ForgeHub Executioners

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by NOV3D, May 31, 2009.

  1. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    IF you are going to be in the forum for awhile you may want to play this song just so you have something to listen to.
    The song will change every week if you have any request you may want to send us a message.
    YouTube - Fly Like An Eagle Steve Miller Band


    Hi I am the poster of the ForgeHub Judge Team called the Executioners.
    We are a team that downloads maps on Forgehub and rates them by
    these 4 different Categories Appearance, Originality,
    Game play, and Presentation. After we have played the map at least 3 times.
    Me and my team will discuss the map so we can come up with reasonable rates for the 4 categories
    but not all categories are worth the same amount of points.
    So don't worry if you made a map that is really good looking but the presentation is bad.
    Because the way are rating system works is appearance and Game play are worth the most of your overall score.
    So if you made a really good map then your score will be great.
    So after we are done rating the 4 categories we will sum them all up to form your overall score
    After completing your score I will go back and add in titles to your scores so you can get a better understanding of them.​

    Appearance- is based on looks, style, and how well you pulled off your theme. Appearance is also 40% of your score.
    So it is worth 2 point's.
    Disturbing, Garbage, Disaster, Horrifying, Macaroni Art, Center Piece, Work Of Art, Monument, Master Piece, Mona Lisa

    Game play- is based on how well your map keeps people entertained and if it played like you said it would. Game Play is also 40% of your score.
    So it is worth 2 point's.
    Razer Blades and Lemon Juice, Horrible, Trash, Uncomfortable, Relaxed, Home Sweat Home, Exciting, Heave On Forge, Legendary, Mythical

    Originality- is based on how unique your map is and how different it is from all the others. Originality is also 10% of your score.
    So it is worth 1/2 of a point.
    Ditto, Mirror, Resource, Unique, Exotic

    Presentation- is based on how well you showed off your map with pictures, videos, and great descriptions. Presentation is also 10% of your score.
    So it is worth 1/2 of a point.
    Temporary Blindness, Eye Sore, Boring, Entertaining, Shark Attack

    ForgeHub Team Executioners Online
    The Forgehub Team Executioners is not just a system link team it also has it's beloved online team. Which is much more complex and well
    organized. The difference between these two teams is big. On the system link team everyone who plays the map has a say on how the Game play and
    Appearance of a map is rated. Unlike the online team which must be controlled by ranks and so only certain people have a say about the rates of the
    map. Sad for some but it does keep things in line and not out of control. Also the team members on the system link team are not aloud to post on a
    map that has been tested unlike the online team were any one can state what the thought about the downloaded map. Freedom of speech can't stop
    it. LOL

    Here is a little bit of info on the ranks and who is placed in the spots.
    If there is a spot open and you wish to join the online team go on send me a message asking what position you want
    and why you would be good for that spot. :)

    Information- LOL, You can't get this spot!
    NOV3D-Hi I am Devon Sandoval better know as NOV3D. I am 17 years old pretty
    young to be running this team but I think I do a pretty good job at it. I am
    not just a Reviewer but I am also a great forger and MLG Player.
    So if you ever need help just ask.​

