Clean Your Fangs From the guy that brought you the Racing League, I bring to you Clean Your Fangs. This Track I will break up into fourths to tell you about. 1st fourth is the start and the zig zags. This part you need to have a good line and control your speed to go fast. 2nd fourth is the banked turn with a small drop in the middle. This part you go full out. you need to hold your inside line here to stay in first. 3rd fourth is the 2 jumps and a drift turn. This section to start you need to watch out for the fangs. The first time through here you might go to slow, if you do this the fangs might get you. Last fourth is the speed turns and the finishline and the drift after the finish to the start. This section is important you need to have a good line to stay in the lead. The track is good for Racetracks and Battletracks. This is my first track so I can Improve from here please tell me what you think. Start First Turn Zig Zags Start of Bank Turn End of Bank Turn Jump into the Fangs Landing for Fang Jump Drift Turn Launch Speed Turns Finishline Overview Click Here for the Link to the Track Thanks again for checking this out, mrcleanup
There could be more rounded turns. These turn in picture " Ziz Zangs" make me not like the race track that much. Looks like you were inspired by "Final Effort" racetrack for jumping thorgh the thing in the end. Not so great so Try to do a little better next time. I think for effort 3/5.
Shadow F34R Wow shadow you must really hate me? You have not even seen the map. You must be mad because I kicked you out of the Racing League. Don't mind this guys comments he is just mad because he has no clue what he is talking about.
I aggree with shadow. The turns could be more rounded and maybe not so tight. And the part where you jump through the fangs is on many other tracks, but that doesn't matter.
Would you like to give me the Names of the Tracks because I don't know of many that have been posted on FH. I would like to see these tracks to take a look at these tracks. If they are as good as you say I would like to test them out and see if they are good to race on for the Racing League. By the way it is my first track and have had no experience building tracks before. Wow you are just to harsh on my first track.
hey everyone doesent really care if its your first map there just giving you crititism on the map i think this isent the best racetrack but its your first so you should bank more turns (there the highlight of racetracks) try to make it less tight you should download some good racetracks and see how there made and how they play you could make some really good racetracks overall 3/5
Its a really good track for your first. It has a good layout and the corners are pretty good. If you were to build on the skills that you have and start making curved corners, you could do really good
wow, I don't see why people are being to mean about this. its ur first track and it's very good. I mean, how could you possibly grade a track withought playing it. i watched mrcleanup make this and i saw how much he put into it. and i thijnk that it is a very well made track. I didn't se any flaws other that me hitting the "Beaver Tooth" (lol!) all the time. I can't wait to see more of your maps in the future and for a start, yours is MUCH better thatn mine... i'm a bit jealouse. good job hunter, 5/5
Wow I should go download more tracks, I do think that I have more on my memory card than you do. I have around 65-70 tracks on my memory card right now. I dont know how many you have on your box right now, but I am the creator of the Racing League, so I do have to have all the Good Tracks on my box. I was not going for the same thing that Everyone is making. With this track I was going for something of a Hybrid to other tracks just did not pull it off quite yet but I am working on a new one on the ground floor it is going better. Thanks for the Opinion though.
This map actually looks very nice. It looks gameplay would be good, although some parts of the map looks a bit sloppy and look a bit rushed. Apart from that the map looks very good.