Its pretty much all Apple's control... Im not really into iTunes, but its the major way to sell your stuff digitally. Im also looking into Amazon mp3 downloads. and new stuff is coming creep. sooner than later.
I'd buy hard copies if it meant you got the majority of the profit... rather than feeding apple. That or I PayPal you the full price of the tracks and you send me the mp3's via email.
Since we've payed to record in a studio, paid for our own artwork and are paying to have it mixed, mastered, and pressed by ourselves, we receive 100% of the profit.... the reason that isnt as amazing as it sounds is because in total we are paying out of our pockets a total of $3,500 just for the cd. [thats relatively cheap as hell]. that means 350 people need to purchase it at full $10 price to make even. We are only pressing 300 copies, which means ANY profit to be earned will come from itunes. to make more hardcopies after the 300 are sold, it'll cost another $1,000. This is why im pretty sure there wont be more than 300 copies, unless we do abnormally well on itunes continuously. Im glad the lot of you have taken as much interest in it as you have. Nice after all the work that went into it.
"In Search of Hope" is very good, although I think as far as the mixing goes, the voice gets drowned out a little. Perhaps making it a tad louder would perhaps make the song that much better. Other than that, I'm surprised you are not signed yet.
IMO, you guys rival Killswitch. I like your songs more than I like theirs and I've got two of their albums.
Well, we just parted ways with our singer, so now we start the long painful journey of finding a new vocalist to replace him.
****ing necro. Get the **** ou- Oh, nevermind. I don't care if you do it TSB. Good luck finding a new singer though.
Eh, not really my style, I like my music a little lighter. I must say though, you guys are really good for a small town band.
Even though you parted ways with your singer you should still find a way to get your CD out there and get some money off it. These are really good. I was expecting like some garage band, but this is good stuff. Amazon this stuff or somewhere where you get more money off it. -Donuts
This is really cool! You guys HAVE to contact Harmonix Music Studios, They will put some of your songs on Rock Band as Downloadable content. Its great publicity 'cause about everyone plays that game, And it would end up on youtube thanks to a youtuber named Npeaen (he downloads EVERY song as it comes out, No, Literally ALL of them, Yep, All 700+ of them, And makes youtube videos showing the guitar chart, Crazy, huh?) and then there is about a 90% chance that he will love the songs, (Which will make everyone think that if he likes it. They'll ALL like it.) If you manage to get those on Rock band, i will most certainly DL them, It'll be worth $12, (Considering you put up six of them) Anyway, Rock On Dude, Rock On...
I want on my iPod. You guys are really great though. I can't wait for any way to obtain your music. (the download for Poor Carmine isn't working for me)
To be truthfully honest, I don't like it. It's not my style, but I like the guitar and it kinda reminds me of disturbed and three days grace. Good luck in finding a singer, maybe one that can sing both hard rock and soft stuff... but hey, just do whatever works out.
Not really into screamo music myself, but I record so I know how much time it takes to make something like this. Very good mixing.
Our album is done, we are just looking for a new singer to re-do the vocals before we release it to the world. Thank you though. It is ridiculously hard to get your songs on something like that. We have discussed it, but it'd be unlikely that you'd see even 1 song make it, let alone 6. Ill find a way to get them to you then. Lemme consider the different ways i could do it. Thanks for the feedback, but we're looking for a singer who can do everything our last singer did and more. "Soft stuff" isnt our style, and playing what we want how we want is the most important thing to us, whether people love it or not. This isnt screamo. The singers gone.