I was playing Team SWAT and I got a 3v3 game. After 1 minute one of my team mates quits and I found out the other one was AFK. I still decide to keep playing because its my second account and I was sure Im better then those in SWAT considering I played at Skill 18 and my main is 43. When the score is 31-31 because they get free kills my team mate suddenly moves. He starts playing probably wondering how to score can be even. We win with 50-43 with me having 44 kills. You probably wonder why is this thread names "Sigh" well afetr the game was over I found out I did not recieve EXP for the win. 10 mintues trying to win in a 3v1 battle with them recieving free kills and I get no EXP!
Wow. This reminds me of when I won a 1v4 in Team Snipers on Blackout. BKs. Anyway, EXP doesn't really matter, as long as your skill goes up, than that's good. If it didn't go up, however, then I can see your frustration.
sometimes it takes a little bit for the exp and skill to register is it on your game history on bungie.net? Edit: I know what you mean, but what does AFK stand for?
If someone quits, the win doesn't go through until about 20 mins after the game. And the loss doesn't go through either.
hurts inside trust me I konw. Dont worry your havent been the first or the last. Just keep playing and remeber that the game is about fun.
dude that does suck. And by the way I love your gt I hope to rename mine. My second account, THED4RKNIGHT had a good name and it was fun and all, but Feed My Bumper is def. FTW!!!!
Thank you Somehow I cant get my Xbox Live to work. Tried everything with my router And on top of that im jailed on my favourite text based game I played for 4 years gotta wait 2 days before im free
Daaamn thats some serious bk annilation (sp?) 46, beat my record.. and yea, itll take some time for it to register, i have done some testing with exp and i used to think that you didnt lose exp everytime you quit because it takes alittle to register.. So yea,.. if this thread is still new, just wait alittle