    Information- You must be a Manipulator for at least 30 days be for you can become a Oracle. This is to insure that people who become all knowing don't turn out to be all knowing dip shits or just plain out retards. The Oracle position requires allot more to know then any other of are member positions. It almost requires you to be an all knowing master at forging just to have a chance at making it. Now to become an Oracle just like all other positions you need to make the requirements to qualify and I am not joking when I say that your brain is going to explode trying to learn everything for this position. OK time to make room in that tiny little head of yours. First up you must be able to tell the difference between every type of map Exp Slayer, CTF, or Zombie, also every type of building structure Exp rough, smooth, or jagged, and Blue print layout Exp (A), (B), or (X). Because with out this ground work of knowledge about maps feel of structure your reply post might look some thing like this. Forgehub Member: "I was just wondering what do you think the best game type would be to play on Epitaph with". Oracle Dip ****: "Well of course with Epitaphs (A) structure layout, and its rugged feel. It would be best for a Zombie game type just because it does not give the infected to much of any advantage and the humans would have allot of spots to hold off at with the shotgun So they would not die to fast". Wow, could you imagine but it is possible so that is why you need to know those map structures but that is just the beginning for Qualifying to become an Oracle. You must also know everything there is to know about forging 101 from grabbing a box in forge to Geometry merging. No one whats to have to wait for a reply back because the Dip **** Oracle is looking up the answer to interlocking two boxes. Also you must know everything about Forgehub from clicking a link to using BB coding. It is very vital to know this because we would not want are Oracles looking like they them selfs were just Viagra popping pill hippopotamuses. That could only help you physically jack off. Are Oracles must be smart it is unbelievably important that they are. They must know all about the Forgehub Executioners team from what we do as a team to who we masturbated to last Thursday and why. The Oracle position is almost all about knowing what the team is up to so if you still don't know how are rating system works then you may want to do a little bit more research be for you try to upgrade to this position and last but not the least learning how to talk professional. Most people who like to sound there opinion type something like this. Forgehub Member: "OMG WTF, I can not believe you ratted my profile a 1 out of 5 I spent 3 weeks making that map and you are just going to say that it could us some work because it was only 5 box's interlocked together and 69 weapons hidden around it that were all out side of the map. So you could not even get them bull ****! My map deserved more then what you gave if you ****ing non knowing how to review map fagots"! We want you to type something like this Smart Oracle: "I am sorry to hear that your map was ratted low and you think that it could have been reviewed a little bit better. I will talk to the Reviewer of your map for you and see if he could possible send you a private message stating why he or she reviewed your map the way they did. If you feel that it was more of a personal review then a actual review you could always personally ask another reviewer on the team to review your map again and the first one will be deleted immediately after the second one has been posted. Thank you and if there is any more problems please feel free to ask". See much better when you don't type like you have a 16inch long pipe shoved up your ass. I know that if people see you type like that you will be taken more serous as an Oracle. OK now that you have met all the requirements and your brain is now the size of basket ball you may have a chance at becoming a Oracle but you may want to know all the things they are in charge of because this position is no joke at all. The Oracles are like the C.E.Os of the team they are here to help you out with anything you need it could be just a simple "Hey what is the best map the executioners team has ever reviewed" or it could be "Hey I was just wondering what came first the chicken or the egg". The Oracles also have the ability to make Forgehub members into Manipulators or promote Manipulators into Berserker's. They also have the ability to have people kicked off the team! All they have to do is talk to the Executioner and it will be done. So if I were you I would stay on the Oracles good side. I am pretty sure you are looking at the Oracle as a do what ever you want member its not. They have duties to Oracles must post update reviews on the Executioners team forum. Talking about the latest news on the team, Projects under work, Need to go upcoming events online and offline, A map that is new to Forgehub that is climbing in downloads fast telling what you think about it, and also post on any upcoming things that do with Halo. Now that you know all about the Oracle position and you are done picking up your brain matter you should now that if you have what it takes you should defiantly take this position and to the already Oracles I take my hat off to you if i had one on. Its nice to have you on board.
    Given To Fly-Hey, I'm Given To Fly. I'm the Oracle around here, and I try to pay as
    much attention to detail as possible. I'm always there to answer your questions about
    map reviews, forging techniques, and anything related to the Forgehub Executioners,
    and Forge. I myself believe Aesthetics are as much important to a map, as the gameplay
    itself is. That is why I try to make my maps as Aesthetically pleasing as possible. Anyway,
    Don't hesitate to ask questions, as I'll be happy to answer them. ;)
    Not Taken-​

