I'm back! And better than ever. First off I want to apologize to the staff including Shock, Insane, Bl00D F1R3, Creep1ng De4th, Grif, Roche178, Running Chron, SargeantSarcasm, Shad0w Viper, Tex, TexturedSun, thesilencebroken, and all the others I'm forgetting. I'm sorry for my actions and I thank Shock for helping me out. So basically i'm back and glad to be back.
thats funny then its actually not a perm-ban, the mods are undermining themselves by giving into sweet talk but i believe in second chances
Welcome back but you didn't have to make a thread in the introductions forum. The introduction forum is for new members to introduce themselves to the site. It's not to announce that you've returned from a ban. Everyone would've noticed you were back in due time. I hope you don't get banned during your second stay here at Forgehub.
First of, members are allowed to re-introduce themselves as long as its legit. Secondly, its his 7th, 8th, or 9th visit back here, if you count his many, many, many proxies that I found, and got banned.
Well sorry for my mistake because you see, if I may quote what it says about the introduction forum It mentions nothing about re-introducing. Either way I will apologize for my mistake and move on.
didn't you say the exact same thing in DoW's re-introduction and yet again the intros are for members that are returning from bans. Anyways welcome back!
hello and welcome back i really am curious about what you did seeing how someone else wants to know but still you made the perma-bans argument invalid good job