Preface - I need some help with a name for this map and gametype. I haven't been able to come up with one so I need your help. Tunnels This map was designed from the ground up with slight inspiration from the dodge this!/cratefrenzy map. The humans spawn a little ways above the ground level of Sandbox with BR's and shotguns. They are standing on a platform with a hole in the middle. 30 seconds into the game, a mancannon spawns in one corner of the box, followed by another in a different corner every 15 seconds. When the humans either fall in the hole in the platform or are pushed by the mancannons, they fall into "The Drain", which forces the players down into the crypt. Once in the crypt the humans land in the center of a tunnel complex that graces the floor of the crypt and leads in 4 different directions. Two of the tunnels lead straight to zombies, while the other two lead to relative safety. The zombies spawn down in the crypt at the end of a tunnel with energy swords and gravity hammers. The zombies have 250% move speed and 200% gravity, but no shields. Zombie spawn Map - Gametype - : Halo 3 File Details comments are welcome. P.S. Should i add a door to keep the zombies contained in their spawn area for a little while?
Hey this is a nice idea and all but the humans can easily navigate through the tunnels because when they first land in the crypt they can use the lights to navigate quite easily. cause if you're looking at the red strobe of light the right is the big area with the turrets going straight down the tunnel with the red strobe is the area with the baricades and the others equal death. So I recommend that you make a tube that goes all the way down where the humans land and try moving the strobes of light.
Please provide the gametype specs. FYI... there is no 250% speed. There's either 200 or 300, but no 250.
I love how well you forged the funnel but the only thing is that this map would be way too easy to get out of, as in jumping onto a barricade and hopping out or committing suicide to spawn up there, make ceiling please.
"Check out forging 101 or youtube to find how to interlock items. Its easy and only takes a few moments and it will help with the overall look of the map. Maybe a V2?" says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
I have moved the lights already and made a few adjustments. Gametype is and has been posted under the map location. I will add higher walls to contain players who have thoughts of cheating. The Drain and some sections of the tube are interlocked. The rest is not interlocked because it doesn't help the map at all.
Seriously? You obviously took a cursory glance and decided there was no interlocking. oh, and by the way, shut up about Brett Favre. that comment was just a waste of space and no one wants to read it. And there's no such thing as a "new Chuck Norris."
Maybe add some FX? Also you should make a device that keeps zombies from getting out so zombies just dont wait by where humans drop or teleport