TLC Abstract is part of The True Link Clan's Circuit made by A Stradivarius and ThePhillUp. This map is symmetrical, and is made for MLG King of The Hill v6. The True Links View of Map A Base Inside Base Hill #1 (Sniper Tower With Sniper) Hill #2 In Middle Hill #3 Next To Base Pyramid and Back Base View From Back Base Overshields Download Link
Really crappy rooftop like things, but besides that, this map is just fine, it has almost everything to make it a good map, the only thing whats missing is a feeling. Because it just looks empty.
Please define feeling because I would want to use "feeling." The map to me looks a bit sloppy but still good, if you used walls or something to align your boxes and doors it would appeal much more.
Thanks for your feedback. When we were making this map, we were caring about play style more than looks. We tried to make it look as best we could, but overall we wanted the gameplay on it to be successful. We would appreciate more downloads and comments.
Is it even possible to get to the sniper tower without having to do some crazy ninja jump? The map seems very empty and has lots of lazy cover which isn't good. There's too many jump ups that hurt the flow of the map. The map just screams spawn killing because of how open the map is. The map is very flat. The forging is subpar and seems rushed. For your next map try to take some time on it.
When we tested this, there was never a spawnkill. And yes, you can get to the sniper tower by taking the ramps, then do a simple jump.
I like this design. Hill #2 is very innovative, but Hill #3's lower Double Box is crooked. I like how you went diagonally across Foundry, too. I also like the Custom spawn, as well. Nice job on the map, I just suggest cleaning it up in a v2.
I think a lot of you should download it and actually look at it in game. 95% of people here seem to be concerned more about looks than actually gameplay.