300 “Give them nothing, but take from them everything…” HISTORY300 started a while back, maybe a month ago, when it was originally a VIP variant. It had some basic concepts down but needed some tweaking. After multiple tests, I changed it to an infection variant. Then I had to decide whether I wanted it to be for standard maps or custom maps. I chose standardand it worked. After some more tweaking and testing, I bring to you 300. Basics300, inspired by the movie, is, at first, a even teamed slayer game. Half of the men are Persians {infected} and half of them are Spartans {humans}. The Spartans have a huge advantage, but with persistence, the Persians will overcome the Spartans. Just to start off, Spartans have snipers, and Persians have BRs, and everyone has a sword. There are no weapons or vehicles on the maps, but there is equipment for Spartans. Some of it is useless though, like the power drain and for Persians the overshield. This game puts a lot of pressure on the players to work as a team. That is how game are won and lost. If a Spartan wanders off alone, Persians can easily overrun him. And if Persians keeps going at the Spartans one at a time, they will just keep picking them off. Sticking together and attacking or protecting as a group will increase your chances of success significantly. There are some tactics that both teams can use to help survive or help destroy. For Spartans, you guys want to find an enclosed area. One with the least amount of openings will work best. Spartans never want to be in the open. Persians BRs can hurt you a lot and it will keep you from scoping. You want to be able to have a few guys cover those opening in your last stand area so no matter where they come from your protected and you’re covering someone’s back. Be sure to guard your area though, and always be cautious. On some maps there is equipment like regens or bubble shields. Get them and use them wisely, they are extremely helpful in tough situations. Examples of Last Stand Areas: Bunkers on Isolation Blue Room on Guardian The Bases on Assembly For Persians, the key is to all attack at the same time from different places. If you’re trying to get Spartans in Isolations bunker then, some of you attack through the window from the other bunker and some go in for the sword hits. Persians are all about distracting the Spartans for some good sword swings then let someone else Br their shield to keep them down.Now let’s take a look at each team individually. SPARTANS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 150% Damage Resistance Normal Shields 50% Shield Recharge Immune To Heaadshots Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle {Spear} Secondary Weapon: Energy Sword No Grenade Count Infinite Ammo 10M Motion Tracker Forced Color: Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spartans are already stronger than normal men, and with Persions lessened damage done, they can take quite a hit. It takes about 3 sword slashes to kill one, and with the BR, just keep firing. A Spartans spear is his greatest weapon, and he only has to hit an enemy once to kill it. Shields for the Spartans can be extremely helpful at times, but you have to keep enemies off of you. IT takes a while for them to finally kick in. Spartans truly are a formidable enemy, and the Persians must treat them as such.PERSIANS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 100% Damage Resistance No Shields 50% Damage Done Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle {Bow and Arrow} Secondary Weapon: Energy Sword Infinite Ammo Weapon Pickup: Disabled 125% Speed 75% Gravity Motion Tracker: Allies Only Forced Color: Black =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Persians are weak and do less damage. Hopefully you can make up for that with their increased agility. The BR is their Bow and Arrow, and it takes a lot to kill a Spartan with it, since headshots are disabled. Your best bet is your sword, if you can get close enough, and the BR is god for keeping shields down. The Persians cannot pickup any weapons/equipment the Spartans drop and they can’t see their enemies with radar. Teamwork is key for Spartans. MAPS 300 can be played on any map. The gametype is set up to remove all weapons and grenades from the map. Even though it can be played on any map, not all maps are good for it. I have tested most of the default maps and have rated them for the gametype. Here are the results: 1=lowest 10=highest Assembly: 8 Blackout: 7 Cold Storage: 6 Construct: 7 Epitaph: 9 Foundry: Unknown Guardian: 10 Ghost Town: Unknown High Ground: 5 Isolation: 9 Narrows: Unknown Orbital: 9 Sandbox: Unknown Snowbound: 8 Standoff: 7 The Pit: Unknown Guardian played the best of all the tested maps, and Assembly, Isolation, Orbital, and Epitaph were pretty high up there too. If you wish to post a score for one of the maps, just say so, and I’ll add it up there. When making a map for 300, it should have several “Last Stand Points”, an enclosed area with more than one entrance. That is the one tip for mapmaking I have right now, so I’ll try and find more and if you have any just say so. Final Niblit 300 was originally made for up to 16 people. During testing, I found that it doesn’t work very well for more than 10. {Notice most BTB maps are not on the “Maps” section} The best number of people is about 6-8 players on one of the good maps. Another thing is that not everyone will like it. Some people loved it and some didn’t like it. In this way, its much like Agents, as its just not for everyone. There is one more thing. Now, in each game there are two, five minute rounds. I had it at 4 but some games lasted to long and you can always add more rounds to it. DOWNLOAD 300 HERE
This thread is under "Casual Maps" but this isnt a map, its a gametype. Im pretty sure that you have a good idea, but you are in the wrong forum.... Also, when you die, you become a Persian? if so, thats not a "new take on infection, its just regular infection" but you have renamed the zombies Persians.... Also, in the wars between Spartans and Persians- why do spartans have Sniper Rifles? I dont think that those existed back then.... It should be constant sword duels.
So you gave up the old VIP medic idea eh? Looks like you came out with a good gametype after all! At first I was reminded of Team Zlayer, but after reading the whole post, I see that's its completely different. It seems to be another fun, new infection gametype and i'd love to help you test the pit for a rating I think you should customize some of the default maps to work better for this gametype. Better yet, forge a new one Sandbox!
This looks...very interesting. I take it you have made sure the gametype was balanced and all that. I think with some custom maps this could work really well, a tweaked isolation sounds interesting. Unfortunately, like with agents, I will never be able to get a party together smart enough to play something that requires that amount o communication and teamwork. Hopefully I can catch it on a TGIF. Good Gametype 9/10
Where so you suggest I of it? There really isn't a gametype forum. And by "new" I mean it hasn't been done before. When was the last time you played 300? It has tactics that regular infection does not require. And if you read the post ( not sure you did) then you would know the sniper represents a spear. Obviously I can't make it an exact remake with these futuristic weapons.
I really enjoyed playing this with you bart. It really was alot of fun and everything you said about teamwork was right. The reason its different then normal infection is that the weapon set is different and the humans take like 2-3 sword slashes. It was a really fun variation you made and it works on most maps reallly well good work
I remember testing this. Fun stuff. I think I'm in the top screenshot. Anyways, I liked the gametype, but it seems that it needs at least 8 people to play well. Our little party didn't cut it.
I've never played it, nor tested it out like the others above me, But the game does sound fun. I would suggest making a map for it now, something either inclosed; or something that resembles the spartans stand off area. The tunnel in the cliff area Hope to see more later on.
Assuming that you are asking where to post this, it belongs in the halo discussion forum. This isn't a map, it's a gametype. The gametype does sound like a blast, though. You should try making a map for it.
I'm guessing the pit would be overbalanced toward the spartans--with the sword room apparrently being perfect for the "last stand"
I love it in the Spartans picture theres an elite lol.... but anyways like others asked when you die do you become a persian or does everybody only have 1 life?
This is a great idea for a game, but when we payed it it wasnt that great. It was alright, but it needed a map to suit it. You should work on building one.
Go for it... I've played it. Its ok. The sword room is very unbalanced and because the turrets are there for some reason, it makes it worse. But after the turrets ran out of ammo, we died and the round ended. Its technically infection because the base gametype is infection. When a Spartan dies, he becomes a Persian and it become much harder for the rest of the spartans.
i like the idea very much and i will give it a try but i feel that you should explain your gametipe more. i feel that there are things unknown about it