Sandbox Hog the Hill: Skyline

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Brawling around with warthogs is a consistently fun game that has been played for years, and I’m giving this game a good home with my new map, Skyline. It’s got a scoring system. It supports lots of players. It’s got different elevations. It’s got it all.

    YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 37) "Skyline" (machinima)
    Thanks to Game Over Studios for another good video.​

    [SIZE=+1]Download Game - Hog the Hill[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=+1]Download Map- SKYLINE[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=+1]Players Suggested: 2-12[/SIZE]

    "Three sides, two levels, many vehicles, and endless fun."

    I learned from the gameplay of The Hog Hill, Skyline’s predecessor, and put everything I learned into this map. Skyline doesn’t have any walls to park your warthog up against and sit there the whole round, and I added different elevations to make things interesting. Running into vehicles that no one’s using is annoying, so on the three sides of the map, outside the hill, are platforms with an extra hog and two ghosts. Because these platforms are outside the hill there is no point in staying out there and if no one’s using the vehicles there still out of the way.

    The game:
    Hog the Hill is a King of the hill varient, which awards 10 points for controling the hill, which ends the round. Many warthog war type maps build the arena too low, it takes one second for the score to activate, and some maps are too low, this isn't the case with Skyline. The game actually decreases a players gravity when they're off the hill, making their fall time bigger.

    Without further a due, I present to you, a bird’s eye view:

    [SIZE=+1]Action Shots![/SIZE]













    This is a great game, but it could use much improvement, please leave as much feedback as possible. Thanks!

    Download Game
    Download Map
    #1 Seaboro Kibbles, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  2. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    The map looks awsome. From the pictures it looks small for the warthogs to move around.
    But thats what makes it fun!
    The maps gameplay looks really good and everything.
    Although, because of the two levels you essentially could just camp/sit on the top level. Other than that awsome!
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    The map is narrow for a reason. I find that with a big wide surface the players are in no threat, which makes the game boring. The top level is very narrow because if you fall off, you'll probably land on the lower level. And I've never had anyone camp/sit on the top level, what do you mean? Great criticism by the way.
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Hmmm Just the shape is different You never really see multilevel hog wars maps like this. The design is cool and it looks great and after a few games Im still having fun knocking around my friends. King of the hill seems to work well and Im glad you threw it on instead of the classic 1 life gametype. Good work this is a cool map.
  5. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    This is an instant classic. Who knew such a simple game could get such good recognition. The arena is considerably small though, but it is not worth a fix since the game is just so fun. Good luck on future maps!


    Senior Member

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    that map looks awsome.
    maybe i would delt the warthog and add for example two gooses or something.
    btw the interlocking is very good.
    so overall nice job.
  7. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    It looks small, but it's not. There is more than enough room, even when the full 12 players are playing. Thats just me though, i could add on for the next one.

    Mongooses are so lame in this game, well, there more annoying than lame. They can't ram for **** so they just run away. Oh, and they can't even jump the gap where the extra vehicles are, and if i shorten that gap then people could jump over, and that's not kewl. I thought about prowlers, but they're either overpowering, or they fall off too much.

    I decided on ghosts because they are like, anti-infantry vehicles in this game. When there are high numbers of people playing, people get stupid for some reason and get out of their vehicles, but also when there are high numbers of people, the ghosts become available, and they splatter the crap out of the walkers. Ghost are also super fun, and can make some crazy jumps, so that is why i chose ghosts.
  8. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    the forging is incredible, its very rare to see this much work go into a simple mini game, but this is a definate download from me. I love the use of the red and blue columns
  9. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I'm not gonna lie, this looks a little rushed, unless you were going for that lack of symmetry look. Other than that, just a few loose objects.
    Anyway, this is amazing. I love the aesthetics. I may actually play a game one it :D
    But again, if you decide to revise it, make it a little neater and give that bottom level a more radial, like what you did with the columns on the top level.
    I hope the criticism doesn't tell you I don't like this map, because it's amazing.
  10. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    The best part about this map is definitely the aesthetics. The gameplay is fun but not super original. Overall it's about a 3.5/5. Keep up the good work though.
  11. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I've always loved the first Hog Hill. It's still on my hard drive, even after all of these months. It's also the only monster jam map I've ever kept. I only had to change one thing to the gametype to make it work as efficiently as I wanted it to (one life so that the round can end if everyone falls off). But this is much better. I'm glad that you, rather than just remaking the old version in the skybubble with maybe a few more paths, actually learned from the old version and made the new best monster jam map ever played. I will edit this post and or send you a visitor message with any problems I encounter depending on how active this thread is when I encounter them, which I probably won't, because they probably don't exist!
  12. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    "this looks a little rushed" "I love the aesthetics" -A little contradicting, don't you think? I guess you love the look of something rushed lol. :p

