOME map! I can't even imagine how long it took you to think and build this. I myself have considered making a doge ball map but this would crush and burn it to pieces amazing! This should be featured.
  13. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    Thanks to you and everyone else who has supported this map! Keep the reviews and the constructive criticism coming! Don't forget to rate this thread and the map/gametype on I can't say I'm surprised that someone else thought of the basic CRM design as well. That is actually one of the reasons I wanted to get this map out as soon as I could but not rush it and in doing so compromise the overall quality. I think I did pretty well at achieving that goal.

    I like your description on how the map plays. I would add it into the main post however I separated the post into two parts for that very reason. That way those who just want to play the map and not learn how everything works can do so. The main thing I can see that description is missing is how to get your teammates out of Purgatory.

    I hope with my technical description of how it works others will come up with other maps to support the CRM design and even come up with their own designs. I am currently in the process of creating 2 different CRM models which are showing promise but still need a lot of refining. When they are done, if I can find an appropriate section to post it on this site, I will be posting a tech demo map showing just how all three of them work. If I cannot I will post it elsewhere so at least people can then go there and check it out. I can't wait to see what the community comes up with to utilize this CRM and what other types of CRMs will be created!
  14. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    The map is a piece of well forged excellence and the CRM mechanism is truly an impressive feature. This is most likely the best dodge ball map I have ever seen. I will download this map and enjoy it with my friends.

  15. drewdinie

    drewdinie Ancient
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    OMG I LOVE THIS MAP i have played 6 times in a row with same people my friends love it everyone i play with love it I AM NOT JOKING WHEN I SAY THIS BUT THIS IS THE BEST MAP I HAVE EVER PLAYED ON EVER i have never seen anything like this i wish i wouldve made this if i could give you recon i would if i could give you a million dollars i would ( maybe not that) I LOVE THIS MAP BEST MA EVER. 200/200
  16. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    To give everyone an update, the map AND gametype have over 200 downloads! The game is also up for a vote on XForgery to be featured this Friday. If you want to check out the poll you can do so here. Lastly, if you download this map and gametype don't forget to rate it.

    Edit: A member of Forge Hub has also written a very well written review of this game here. I will be going for an official review from the Review Hub portion of this site when I get back from vacation in a few weeks.
    #16 TwiztedMatt1007, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  17. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    Looks like this map is pretty intense. Although the gameplay has been done before many times, I like how you incorporated other effects such as the CRm to work properly. I will, or i must give this a download and see what it's all about, and how that damn thing works. =)
  18. Mr Panda

    Mr Panda Ancient
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    This Game was very fun i like the way you release your teammates 5/5
  19. Flowbotz

    Flowbotz Ancient
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    There have was alot of dodgeball maps mad before.But this is different.I thought that there was a chamber,and the teamate had to throw it in the hole to unlock him,I thought that was really cool.Also really new.Good idea making a gap in the middle so nobody can cheat.Nice map.
  20. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Woohoo! I am the blue guy with Mark V hel in 1st action shot! Yeah! (But I failed to release them miserably. Lol.)

    Onto the game. When I tested this a while back, I was really astonished at what it is and how you executed it into Halo 3. I really thought this was one of the most intuituive, innovative, and overly creatuive ideas ever in halo history. I had never played dodgeball in halo 3, but when I played this I really liked it. This isn't the average dodgeball map. This has a working detah pit, a trapping area and a capture-and-release system like no other. I've heard of others but none of them had a jail system like you do. The "purgatory", I'll call it, is very cool and works very well, and the system is extremely planned out, and very well too. I've never had a problem with this, even with escapability and teleportation problems. The way to get the people out of purgatory is very cool too, but I hope you fixed the problem with grabbing the power-up. the gameplay is golden and exhilarating, it is very fun to play with 5v5. 8v8 was a lot in my opinion, and it lagged when I played that. Lower numbers like 6v6, 5v5 and 4v4 is best for lag issues but still offering hectic gameplay, also keeping super grenade spammage out.

    Overall, this is one of the better mini-game maps out there, one of the best actually. I really think this is very creative, and can see this on FH favorites from its awesome gameplay, inventive Containment and Release system, and amazing building. 5/5. Very nice job, TwiztedMatt1007.

    Keep Forging!

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