I was playing objective the other day and i best someone down, but they only fell over. Watch in high quality. YouTube - Awesome Beat-Down
Did you use the render to video beta? and if so, did you request SD - 640x360 WMV - Cost: 1 minute or HD - 1280x720 WMV - Cost: 5 minutes ???
Sorry dude, i used a capture card. If you want i can record something for you. Just give me the info i need.
You seriously record something like that? Wow, I have that every day... It looks way better when they die and get up again. or when they come flying towards you to beat you down... Or when vehicles become turret-less...
It was the first day i got my capture card to work, I was a little excited and i recorded it because other than the guy not dying, it didn't seem laggy at all. You must have a pretty horrible internet connection if this happens to you everyday.
I lol'd. It was like a comic relief the way he just plopped down. I wish there was a hack that made everyone you beat down tip over like that.
On the second guy's screen you probably sword-lunged at them with your BR and assassinated him in the face lol I hate when the really far away beatdown occurs but I've never seen this before. Where are you from?
Michigan, Milford to be exact Jesus, how many computers do you have? I only have one, and it's like 6 years old.