    Information- You must be a Manipulator for at least 10 days be for you can become a Berserker. This is to make sure you are with the team and not just here for a one night stand and maybe a breakfast in bed.The Berserker position is the most important member on the forgehub executioners team. There job is not easy it is much more then just judging peoples maps but be for we start talking about what the Berserker members do lets first talk about what you must do to qualify for the position. You must be a great forger your self, you must have a map already posted on forgehub, and you also must be able to tell what makes a map unbelievable in game play and in appearance. No one would want there map to be judged by some asshole who does not know how to forge himself/herself or hasn't ever seen a forged map on Foundry and sandbox. because them non knowing how to forge assholes review posts would look something like this. " Umm umm um ok here it goes I am going to lay it out for you about this map. It looks like another map i just reviewed so I am going to give it a 1 in originality, your pictures look like a bunch of sand so I am going to give you a 1 in presentation, also your map looks to sandy for my taste so I am going to give you a 1 in appearance, and for game play I can't really judge that right now because i still have to get my **** out of my ass and try to get a grip on Halo 3's game play be for I can tell how your map plays out. So I am going to give you a 1 on game play". Do you see what I am trying to say. Also if you are to qualify for the berserker position you must know all about merging and interlocking. If you do not have any clue as to what I just type you may want to check out Forging 101 it will get you caught up with all the latest abilities of forging and could make you a forge master. You can find the Forging 101s link on Forgehubs main page but if you are fat mentally and just want the easy way there here is a link to Forging 101. Now that you understand what forging is and know a few tricks to make your map feel allot smother. Its time to go onto the nest requirements to becoming a berserker the Executioners ranking system. The executioners ranking system is the key to a good review it is much more different then most ranking systems but just as easy to grasp. If you still wish to learn about the system so you can have a chance of becoming a Berserker you may want to go learn about it on the top of the Executioners forum page. This will take awhile to learn so try to play some music well you read all about the ranking system. Now that you know all about Forging 101, have made a great map, have a map posted on Fogrehub, and know all about are teams ranking system you may be able to achieve the berserker position. Which may be more then what you can handle like I typed be for they don't have a easy job to do. The Forgehub Berserker's have one main job reviewing maps but there is allot to it. You must check the forum when ever you are on to see if any one has posted asking for a review and if you are willing to review there map you must post right after it stating that you would be willing to do the job. This is so all other Berserker's know that that map is going to be reviewed by you and this will negate double review on one map by the Executioners team because double review can get you kicked off the team. After posting your reply stating that you will review the map you will have 1 week to do so and if you run into a problem and are not able to review the map in time you should try to ask another reviewer to take over for you. This is so the team does not get bad feed back for how long it took to review there map. A berserker's first map review is there most important because it tells what kinda reviewer they are and also if they are any good at it, if your first review is bad or has to much bad feed back on the team you will kicked off the team immediately! It is no joke to mess with are teams appearance in map rating and will not be tolerated. Berserker's must review at least 1 map a week this is so the team does not have maps build up and rain chaos all over the team and have are members commit suicide just because they can not keep up with the request. If you have made this position on the team congratulations and thank you for being apart of the best review team ever to hit Forgehub.
    PHROST-Hey. My names Ryan also known as P H R O S T, and I have the tips to
    keep you fraggin like a pro! Just kiddin. But I'll kill you.
    Vick1107-Wut up my names vick better known as your defeater I'm untouchable
    and unbeatable, 4 shots 6 kills.
    Tartan Spartan-The rampant Scotsman of the team. I'm not ginger though
    Not Taken-​

    Information- You must have been a forgehub member for at least a week be for you can become a Manipulator. The reason you must wait 1 week is because we would not what someone joining the team and still not know how to post or use BBC on forgehub. We are a review team not a extraordinary league of baby sitters. So if you don't know how to do those two things then you may want to STOP READING right now because you are just wasting your time. Ok now that you know how to use BBC and learned how to post. Your ready for the next step. Ahh the best part your duties as a Manipulator that is if you can get the position. Manipulators are more like the party people of the team they really have no responsibilities. Except spreading the knowledge of the Executioners review team to all who are in need of a review not just random people because thats spam and the spam forgehub monster will rape you for such a crime. So just remember spread news to the needy and NOT NEEDED + SPAM = RAPE by Spam Monster. Thats about it. Now we get to what the highlights are about the position. Lets start with reserved spots in Midnight Madness Weekly Mayhem. This means that if you want in at any time you just send a message over Xboxlive and the little punk taking up your space will immediately be kicked out of the party to make room for you. Next, being able to forge with any master of forge that you choice in the team. Just set up a date and try to make your master peace come to life with the help of professionals. Thats not it you also get a few special prizes that are not allowed to be listed but believe me when I say that if you are a forger on forgehub. ''All your worries will fly away''. THIS SAYING IS NOT GUARANTEED IN 46 states.
    Esorath-At 21 years old, I am heading into my Senior year of college. I live in
    Gainesville, FL, but go to school in GA I enjoy many games, but Halo is what I always turn back to.
    Not Taken-
    Not Taken-
    Not Taken-
    Not Taken-
    Not Taken-​

    The Condemned list is a list that shows every single map that us the Executioners have rated.
    To help tell if the map was rated good or bad we have also come up with a color scheme to help you.
    So if you want to see some maps that had bad ratings or good ratings.
    You will know which one would be a good choice
    just by looking at the color. :)
    Color Scheme
    Terrible, Bad, Average, Good, Excellent
    Kehpri's v2
    The Dojo v2
    Number 3
    COD4 Showdown
    There's Blood on the Beach
    SunDown v3
    Aleph Six

