Recreational Drugs: Safety and Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by bnasty574, Jun 10, 2009.

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  1. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    But would you really want to teach a kid how to use illegal drugs safely rather then how to have protected safe.

    Drugs can lead to addiction, it all depends on the minds of the users. Another event that could occur is an accidental over dosage which is how many teens die from drug usage. I would not recommend anyone actually taking drugs, I'd much rather let them take weed then drugs. Although I don't do marijuana myself.
    #41 RadiantRain, Jun 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  2. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    The purpose is to guide ill informed kids that this would happen to, so that they can engage in their drug use in a safe way so that these sorts of things wouldn't happen.
  3. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    I believe he lives in New York City. Up there the prices can range from $20-40 a gram, depending on the quality.

    Sex can become addictive.
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    But, it will still cause addiction and encourage non-users to attempt drugs believing it is 100% percent safe. Like I said it's a double-edged sword... You are trying to save lives and I know that is your intention but you are also risking new ones....

    But it still can't kill you... Or cause you to die because of addiction... (Excluding any STD's)
  5. The God of Grunge


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    You can totally die during sex. Heart rate increases, you could have a heart attack.
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Same with drugs... But even then you're just throwing in something obsolete that rarely happens...
  7. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Weed is a drug. Drawing a distinction between illegal and legal drugs is sometimes a practical, albeit damaging one. But how have you arrived at the conclusion that weed is not a drug in the way that other illegal substances are?

    I honestly dislike these distinctions of connotation that people make, how easily the word 'drug' is thrown around and twisted to purpose, what exactly a 'drug' constitutes in both fact and emotional connotation is very open to debate. If you are going to draw lines in the sand such as this, I'd say they hold absolutely no weight until you define and justify them. Simply saying 'weed is better than drugs' (sorry to paraphrase, but you get the point) is not only senseless in it's flawed logic, but also fails to justify the distinction made on anything other than arbitrary terms. Why exactly?

    If your argument is to hold weight here, I'd say you first have to very clearly define where you draw the line, not in colloquial linguistic terms like using the word 'drug', but scientifically and logically. Then you gotta justify why exactly you are drawing this line where you are, otherwise it's just another one of these arbitrary divides in to what is and isn't ok, a line drawn between certain substances and others, oblivious of the fact that they are all technically 'drugs', just on a spectrum that can't even really be simplified in to one end and another, if anything it would have to be a 3d spectrum just to take account of the varying nature of what are all, at the end of the day, drugs.

    The problem with this is, and this is more of a general complaint than one actually directed at you Rain, is that most of the people who make these arguments don't even know close to enough about various substances to actually decide upon their own line sensibly. They're happy to go along with the various social stigmas and often officially condoned misrepresentations of drugs (whilst government organisations etc are, of course, banned from actually lying about the science or chemical effects of drugs, they are free to concoct all manner of fairytales about the cultures that surround drugs, the personal effect it can have on your life, and even the kind of person it will supposedly 'turn you in to'). So please, to all who would attempt to take up this challenge and actually discuss properly where they draw the line and why, learn about these things before you pass judgement, and the effects, both long and short term, are actually a lot more complex than most critics appreciate. A prime example would be that old 'you can die from taking ecstasy even once, that's why it's bad'. In the UK, over the past 5 years, around 200 deaths have been attributed to Ecstasy overdose, and quite often other drugs were implicated as well, making this figure even less potent

    Direct source
    Another related page with more general tables on recorded drug related deaths

    Of the 3 main forms of death related to ecstasy detailed on that page, only one is largely out of your control, and also the least common.

    But this is all meant to serve as an example rather than an invitation to debate on this specific subject. My basic point is this: if you don't know anything other than basic social stigmas and tired old lines, not backed up with actual science, when it comes to your arguments here, and aren't even willing to go and out and learn about it (if you're sensible and have a critical eye for sources, there is a wealth of information available on the internet) before you go off criticising others, then please take your ignorance elsewhere.

    Right, OT time. Btw, nice thread bnasty, well specified at the beginning and well thought out. Could I ask, though, why you have disregarded certain substances from discussion? I was wondering whether this was to do with some chemical/logical distinction you have made, or simply because you did not wish these substances to be discussed here. Either way is fair enough imo, I'm just asking so I have more of a grounding in the discussion, if this has been asked before then I apologise.

