SLASO Campaign

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Awkward Silence, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Has anybody tried doing any Campaign missions S.L.A.S.O. (Solo on Legendary All Skulls On)*? I just completed Floodgate SLASO for Tyrant's Recon Contest, and lemme tell you, it is hard. (That's what she said.)

    I died and had to restart like 86 times before I finally completed the mission. (Okay, maybe not 86... more like 3 times. But STILL, when you're really close to finishing the mission, and a stray Spiker bullet with Down Syndrome hits you in the ass and kills you, it feels like a lot more than 3 times.) Incidentally, my final completion time was 4 minutes, 55 seconds.

    So I was just wondering, has anybody else tried Floodgate on SLASO? Or any other missions for that matter? What was your experience like?

    *Also known as Mythic Diffculty.
    #1 Awkward Silence, Jun 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2009
  2. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    I did Floodgate on Mythic this morning for Tyrant's contest, and beat it on my first try... My shields only dropped twice... I thought it was very easy, beat it in 6:40. It actually made me want to do the rest of the campaign on SLASO, because the sense of accomplishment that you get from beating a level on SLASO is pretty great.
  3. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Never tried slaso, sounds difficult and time inducing?
    theres no achievement for it so not much incentive bsides saying i did it.
  4. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I tried doing floodgate SLASO a few weeks ago, I died once and gave up. Since then, I never tried mythic difficulity.
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I've done Floodgate and Halo SLASO. I died once on Floodgate but I never died on Halo.
  6. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    There's no achievement or incentive in going to Forgehub, besides saying "I went to Forgehub." to your buddies. GTFO. just kidding.

    I will, and possibly never try SLASO ever. I tried to do the vidmaster: annual achievement with just Iron on, and it was hard. Sure, I made it to the top. Then I died. Rinse and repeat, for about 5-6 times. The three other players were too busy trying to get to the top, rather than killing enemies, which then in turn attacked them from behind.
  7. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Well its actually extremely easy you can pretty much just run through the majority of the level with out getting into any battles with the flood. Also the achievement is a chance at recon so ye i would say its worth the 30minutes i spent on the level and sending tyrant a message
  8. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    It was frustrating, but with Roche's verbal support, I got through it.
    If you're having trouble, just get a friend in the party. They'll keep you entertained and you'll continue the missions.

    Don't give up. It took me atleast ten tries.

    A large component is luck. If you get ten fighter forms spawned over ten projectile flood, you've got a good chance at completing the level. The contrary can be said as well though, so watch you're back. And stay away from the fusion coil cart in the beginning. You have no idea how many stupid mistakes I've made with that xD.
  9. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Which mission are you talking about?
  10. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Floodgate duh. Where have you been.
  11. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Under a rock...

    Cortana is pretty hard, you can't avoid some battles, which are mainly the large ones.
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    well, i've tried floodgate and halo as those are the easiest and I think if I could sit down for a bit, I could do them, but I don't have the time.

    Anyway, the only ones I don't want to try is the covenant and the ark for how long they are.
  13. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i do not believe spiker bullets have chromosomal DNA, therefore they wold be incapable of having down syndrome. brute technology seems to be fairly crude compared to the rest of the covenant. although i could be mistaken.

    anyway, no, i prefer my campaign quick, easy, and short.
  14. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I try'd earlier earlier today...I failed.I decided to do crows nest (I find it to be the easiest mission) and died during the motor pool battle,oh,and the drone battle is HARD you just gotta pop out from behind cover,fire a few shot without (hopefully) getting hit and then d.uck behind cover for a minute. (you think Im kidding,you gotta wait forever for 'em to stop shooting)
  15. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Pfft, mythic is one thing but Marine mode is another. Put on all skulls but iron, black eye, catch and tilt. Add iron if co-op.

    It may have less skulls but you MUST kill all enemies. Mythic is basically a speedrun where you can't get hit. So it's a lot tougher to get through. Epic and I have been going through it. There's no better feeling than facing nearly impossible to kill enemies head on and winning.
  16. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    That does indeed sound interesting. There's no statement that you have to speedrun Mythic, it's just one preferable method for the majority of people who do it. I'm definitely not looking forward to Crow's Nest in this. It's my least favorite level by far (Even moreso than Cortana), and I can't even beat it solo legendary. Mythic will be a *****.
  17. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    I've tried The Ark and beaten Floodgate.

    The Ark = Choked w/ Epic Fail

    On The Ark I was hit by a random plasma pistol bolt from across the level by the part where you must destroy the Scarab. I was so pissed... that was my [around] 30th try and it was also my last.
  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    If you follow Tyrant's guide to the letter and never leave any weapons behind (unless they're out of ammo or ****), then this level is pretty easy. Just try not to get lost.

    The best things to combat pure flood forms: (besides fire)

    Stalker (spider) forms

    - Assassinations, beat downs, sword swipes. Don't bother shooting them, you're just wasting ammo.

    Ranged (really annoying shooting) forms

    - Any grenades except frags
    - 2-3 Brute Shot blasts kill it if it is opened up, or wound it if it is curled up
    - Shoot it with a BR until it curls up. Then aim for its head (which is just below the shooty bit) and shoot it there when it opens again
    - If it curls up when you're near it, try and spiker it to death (but only if there are no other enemies nearby
    - Needlers have the same effect as Brute Shots

    Tank (big) forms

    - One energy sword swipe usually (always use the quick melee action of the sword. It does the same damage but you can backpedal away from that death swipe if the thing doesn't die in one hit)
    - A small amount of fire kills these instantly

    Also, a very handy tip for Floodgate SLASO-goers:
    When you get to the choreographed part where a stalker turns into a tank form (by the machine gun turret), stay in the factory and go up the stairs. The glass should still be there (even if you broke it in The Storm). There is also a full flamethrower leaning against the back wall behind the glass. Use this to kill the now-tank form and to check your shields (if they're flickering in 3rd person, they're down).
    Also, your shields recharge from sword swipes and grav hammer hits.
  19. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I've tried doing Crow's Nest, freaking unbelievable I swear to god. Especially the first part with the warthog. So many grunts, so many grenades. And what really pissed me off was that the marines on my own team kept ****ing shooting me in the back, or throwing a grenade that bounces off the wall clearly infront of them while I'm standing beside him.

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