    Its time that you take a break from just rating maps and chill out and have a blast with friends and new comers to the ForgeHub Executioner Forum

    with Midnight Madness. Midnight Madness is a system that allows you to post upcoming Halo events, matches, or just fun custom games that you
    would like other people to know about. So they may have a chance to join and have a blast with you and your party.To get
    your Halo match added to the system all you have to do is post a message in the Executioners forum giving this
    information Host, Date, Time, Time Zone, and a little info about the game types that are going to be

    played and the Forgehub Executioner will add your event to the list for you.
    Note: please give you gamer tag as Host name. This is so that the people who want to join

    will know who to send a message to about the game over Xbox live. After you are done
    posting your match up all you have to do is sit back, relax, and wait for the best time of your life in Halo.
    Color Scheme
    ForgeHub Junior Member, ForgeHub Member, Executioner online member, Executioner system link member, ????? Guaranty Great Time!
    HOST========DATE======TIME=====TIME ZONE======== INFORMATION===============================
    NOV3D======Sep/19/2009=====9:00=======Central USA========= Midnight Madness Weekly Mayhem========================
    HOST========DATE======TIME=====TIME ZONE======== INFORMATION===============================

    Midnight Madness Weekly Mayhem
    Great job in wanting to learn about M.M.W.M because believe me you are going to want to be apart of this action. M.M.W.M is a unique event that allows you to play in some of the best maps on To be exact you get to play 12 unbelievably great maps but don't think that you are just going to be playing the same game type over and over again because that would just be retarded. No, you will get the chance to play 4 different sets of game types Team Slayer, Objective, Infection, and Racing. Each one having 3 of its own maps and game types so that nothing is like giving berth for a second time. OK, I know a few people out there are probably thinking so what about playing great maps and game types its all about the people. Well I think we got that covered because M.M.W.M will have you playing with 12 people no less no more. Just look at it this way thats enough people to have a twelvesome with. OK now look at the hole picture 12 people, 12 Maps, 12 Game Types, and it all last for about 1/4 of 12 hours. For you slow people that is 3 hours. So what the hell are you waiting for send the Host of the next M.M.W.M a message over Xbox live saying you want to be apart of the action and may have a chance of being apart of the greatest thing to ever be in the Halo custom party lobby!

    Pictures from last M.M.W.M







    If you have any questions, want us to Judge a map or just want to state what you think about the Executioners please post below thank you. :)
    But you should know that INFECTION MAPS take along time to rate do to the fact that it must be tested in several areas. So if you send us a
    infection map a post will not be up for at least 5 days and we will not review any maps that have not had a post on them for longer then
    3 weeks. Also please don't send this account a message asking to rate a map
    if you wish to have a map rated by us please post in this forum.
    THANK YOU :)
    [Very IMPORTANT]
    This forum has many pictures that belong to many artist. We the team just want to say we take no credit at all for the Images that are seen in this
    forum they are all done by great artist. Remember copyrighting is against the LAW and we are all about fallowing the rules. :) Also we would like to say
    that this team just because of the Images and Names that have been chosen does not make us at all related to these groups Emo, Gothic, Saintanic,
    Devil Worshiper, Blood lusting weirdos, and any other weird retarded group, crue, or gang. We just choice this as the theme for the team. :)
    Thank you :)
    #1 NOV3D, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2010
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    You should have a thread dedicated to the maps that you have already passed judgment upon. And then, a top 10 or whatever on which maps you think are awesome.
  3. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Great idea will do soon. :)
    #3 NOV3D, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn, you look professional. Nice to see some people can actually post a decent post. I 'twas a little dubious a first, but presentation and everything is nice.

    OK, who exactly is on your team? Also, some of your categories should be joined up eg. merging and interlocks should go under 'Forging Techniques' and you should place a lower emphasis on appearance and presentation when considering your final score.

    Also, can people submit maps for this thread?
    #4 noklu, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  5. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Most of my team members don't like there tags being thrown out to the public but I can give you one which is my good friend ###### ##### he is a great forger :) and for the forging techniques the reason i don't do that is because I wanted to brake down the categories a bit more. The last idea was pretty good I might just do that. :) because maps should be judge more about them and not on how there sold.

