Okay, it was by far the best infection map on halo 3, and we've been promised a new one. It's been at least 3 months. I know I shouldn't, but i'm making a thread to try and get the attention to make the next one. Or post it if it's made. Don't want to necro-bump after all ^^ I want the next one!!!
Hey hey, calm down. Slowly breathe... in... and out. I have asked the creators and they are in the making of the second one right now. They have been busy with other maps and personal matters in everyday life lately, now that summer is here, they are going straight to work. They also told me that they are making multiple Manifests this summer, so look forward to that as well, and according to them, each will be different in its own way. So right now, rejoice in the fact that more are coming. Relax though. If we wait patiently, then they will come, and without interrogating them, they will be able to focus more and make the map the best they can. The GREATEST Manifests. Just be patient. I am WAY TOO EAGER to get my hands on them too, but patience is required first.
I'm kind of stalling it. I've been working on an infection map for well over a year and posted my ideas in a pub thread. Sweeney, co-creator of manifest, saw some of the ideas and adopted them into Manifest 2 and out of courtesy is waiting for me to release my map first
So now everything rests on Sarge's shoulders. Hurry up with your map sarge!! What's with the random tags? Sorry, I can't really take people demanding maps seriously...
As you can see, they're on top of it. Be Patient. It's going to take a while to make something that surpasses the first. I mean, the first got over 100,000 dl's. Anyway, I know you guys are great forgers with great ideas, so I can't wait for Manifest 2. Also, I am interested in what Sarge is up to.
First one was great, but sadly too easily breakable. Not to rant or anything, but even with the correct gametype you could still jump over the rubble from the wrong side and get into the grindnaut turret spawn (as a human). I hope the next one is a lot better. I guess I will have some competition building my map
Well, to truly understand it, you must first read through the ENTIRE original post, not the featured post, but the original post. That way you get some backstory, and can truly appreciate the gameplay. Then play with big groups of people, and after a few games, you should finally get the gameplay. That would help to like the game, but if not, I guess some people have different taste...
But I don't really care about the backstory...at all. I've played the map several times and it's never been enjoyable.
What can I say? Bitches be crazy. Don't be so hard on yourself, it's all Chrst's doing. Damn his caniving agenda.
OMG! STOP THE PRESSES, ONE PERSON DIDNT LIKE IT! Sweeny, Chris, you guys are clearly wasting your time. Ravnzcroft disapproves, therefore your funding has been cut.
Some people like things. Some people don't. It's a fact of life. That doesn't mean it was bad. It means that it's not what you like. From a statistical point of view, it shows that more people like than dislike it. I understand that you don't like it, so try finding something else.
Well, I was hoping someone could provide an explanation as to what, exactly, they see in the game that makes it so good.
I may find some time to lend myself to Manifest with my warthog moving ways and my Grindnaut assassinating ways. The intense atmosphere just gives me the shivers. @Ravncroch Just click sweens sig should take you to the thread and you can see why people like manifest.