Pillars Created by Prophet Opeth Supported Gametypes: Crypt Keepers Map Description "Pillars" is an infection map based in the crypt. Zombies spawn higher up in the crypt and drop down into the labrynth of pillars or choose to leap from pillar to pillar but with great care. The Crypt Keepers (humans) spawn in a central area under the slightly comforting ball of light. From here they can either choose to stay in the light or try the chances in the sorrounding darkness. Overall I believe it's a very basic but fun map, and I've found it can provide a nice scare. Items: 2 Flares * 2 Powerdrains * 4 Trip Mines ** 4 Machine Gun Turrets ** 4 Plasma Grenades *** *Both flares are placed parallel from eachother on the farthest points on the map and same goes with the powerdrains. **Each turret and trip mine are placed together but one pair for each corner of the map. (A picture below will provide more insight). ***The four plasma grenades are placed in the human spawn, one grenade for each barrier. Over-View with Effects off Over-View with Effects on (gloomy and old timey) Human Spawn One of Four identical Zombie Spawns Turret/Trip Mine set up (one at each corner) Game play shots Hopefully you enjoy the map as well as me and my friends do. Constructive remarks are welcomed. Download Pillars Download Crypt Keepers
That looks like a great infection map. It's simple and pretty well put together. My only suggestion would be to merge the single box with the double box underneath it so that they look like a full pillar. NIce job and thanks for making it. This is the first map that I thought works well with that FX on.
nice job! its simple yet it plays very well. My friends and i played your zombie game and that worked well and then we played swat and that was sweet as could be a cool sniper map. good job
Very simple but not bad. Somewhat original concept and it looks like it could be a good amount of fun. Doesn't really look like there would be any camping issues either. Not the greatest aesthetically but overall looks like a fun map to play on. I'll give it a dl.
It looks very simple but very fun too. What really won me over was that you combined gloomy and old timey fx. IMO, greatest combo for infection. And you gave the zombies camo, which is even better. The only thing that worries me is 4 turrets, now if the zombies have normal health and shields it may work, because depending when the zombie is spotted, they can still have a good chance at killing the humans, turrets really don't work against swords at really close range. So hopefully your gametype accomidates that.
The turrets were a problem untill i reconfigured the gravity for zombies. By doing this zombies could leap from pillar to pillar and drop down onto the slow moving turreters, easy kills.
I've thought about merging these before. I think I'll be doing that soon. When I'm done I'll put an update for it in my fileshare.
Gametype link is broken. :\ I really like the idea of the map, and I'll definantly test it out sometime. Although I have a few questions. In your gametype, are zombies able to get on the pillars? How long are the rounds? What are the damage settings?
The zombies are able to get on the pillars, but the player gravity limits there ability to jump from one to another. Most of the time you're either to concentrated on making it from one to another or end up falling off. Zombies are one shot, but the humans have limited ammo and usually waste some shooting in fright. As for the rounds, I can't remember. (can't check at the moment, in process of getting my halo disc back from a friend)
One-shot? I understand low-health for such a dark environment, but with turrets? I don't see how the zombies can win if the humans are organized. I'll get a few tests in to try it out... But first you need to fix the gametype link :\
The turrets just slow down the humans and are cumbersome. Most people ignore them, the rare few pick them up but then die because of the slow moving. You'd be surprised how easy it is for zombies to gain the upper hand. I don't know what's going on with the link, it's working for me. I'll edit it again just in case.