Last Night me and Cr0ok3d were messing around on Ghost Town and I think we got some decent shots. Vote for which one's the best. And please tell me name ideas for the second and third if you have them. 1. (Protrusion) 2. (Untitled) 3. (Untitled II) C&C please.
Awsome I fell in love with the first one it has great colours and lighting.I think that is an overused angle.The second is noth that original but its alright.And the last is pretty cool.Overall they are alright.
Damn, I had a huge post but then I voted in the poll before submitting. sadfaic. So in short, they're all very good but try to vary your player a bit, even if only by just changing the weapons. And I liked them all and would definitely like to know how you did the "Protrusion effect", as I believe this effect can be put to better use (so good effect, but not so good screenshot overall) And I voted for "go die" because I couldn't decide which pic I liked most. **** happens. Go die.
xD. I'm sorry. Thank you, and I already explained how I think I got that. I'll go ahead and add another option, just for you.
I like your style of pictures alot, the second one is very in you face and i like the editing you did to them. The would be great if you didn't were that crappy helmet. It looks like theres an ass on ur face
Thanks. 1, I wear it because it's less used than Katana. 2, I didn't do any editing to them. I took them, went to Bnet and uploaded to ImageShack, that's it.