    As far as my personal experiences go, man :p. Big question for me would be whether I'm worse at Halo or not, and I'd probably go with 'yes'. It sucks, Halo is so fun when you're stoned, and also there's the added aspect that I smoke to the level where I am addicted to tobacco, even though I never smoke cigarettes on their own, meaning that I can get cranky if I have a while of "not gonna smoke, will make me worse at Halo" etc. And I would say that it doesn't seem to affect my basic skill much at all, even decision making doesn't seem to be too harshly affected, maybe Halo has become close to instinctive. But frankly it dulls response times and compromises quick decision making in some heated moments, so I'd say it does have the ability to bring me down.

    But honestly, by far and away my favourite substance related activity is music. Whether it be on weed, salvia, or even laughing gas (not sure if that was in the list of ok drugs, but it's ****ing sweet and semi legal in that way that shrooms used to be over here, awesome), music can just take you away from it all. About 60-70% of evenings when I'm up at Uni are spent at my mate Naomi's house (this year it was because she could smoke in here campus room and I couldn't in my house, so hers was the obvious hang out choice, but I get the feeling we'll end up going to hers next year anyway), and every time I leave hers (about 2-3am generally) I'm high as a kite and set off on my walk home, oversized headphones safely planted on my head. And music just takes me, gives me this certain kind of happiness which I'd swear was spiritual if I was even slightly inclined that way. Not to say that music isn't special when I'm sober, I personally consider it to be one of the few things in this world that will never disappoint me, I'd call it 'pure' if I didn't hate the la-di-da connotations that go with doing so. But man, music when I'm high is just amazing, I love walking home from Naomi's because, unlike London, Norwich is safe at night and I feel like I can just drift off, it's my time and I love it so much.

    But to those who have never tried laughing gas and have an interest, please listen to me when I say that music increases the experience tenfold. Every time Naomi, Mike and me get a few balloons down us, we choose the song carefully and position it so that the drop (btw, drugs and Drum n Bass ftfw) is timed roughly with the height of the trip. May only last like 3 minutes, but man is it worth it, and music just takes on a different sense in those times, it gains feeling as well as sound, and starts to seep in to the throbbing, enjoyably pulsating sense that I get of the whole universe when I'm tripping. Dang man, I shouldn't have gotten started on this, want some laughing gas now :p.
    #48 Pegasi, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I was woooondering when good ol' Peg would drop in... It's about time.

    Although, holy **** did you go on a tirade sir. Justified, yes, but I think you could have gotten your point across a lot clearer to some with much fewer words. Don't get me wrong, your point is clear & just. I just can foresee your post being overlooked due to the length, when your post is clearly one of the best in the thread.

    I don't know what his reasonings were, either, but I'm not going to argue them. I've personally done cocaine, and really don't care to talk about the drug and its effects. Regardless of my ability to dwell on it. As for Heroin or Meth, I've got no personal experience, but I think all of these 'harder' drugs should remain out of here, as all they will wind up doing is having randoms come in and going "omg i cant believe u guyz are talking about that stuff, my dad shot up n killd himself 3 years ago." or something else which I really don't care to hear about.

    I don't know man, you can ask Shad0w, but when I got down in Halo sober, I was okay, then when I got down in Halo stoned, I was almost up to par with him, Choch, and Twinkie (he'll know who I mean).

    I couldn't have said that any better myself.

    I passed up a few opportunities, I'm waiting for the right time. When that will be? I have no idea.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I saw this and was like 'ooh, a thread on this subject that actually looks appealing from the OP', was always gonna drop in :p.

    Point taken, I think you're right on this one. Basically: Draw distinctions based on science, logic and cited grounds, not on your own personal emotional connotations that various substances or words may hold for you. Such reactions are a fair enough reason to reject substances in your personal life, this is your right of course, but please don't expect others to, basically, take "I don't like it" as a reason why they should feel compelled to not take substances themselves, or be convinced to your point of view.

    I see a lot of comments like this in threads like these and, whilst it is an inevitability in discussions like this, I see it happening within ongoing and often rather heated discussions, which is just detrimental to the logical end of discussion, which is to discuss and interact with ideas, not just tell people how you basically feel about something over and over.

    I don't really argue with it either, it was more of a question just to get a perspective on his stance on drugs as a wider whole. I think it's a pretty interesting discussion in itself, why people draw the lines they do between what's ok and what isn't in terms of substances, most notably the law and socially reflected opinion, when there are so many much more drastic differences within the illegal spectrum of substances which make so much more sense as a line to say, 'past here isn't cool any more'. It shows, to my mind, how powerful ingrained social stigmas are within society, or more simply how the nature of society works in this respect, and how the ultimate ideal of education over superstition (harsh word I know, but connotations aside, I think you see what I'm getting at, opinion based on reaction and not reinforced by appreciated fact) is never going to even close to work out, or at least isn't right now.