    PS: If there is any map that you wish for my team to Judge just send me a link.
    #5 NOV3D, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry to rain on your parade, but the Review Hub will be out soon and will monopolize the rating community.

    As for your review team, it needs some work. You need to be pointed in the right direction.

    First and foremost, you need to use impeccable spelling and grammar. If you cannot use 'pulled' correctly, you need to brush up on your stuff. Try using FireFox if you are a bad speller. It has spell check. I cannot take you seriously if your text is a punishment to read. Also, take time to construct your message. The message should be conveyed in an attractive and interesting manner as to support your cause, but no in an arrogant form.

    The categories your team has chosen seem somewhat a misrepresentation of what maps should be. Gameplay is by far the most important part of a map, yet you have let only 1/6 of the rating be for it. Why is that?

    You seem to base 1/2 of your ratings on aesthetics. This is a very bad idea because maps should be judged by how well they play not by how good they look. You have appearance, merging, and interlocking. Appearance is agreeable, but are the other two necessary? All 3 can be considered as one category.

    First off, your view on merging is either incorrect or I have misinterpreted it. Fusing 2 or more objects together is called interlocking. Meging or geo-merging is fusing an object with original map geometry. I think you have your terms jumbled. Next, you have interlocking as filling in cracks which can also be geo-merging. Both of these categories can be considered minuscule parts of gameplay and/or aesthetics.

    Your category system confuses me. I do not understand how filling crack can be as important as gameplay. You would have to have some wort of weighting system, but your explanation shows no sign of one.

    Let's say you review map X. Map X is beautiful, so it gets a 10 in appearance. It has cool shapes, so it gets a 10 in merging. It has no cracks, so it gets a 10 in interlocking. It is unique, so it gets a 10 in originality. The thread has enough pictures and a good description, so it get a 10 in presentation.

    Appearance: 10/10
    Merging: 10/10
    Originality: 10/10
    Presentation: 10/10

    Wait, we forgot gameplay. It's horrible. You could break out, the spawns were horrible, the weapons were imbalanced, and it was just no fun. It gets a 0.

    Let's average the score.

    4.167 Hmm that seems a bit high for such a bad map.

    According to you rating, Map X gets a 4.167(8.333) even though it has horrible gameplay. The Review Hub's cirteria would give it a 2(4).

    Do you see what I am getting at? Your current category system misrepresents what maps are all about which is playability. Ihope this helps. Know that I am not trying to hurt you or your group. I am trying to help.
  7. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I got about half my team over here at my place and we all read what you posted. You have many good idea's and that is why we are going to change many of our Judging tactics. It may take a bit but when we are done everything should be allot more understandable and allot more reasonable.

    Thanks for the help :)
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You've prettied up your thread nicely, but in the end the 'condemned' list is just calling out **** maps. I don't think that's fair on the map creators. However, if you help the map creators with second versions or their forging in general then this group may have more to it than this group could be helpful to the community (assuming the review hub doesn't beat you to it).

    Also, your sig needs to be a maximum of 500x200 pixels.
  9. natu

    natu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya, you look proffesional enogough. Just make sure you're consistent with your Critiqueing and You do a good job;D

    And I agree with Fish, people really wouldn't like that.

    Edit: Your text colours are cool ;D
    #9 natu, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  10. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Are rating system is more complex now and it is all thx to What's A Scope.

    If you do not like the new rateing system please tell us what you dont like about it and we will try to fix it the best way possible.
  11. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    This looks pretty good
    but some of your colors are hard to read (The ones on the extreme ends of the scale)
    and isn't it spelled "ditto"?
  12. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Yeah thanks for the fix.
    PS: Your map was pretty good :)

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
  14. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
  15. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
    Senior Member

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  16. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah no problem, I will have it downloaded right away but I will not be able to post on it any time soon do to the fact my 360 is at my friends house getting fixed it was having some over heating problems. I should have it back in 3-4 days. When I get it back we will be able to get started with the maps. We have about 7 maps we still have to do but we should be able to do 4 a day. :)
    #16 NOV3D, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  17. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have a map for you to test. it's called Urban Thunder. Can you do this? it's on my file share for you to download.
  18. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sorry Mavrick145 I can not download your map and rate it unless you give me a exact link to your maps page. :(
    So if possible could you send us a link.
    THANK YOU :)
  19. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  20. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will have the map downloaded soon but be for I do. I must say nice job on the bases I took one look at your pictures and could tell the you spent some time on them.

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