
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Notoriouslynx, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Notoriouslynx

    Notoriouslynx Ancient
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    Fallout Version 2

    Fallout (The new and awesomer version)

    I got to be honest to myself. The first map was terrible. I deleted it and made a totally new one which is much much better, in my opinion. I'm gonna change oblivion a lot too. Anyway, fallout version 2 has a few new areas and buildings. Tenpenny Tower has been included but there really isn't a way inside it because its just a tower of blocks with a wooden fence. Arefu has been improved. The vault was totally changed. Much bigger and includes a blue light to give it blue walls. A somewhat bigger armory. The game has also changed a lot too. Instead of everything changing in two minutes, everything changes in one minute so the zombies aren't bored out of their mind while they are on the platform in the sky bubble. Galaxy News Radio looks much better and has more weapons than just the missle pod and flame thrower. I'm much prouder of this map than the other one. Check out the video.​


    The new vault

    The new GNR

    #1 Notoriouslynx, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Didnt you just post "Oblivion"? What are you- Bethesda? =P

    I would say that the map doesnt really look neat, everything looks thrown together, also there are a lot of open spaces. You should try looking at guides to Interlocking in Forge 101
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    you have everything in your post right, but im a little confused on how it all works, you should look around at other peoples posts to see what format you like and what format gets maps downloads.
    also, it is stated that you must have atleast 1 embedded pic, not "only" 1 embedded pic. also the gametype looks like a fat kd esque game with a fallouty twist.
    the video did help clear stuff up but be aware that videos do not always work for everybody.
    aaaand you have not only 1 armoury but 2... 2.
    i will dl the map for a forge through and maybe a play with my friends.
  4. Notoriouslynx

    Notoriouslynx Ancient
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    I know how to interlock and what not. The map was my very first one before oblivion so its pretty bad looking but plays great. I could try making GNR look more like a circle than whatever that shape is.

    The first armory is in the vault where everyone must go to before the bombs bombard them in two minutes. The second armory appears in two minutes and is usually guarded by the super mutants, but luckly you already have weapons on you, unfortunately the weapons do not have an extra clip so the ammo is very very low and you practicly need another armory. The second one is better. Also its not like fat kid that much. I guess fat kid-esque but the super mutants are at 90 % speed and 2x shields.
  5. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I think the armory should permanently seal itself (with an immovable object that spawns later in the match. And so people don't get stuck in the for the whole match, put a teleporter that sends them to the base of the vault. I agree with other dude. If the gameplay is all that its cracked up to be, you should take the time to interlock here and there. It would definitely add to the atmosphere a bit. And maybe consider some late spawning lighting effects as well. As for the infected people, I don't think it would be that fun to just sit in the sky bubble for a minute... Maybe you should give them some grenades or something, for something to do till they can leave. Overall, I think I like your Oblivion map better, but great job on this one
  6. Notoriouslynx

    Notoriouslynx Ancient
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    So I should delet the tubes, and replace them with a teleporter. Made the place look neater and better looking (which I am much better at now). And give the infected something to do so they don't get bored. Alright. What are late spawning lighting effects?
  7. WhyHelloThere

    WhyHelloThere Ancient
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    The map looks a little open to me. I believe that the humans have so many weapons and can just camp in the multiple weapon rooms. What if someone gets locked down in the Vault when it closes? The zombies would get very annoyed very quickly from this game. They can't do anything to the people that camp in the weapon rooms with the turrets. And isn't 2 minutes a little long for the things to spawn?
  8. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    not to good. its to opean and it looks like random piles of stuff i get the idea ur trying to take but ur not even close. also are u doing one on there new games
    Rogue Warrior
    When they come out
  9. 0 JEFF 0

    0 JEFF 0 Ancient
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    Sweet, like mikel said you do seem like you are a big fan of bethesda lol, but I love it seeing how I am a huge fallout fan.

    -2 lvl 30s in fallout ftw-
  10. Notoriouslynx

    Notoriouslynx Ancient
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    Hey guys, I remade fallout and now it is way way way better. I don't know bout the game type though. Its less open now and the building are way better looking. Also, I might make another Bethesda game, but I'm thinking on making a portal-type puzzle in halo, probably on foundry or maybe just stick with sandbox.

    Senior Member

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    lol looks nice i like that you interlock some objects you got some good ideas.
    maybe there is too much space at the middle you cant hide anywhere so i would add for example and double box or a wall or something.
    so overall nice job
  12. BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa

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    nice idea but there is a lot of open space. i would suggest just putting some piles of crap in more of the open areas like in fallout and you could make the sand dunes like the capital wasteland. still its a really cool map
  13. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    Very cool concept. I love how it seems the world changes once you come out.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Hey. First things first. Open up the rest of the map and space everything out. That will make it much funner and closer to fallout 3. Second- make everything a little neater. Its getting close. Third- change zombies wait to 30 sec. Right now 5/10. As for the actual thread- explain the gametype and add a few more pictures just to clarify. ( Super Mutants). Hey maybe u should have all of the zombies be like super mutants starting and then have a powerup to make them ghouls. Keep on improving and good luck. I like some of ur ideas such as subways ( which u should make longer) and the vault.
    #14 ZOMBIECOW11, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  15. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    the map looks ok, but I dont know if the map would play well. There are to many open spaces.

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