    But you are right in practical terms, I can see the detriment that having such substances in discussion would mean for the thread overall.

    Yeah, it's really not something that I could gauge that well, since I only really got in to Halo in any real sense after I started smoking, and have only done it more since then. It'll be interesting to see how I'm affected when I do eventually give up. This is something worth noting btw, I do intend to give up at some point. I may be at university and going on 21, but I'm still a kid and I know it. I'm happy to admit that, and enjoy the hell out of it while it lasts, and it's sadly nearing its end, but I'm also mindful of the fact that the amount and way in which I enjoy myself right now just wouldn't be practical or fair to the family I plan to have in later life, based on how I'm affected by the weed. Dunno if I'll give up completely or just only do it occasionally, but either way I won't cane the shiz like I do now :p.

    So yeah, to all those who do think that drugs cloud the mind to what really matters, and that's where the danger really lies: This may be true in many ways, often it is the case, but see this as an aspect of humanity itself, people can have their mind clouded from what really matters in so many ways, money for example being a key social example. Drugs are gravitated towards by lobbyists because of their distinct attraction in addiction terms in many cases, what is appreciated as chemical addiction, but psychological addiction hints more towards this social trend of addiction, or what is slightly more self-righteously termed 'misguided priorities'. Again drugs are gravitated to in this psychological addiction due to their notably stronger mental effects, due to their nature as an external chemical influence on top of the chemical reactions involved in normal mental processes of 'social' addiction.

    This is the real distinction between drugs and other addiction, but it's worth remembering that being mindful of this is the most beneficial approach as with any addictive situation in potential. See substances for what they are, something to enjoy, and keep your priorities straight. Just as in the rest of life, being mindful of this means you can keep an eye what can be appreciated as the larger priorities in life (this is to ignore actual chemical addiction, which is a different case altogether, but what I'm discussing primarily is weed, which isn't chemically addictive). To be fair, there is no set definition of what this should be, social interaction in its base form being the most commonly appreciated one, but hey, it's someone's right to have whatever priorities they want, be that having fun in the sense of recreation, including substance use or not, or whatever. But that's not me, so just remember that before more of these comments along the lines of 'drugs take over your life' which I've seen too many of in these discussions already.

    I know Tex, I know, another tl;dr. I looked over it and tried to cut it, but hey, apparently I just suck at editing.

    Do it dude, but make sure you're in a place where you can chill right out, in a house is by far the best. Just put on a really good tune, turn it the hell up (more bass = more fun), lie down on a sofa or bed if possible, then just keep on that ballon till the feeling sets in. The longer you go for the better I suppose, but obviously it's not something you should be stupid with :p. But yeah, then just enjoy, I'd say close your eyes but you're likely gonna do that on your own. So short, but so good.
    #50 Pegasi, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Actually does for me lawl. First time I got high, and got home, I played some CoD4 with another one of my friends and went like 30-40 and lower than 10 KD for the rest of the day.

    And yeah I haven't told my parents yet, IDK what my mom would say, even though she is a saint. My dad might be pissed only because weed is illegal but he has offered me beers and I'm 16.
    #51 Willmatic, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  12. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    Whilst I do feel that giving information on drug safety is helping more than hurting, I think that putting that information out there would be hurting more. The drugs I have listed are all in a sense not very dangerous. I'm not going to deny that many of these are mentally dangerous, but when used correctly they can be very yield very positive results.

    With this in mind I really didn't feel that any of those substances could achieve that. They are just dangerous, physically and mentally. I felt that putting information out there about them would be causing more harm than good. I might remove cocaine from that list how ever, although I still am strongly against its use.
  13. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    Cocaine should remain on the no discussion list because of it's addiction potentials. All of the ok'd drugs are not very (if at all) physically addicting, and merely mentally addicting, and can be safely used by anyone with willpower. Cocaine is rough, I only know one person who has done cocaine without getting addicted, but he's done some crazy stuff too.

    But anyways, about DXM, has anyone had any experience with this? I've always wanted to trip, and mushrooms and LSD aren't exactly accessible to a person who doesn't do any other drugs. If so, is it fun? What brands of cough syrup are best? And how much do you have to take? I don't really want to buy several bottles to trip once.
  14. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    Easily the drug that I find easiest to get carried away with, and I'm a very conservative drug user. Not in an addicting sense, I'm referring to dosages, and how easy it is to overdose, again, I wouldn't recommend. Is it fun? Ya. Sort of a tipsy euphoria, change in perception, in higher doses hallucinations, and pretty short lasting (3-5 hours for me). <----Although all of this depends on dosage.