    Anyway, when i was making this i thought that i'm spending too much time making everything line up because that really doesn't affect the gameplay. With fun high-paced games like this I find that I'm too worried about the other players than scoping out the forging.

    I do find the bottom level a little bland now that i look at it... I'll keep that in mind for the next one.

    "Brawling around with warthogs is a consistently fun game that has been played for years, and I’m giving this game a good home with my new map, Skyline." I **** you not.

    When people play this game they're not like "did you see that blue thing in the sky, that looks cool" they're more like "Woah! that was so cool when you smashed into that guy and got launched into the sky and i was like, 'do a barrel roll' and that you did do a barrel roll but it was RIGHT OVER MY HEAD"
    #12 Seaboro Kibbles, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  13. TwiZteD

    TwiZteD Ancient
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    Wow...... The aesthetics are amazing.!! but I think this map is to small for the gametype you've made. For a v2 i would try and make the map wider instead of taller. As it is now i'll give the map a 3.5/5 and the gametype 4/5. i will d/l and test it out and will be looking out for a v2. :p
  14. R3im1nAtoR

    R3im1nAtoR Ancient
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    I loved the Hog Hill on Foundry, so I'll be sure to give this one a go. Good work!
  15. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    So, this is basically Monster Trucks. I really see this map being too small with too many people, although the aesthetics are great. the shape is not completely original, as i see some elements from other maps, but it does sound like a fun game. I'll try it out and see what else I can comment on...tomorrow when live is back up.
  16. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Looking forward to the feedback, hope you like it!

    Like I said before, small is good. If a surface is too wide, there isn't as big of a threat to players, they arn't 'on the edge'. It's not as exciting.

    • Monster Trucks, Hog the Hill, warthog wars, monster jam, call it what you want, it's all the same general idea.
    • The map is almost too big, my friend.
    • Name one double decker warthog wars map.
    • Please give examples of 'elements from other maps' so I can give credit.
    Well, I hope you enjoy the map. I could use all the feedback I can get!
  17. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    I must say, that first pic looks pretty epic. The overall layout of this map is very cool and all the aesthetic touches are excellent. The gametype sounds like it will work well also. Thats about all I can comment on right now, but I will dl and give it a try.
  18. kevinb1231996

    kevinb1231996 Ancient
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    this looks like a new twist on sumo its definately one of the best i've seen thus far. i will rate as soon as i have made space and downloaded but from the pics id say it looks like alot of fun
  19. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Okay I read the whole post and looked at all the pictures but I'm confused. In the third picture, there are 3 warthogs. In action shots, there are more warthogs and some ghosts. Perhaps they spawn later in the game? I could do with a few more overview pictures, but I guess I'll just have to download instead of ask silly questions. I like the forging style though. I'm usually not a fan of warthog areas, but this might be the exception. Can't wait give it a whirl!
  20. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I guess i should have added the vehicle lobbies into the overview. The vehicle lobbies are three platforms outside the hill. Players can safely chill out there but they can't win because the platform isn't in the hill. I don't like dorment vehicles sitting on the play field, thats why i added that.

    And I may add another overview picture if people want it enough.

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