
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by YEE MAN IZ BAK, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    ok i got through most stuff but the final overshield in the middle.
    i couldnt unlock that one can you tell me when you are at the gravlift fusion coil battlerifle custom powerup part what you have to do there? in a pm of course.

    these puzzles were clever and logic it wasnt looking for things in the middle of no where it all makes sense that was what i really liked about this map
  2. Rylay

    Rylay Ancient
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    I'm having trouble getting through the second yellow teleporter I unblocked it but it wont let me go through.

    DARKWIDOW Ancient
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    Wow, this map gives me a headache just looking at it. I can never understand a map from pics so here we go! Well the techniques you used are pretty well used if you ask me! I especially like the hub room idea and the aesthetics, keep up the great work5/5.
  4. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    Okay, first off this is a great map, and the best puzzle map on Sandbox so far.
    What's Right:
    -Your hub is beautiful and is a very convient checkpoint system as mostly you only have to beat a challenge once and then you're safe.
    -Some of the challenges are new and very cool.
    -The asthetics are stunning as usual.

    -I'm sorry but I've never been a fan of you forgehub posts. You may be one of the best but it still sounds pretty arrogant when you refer to yourself in third person "Yee Man has done it again"- That's something that somebody else should be saying, not you.
    - While some of the challenges were new and unique, others were slightly below par and repetitive such as the frag on the ceiling and throwing the grav lift into the man cannon cough*DarkWater*cough
    -Otherwise than that it was all good and I give you a 4.5/5. Good job!

    I think that you are the best asthetical puzzle maker, but I have to say that BuddhaCrane and Mander A1 make more unique challenges. It just boils down to personal preference. I can't wait to see that map you're all working on together.
  5. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    I agree with tylyr1, even if YEE MAN is the best, he shouldn't go on gloating about it. I looked at all the pictures before reading the description and thought "holy crap this is really cool looking." Then i read the description and the guy sounded like such a cocky arrogant bastard that i didn't download right away. I know he's probably not, but those types of things really bug me.

    Anyway, back to the topic.
    The map is very well forged, I haven't had enough time to play it all the way through, but the challenges seem relatively difficult, and it should be fun to try this with my friend later.

    I also agree with Matt666 about buddhacrane and Mander because those maps are just F$%ing impossible.
    #25 s3anz2, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  6. Your THC Dealer

    Your THC Dealer Ancient
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    I dont get it YEE MAN? What is the point of being the best if you cant brag about it. Your maps have always been top of the line, with great forgeing, and original challenges. s3anz2 says Buddhacrane and Mander a1's map are too hard? THEY HAVE WALKTHROUGHS! I like manders maps Mind Snare was great and I can't wait for more from him, but have these people played Harsh Winds or Black Ice? Harsh Winds took me a month to beat.
    YEE MAN my point is dont let the haters bring you down. You know you are the best at what you do. That is why you do it. I have never seen a puzzle map that had as much work as Harsh Winds must have taken. You are the best YEE MAN and no one else even comes close. I play with you almost every day. You are one of the nice people on XBL that i know. It seems to me that people take your superiority for granit. They don't relize that you spend week after week forging these puzzles to give puzzle players a new map to figure out, And if you want to brag about your maps greatness then brag dont let these people bring you down.
  7. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    Um, I hate to be the one to point this out but it's clear that this is a second account created by none other than YEE MAN himself. He is a newly created account with only four posts, all of which are on Yee Man's maps, he colours his writing like yeeman, he doesn't have a gamertag, and he even types like Yee Man. You don't have to be a detective to figure it out. This is why I lose respect for Yeeman, and why Budda and Mander rank above him on my list. Yee Man's maps are good but he makes them sound better than they actually are and calls himself the best puzzle maker when in reality he steals a lot of challenges from both Buddha and Mander, and the ones he doesn't he uses again and again in his maps.

    Yee Man I still like you and your maps, but don't call yourself the best and you'll get more respect.
    #27 Matt666, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  8. Your THC Dealer

    Your THC Dealer Ancient
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    why matt6661 is wrong

    Matt6661 how are you doing? I tried very hard to talk to you over x-box live today, and you ignored me? My gamer tag is: No JESUS. Please feel free to send me a message or party inv. if you dont belive me. I play with Yee Man every day. I have never seen a challenge that Yee Man has stole from anyone, EVER. I would really like to know which challenges you are accussing him of stealing. I am sure you would show me, exept for the fact that when I invited you to a party today you told me you didn't have halo???????? and when I look at your file share you only have 6 slots, which means you don't have the new maps????? Why are you commenting on a sandbox map that you haven't played???????????? Why don't you let your friends fight there own battles?
  9. V1D30 GUY

    V1D30 GUY Ancient
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    I normally don't play puzzle maps, but I can make an exception with yours.
    Awesome job.
  10. Mander

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    Great map Yee Man - This has to be my favourite puzzle map from you. The challenges are unique and awesome and your forging is as clean as ever. I had found a few breaks on the original version but v2 seems to be break proof (so far lol). I hope you keep making puzzles man, as you really got a talent for it. Hieroglyphics is the best Sandbox puzzle map out to date.