    To SAFELY use DXM you have to extract it yourself. There are too many other chemicals in cough syrup to get a pleasurable trip off of drinking cough syrup. You have to extract is from Delsym brand cough syrup, it contains the active ingredient DXM Polistirex, which is DXM Hdr (the normal chemical) coated in edible plastic. Anyway, by doing this you get rid of all the nasty chemicals and yada yada that make you sick and can ruin trips.

    Here is the tutorial on how to do the extraction, feel free to PM me for more info. Check out this site for pics of the extraction.
  15. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    Thanks for that.

    If not DXM, are there any other hallucinogens that are relatively easy to acquire that you think are less dangerous?
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Salvia is a real short trip, which is extremely intense. So, for your first time tripping, I don't know if I should suggest that. Though mushrooms will be much longer lasting, they are a much more enjoyable experience, given your surroundings & dosage.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Actually it can vary massively with salvia. The big pro for me is that it's legal over here, not sure about the US, so that it's easy to get safe, reliable and correctly labelled stuff. But the concentration varies so wildly that it really offers a massive range of experiences in terms of strength. I've done x1 (basic leaf matter) and felt..nothing really, although I did find out later that I was supposed to have piped it not rolled it, so my bad there. I've done x20 (basically just that, 20x concentrated extract) whilst I was getting stoned once. An overly stoned and generous dealer gave me some, offered me some shrooms as well which I've never tried, but I had to go home and work so it wouldn't have been the best idea, kinda gutting looking back. But anyway, I didn't feel that much, it was hard to distinguish it from being just a decent bit more stoned than I was, but it did feel kinda clearer, idk, things seemed a bit more plastic-y or clear cut or something, not very distinct as a trip and I managed to ride my bike home fine. The dealer was a little shocked though, he said he'd been tripping off the same stuff, thinking that he was moving through time differently or something.

    But then I did x35, and I saw what the hell he was talking about. Didn't expect much when I took it, and for me there's a hazy bit between when I took it and when I can next remember. I remember toking it and the head high set in more and more, saying 'this is strooong' over and over as I lay down. According to my friends, the last time I said that I stretched the word strong out for a good 30 seconds or something, I have no memory of this. Next thing I, and I use this word hesitantly, remember is being deep in the trip, just seeing everything in this harsh perspective with shifting geometry and not a clue in the world that this wasn't normal, that this wasn't the entirety of existence. It faded out and I became aware of the real world and my friends again, the crossover between trip and reality in the visual sense was more literal than I had imagined, crazy ****. My friends said I was properly gone, my mate Mike was terrified by me at one point apparently, I lol'd. But yeah, honestly that was a perspective changing experience.

    Salvia can offer a massive range of trip strengths in my experience, and if it is legal over there then it's a more consistent and predictable substance to judge in terms of likely experience for you than illegal substances. If you want to experiment with something not too strong, then I'd start with anything from x1 to x5 and take it easy, with strengths it's always better to start safe and work up to your comfort zone than overshoot and regret it.
    #57 Pegasi, Jun 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2009
  18. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    Salvia is probably going to be your top choice, I will talk more about doing salvia in a bit as a response to PD.

    If you have a good/reliable hook up on shrooms, and are able to get away for 8-10 hours (you'll want time to come down) then shrooms are a very good outlook as well. Usually street shrooms won't be of such a dose that you will trip balls, but you will still get a taste of the psychedelic experience. If you choose shrooms as your choice, post more so I can give you some more tips and tricks, because if used incorrectly you can have a uncomfortable experience that may lead to a bad trip thus more serious mental health problems.

    Salvia is also legal and sold in stores in many places across America, although it is illegal in 7 I believe. It is a relatively reliable drug to use in terms of experience and dosage, since it is pretty carefully regulated. You'll find the biggest difference in experience by method of consumption but I'll touch on that later. I took the liberty of creating a little guide, things that make my Salvia experiences more enjoyable and deep.

    Some people look to have fun and get stupid with friends, if this is what you are looking to do this guide won't be very beneficial to you. Those who are looking to have an intense psychedelic experience and begin understanding different levels of consciousness and life will be most guided by the below.

