Much better with the graininess. Nice work, as usual, your smudging is a bit too faded though, great work on quality too, maybe experiment with more filters too, I want to see what you can do with the filters.
Nice try, at getting the smoke effect, even though it doesn't look like mine at all sorry bud lol. Over all in the sig, nice work, your effects are pretty good, and nice text, maybe work on more colours.
kk, well I like the left side, but the ride sig is a little bland, and the text should be a little closer to the focal...The little flower pedal like thing in the bottom left corner could also be changed or removed. It could really use some more blending too.
uh, try moving the text to the other side, and down to where his shoulder starts, just barely touching the shoulder tho. I like the center and the right side is great now, but the farther you go on the left side the worse it gets. Try cropping it or doing something with the neg space.
Background is too blurry and the yellow is way out of the scheme of colours, try to change colours of the yellow brush stuff. Not your best, this is really plain, good lighting though, and the text is a tad dull, can't wait to see your next piece.
Not too bad, kinda boring, and your light source is way too solid, just try to soften it up. The text could use colour changes.
How about these.... Spoiler V2: Colored Text and fixed lighting source V3: Same as above with smudged clipping mask Which One's Better?
V1 of the re-do is better, but the text still is meh, take colours from the signature it self not just random colours.
dun worry, both of us use the dark one. Anyway, the focal is a little to contrasted, and the edges are kinda bland(reminds me a little of Mirja s old style). Um, text would be nice, and blending is great, but theres this little blue streak next to his claw, I do like the colors tho, they are pretty.