    And Matt666- I don't know what you're talking about. Yee Man has never stolen a challenge from me and if one of his challenges is even similar to one of mine in the slightest or is some variation- he always informs me beforehand. So don't jump to conclusions. I can also vouch for No Jesus as I've played with both him and Yee Man before and they're definately different people.
  11. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    Wow, that really hurts Mander. You're one of the map makers that I respect most and I even just nominated your map for favourites only to read your reply when I didn't even say anything bad about you. I was just pointing out facts and trying to extinguish some arrogance, that's all. I was supporting you, and you shouldn't knock your supporters.

    Anyways the fake account wanted to know what challenges Yee Man stole
    Here are the ones off the top of my head:

    From Buddha - the power ups and bubble sheild (only difference is Buddha used a regen), fusion coil jump

    From Mander - The plasma nade jump across a pit, grav lift rotation suidcide

    There are quite a few that seem familiar when you play his maps. Also I noticed that you didn't mention the part about him using his own challenges again and again.

    Still, don't reem me out too bad- I do like his maps and think he's a great puzzle maker.

    My only criticism is that he comes across too arrogant in his forgehub posts and doesn't come up with the most original ideas for his challenges- that's all. I did say that I thought he was the best asthetical puzzle maker around. And you gotta admit that you're account seems extremely fishy...
  12. A Bit Of Zero

    A Bit Of Zero Ancient
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    Seriously, what are you talking about?! I know both Yee Man and No JESUS (or Your THC Dealer as he's called here). Check my game history and you'll see that I've played with No JESUS many times and seperate to playing with Yee Man. Plus you commenting on a map you haven't even played yet? That's Low.
    Yes he does colour his writing like Yee Man, so do a lot of people around here. I know No JESUS and he is a real fan of Yee Man's maps, I mean he doesn't even play anything else in customs when I'm with him other than trying to figure out these maps. He is in fact a Yee Man Fanboy, lol (Sorry No JESUS I just had to say it lol)
    And yes, I believe along with a load of other people that YeeMan is the best puzzle maker out there, does that make me a second account of YeeMan's? No! I also only mainly post on YeeMan's maps. Am I him? No!
    Seriously, you don't even have Halo (as you told No JESUS), you don't have the Mythic Maps, you think you know what you assume when you don't have factual evidence, don't go talking about things you don't know!
    I dislike people who can try to point out something that's not true. You are one of these people. You can't say s**t, you haven't even tried these maps so who are you to say that one puzzle map maker is better than another?
    And just for proof, tell me your GT, I'll invite you to a party some day soon which will include me, No JESUS and YeeMan in it and then you'll see who can talk!
  13. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    Uh I do have the Mythic map pack. My brother bought it and so he got bungie pro, not me. I also use his account to download the maps off forgehub. How else would I beable to give such detailed reviews of people's maps on Sandbox. I'd also like to add that I know loads of people who hate Yee Man. Just because you think he is the best doesn't mean he is. It probably means that you need to play more puzzle maps.

    I think Yee Man is pretty good though- he did make a TON of puzzle maps, and his forging is pretty damn clean, but he's not the best puzzle maker in my opinion. And I've played a lot of puzzles so I know. I would rank him in the top three though, mainly because of the amount he's made.

    Remember though- don't value quantity over quality.
  14. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    You do realize when you're hated by people, that means you've made it. Yee Man has got his name out there and he didn't make stupid maps and expect to be the best like tylyr1. He made exxellent maps with good forging and great ideas. When I say this i know a lot of people will agree with me..... He is in the top three next to BuddhaCrane and mander A1.

    Great map Yee Man, One of your best.
  15. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    wtf... I never expected to be the best, what r u talking about
  16. Nyc xGod of war

    Nyc xGod of war Ancient
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    WOW, this is a major download right here cant wait to try it.
  17. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    This one looks as difficult as it is well done. I look forward to frustrating myself for hours trying to figure out how to get to the end. Well done.

    SPACEMAN Ancient
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    Wow, well this map is very well forged. The rooms look splendid and neatly designed and on top of that this looks really difficult, going to give this a try even though I can’t complete any of your puzzle maps great job5/5
  19. Mozzarella

    Mozzarella Ancient
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    This map looks great and it seems like it was provided with good challenges in it and forge. Amazing post to. I had a blast doing it from start to finish!! 5/5
  20. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Lol, played this with you guys the other day, and it was craaazy. Wow, this is a very intense map. It's hard, but fun.... and forged extremely intelligently. Well done! 5/5!

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