    Salvia: Preparation and Dosage.
    - If you take medicines for ADD/ADHD, medicines for pain (any kind of opiate), or any other medicine that effects the brain, do not do Salvia while it is still in your system. These drugs will interfere with the interaction of salvia on your brain, and in some cases, prevent it, or cause undesirable experiences. I would recommend avoiding these types of drugs for one day as a minimum. In three days most of these drugs should be completely out of your system and not effect your trip.

    - I will finish this later I need sleep
  19. The God of Grunge


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    I'm lucky enough to have enough health problems to all my getting high on perscription drugs.
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    So... I rolled on e, Friday... And I've been waiting to give my review of the evening...

    Where do I begin?

    Perhaps by saying that it was the most euphoric feeling I've experienced in ages?

    The setting: A regularly 10-foot bon-fire, at a barn. There are many old friends which I haven't seen in ages. I missed them, and so them being there made this experience like no other. Randomly, it would rain throughout the evening, only making my experience that much better.

    Start of the evening, probably around 9:30-9:45: I walked up to my friend, properly dubbed "Chills." I asked Chills, "So, how long is everyone going to be here tonight?" He responded, "Dude, it's Friday night!" Immediately after he said that, I popped my "Blue Transformer", A.K.A. "Decepticon." The night officially began. Water bottle in hand, I began awaiting my journey to come.

    10:30 rolls around. Literally as I question what's taking so long for it to kick in (I looked at my cell for the time, so I remember specifically.), I begin noticing the fact that I'm smiling. I'm smiling, unintentionally. My buddy Chills looks at me, "How ya feelin buddy?" I responded with something like "Here we go." He knew right away.

    10:45 comes. I'm smiling like I never have before. I notice the music was something like rock, or something sounding like Nickleback. I would (rolling or not) have to say "Ew." Anyways, I didn't really care too much, just being as gleeful as I was, though I went around asking everyone if they minded if I threw in some techno (Thanks a thousand times Tusk. MSTRKRFT is the ****). Noone disagreed. They all knew what I was on, and all practically demanded I threw it in.

    11:00 o'clock is here. I'm beginning to rise quickly. My body was moving to the beats like trees move in the wind. Bottle of water in my hand, I shook my ass like never before.

    Some point in between 11 & 12, my friend (Dubbed for the moment:) G, asked if I'd like a light show. I was in no condition to argue.

    He gave me a cell-show which he was ****ing pro at. (He's rolled somewhere around 300 times in his life.) I can't even begin to explain the experience he provided me. The way those cell phones whipped around my eyes & head, I'll never forget.

    After about an hour of beatin, at about 12 o'clock, it began raining a bit too much for everyone else. Though they all were in the door entrance of the barn, I was dancing in the rain to the beat of the techno, with my shirt off. They were all getting a good laugh (Everyone of them, drunk off their ass), as I was off in my own little world. I kept hearing something about a raindance, and that I was bringing it. Though, I wasn't planning on stopping any time soon.

    After dancing in the rain for about 15 minutes, I walked up to the crowd and shouted "Who here, is not beligerant?" ... ... ... silence ... ... ... "Bastards" ... Laughter ...

    Though, my close friend (Dubbed for the moment:) M was okay. He had only had like one keystone light & one shot of Jack Daniels. He came from out the crowd, and asked "Why, what's good buddy?" I responded with, "Let's go for a drive!!!" Giving an expression similar to this: ^^)

    He said hell ya, and we were on our way.

    Two other drunk asses joined us. Another close friend of mine, (Dubbed for the moment:) E, and this new girl we just met, Katie.

    Driving down the country roads, doing speeds which would be looked down upon in the rain, I was in an episode of Star Trek, doing light speed.

    The rain was warping past me, like nothing you could ever imagine, remaining sober your whole life. After a few trips up and down this country road, we made our way back.

    Well, after the car ride, and a few more moments enjoying the beats, everything began to digress somewhere around 2:45 in the morning. I wound up getting home at probably 3:30, still rolling.

    Though, the best part about this roll, was there were hardly any after effects. No back pain, no leg pain, no pain in the jaw from grindin the teeth... Nothing horrible.

    I literally experienced euphoria for a period longer then 5-6 hours. Where in normal everyday life, the average person experiences euphoria for no longer then 180 seconds, considering after that amount of time, some sort of negativity crosses the mind.

    I can't describe how amazing it was, but I will say this: If you're going to do ex, make sure you know your dealer, and make sure you know your drug. Mine was mdma based, which made the roll pure. It wasn't riddled with meth, cocaine, heroin, or anything else which makes rolls so scary to anyone curious to try them. Lastly, make sure you are sipping your bottle of water every few moments, as I did. It's the key to making sure you're well hydrated.
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