GraveDigger is my first ship besides an airplane. well heres the link : Halo 3 File Details Now for the screenshots GraveDigger from down below. GraveDigger from above. The back of GraveDigger. The front of GraveDigger(notice two gun turrents on the wings). Vehicle Hanger. Hornet hanger(ones a transport hornet). Drivers seat. Weopon room. Teleporter to war area. will you be.... Covenant or.... Human.
Well...I dont get it but It reminds me of Halo Wars. Good Idea but I just may be the confused Idiot so there. also, is there an objective or a game type to this game because that would be abselutely cool
Now while in the sky box, what is the point of having warthogs in the ship considering you cant drive no where and if you fall, the hogs will explode. Other then that i like the idea.
I like the ship but it is extremely boxy. Try to make it smoother so it doesnt look like a box. Boxes dont fly, believe me. I have tried Other than that it looks good from the inside. Try to interlock the drivers seat because it looks very sloppy. 6/10
this would be a great v2 but make it compatible with slayer(weapons red and blue lights,on covenant base use covenant weapons human base use human weapons) The v2 would definitely get my dl but now no
Seen as this is your first time building a ship, so ill give you a few pointers if you're going to do another one =) - Dont make it square - Dont have a completely flat roof - And dont make covenant and UNSC bases where you basically have every veihcle and weapon divided into two catogories. The ship isn't too bad for a first time though. you should block the gap between the roof and the windscreen. I'd give it 3/5, theres deffinately room for improvement.
exactly what i was going to say and I'm pretty sure for driver seats u could think something up cause no one wants to drive for hours standing up jk (not literally but u need them for looks)