Anything and everything can be addictive. That's a trick question. I am personally addicted to Forge Hub. Don't know about anyone else, but ya. I should seek therapy.
I was going to roll face for a Sweet 16 this summer, but i'm not too sure if I wanna start pill popping, cause I just don't have the self control to stop. If i'm out to lunch, and i'm having a beer, I won't stop until i'm back at school, it's just idk. I'm not addicted it's just my personality. I just don't quit while i'm ahead. Now that's love.
a) Adults misinform kids about drugs b) As teens, they find out they were lied to. Most drug users I talk to (and I've talked to a lot) explain their use as some form of curiosity. They wanted to see colours on walls, or see how the effects would help them study, or get piss drunk to understand how their alcoholic step-father feels every night of the week. Even when describing use as "mind-expansion" and exploring-new-realms-of-consciousness, the issue still seems to be curiosity. Curious about WHAT the HUMAN EXPERIENCE is. There will always be drug users. We can't get rid of them (the drugs OR the users). Collective humanity can get high on mushrooms, vines, flowers, leaves, cacti, toads... Then there are the prescription drugs that have medical uses and big pharmacy lobbyists involved-- those aren't going anywhere either. So we MUST learn to deal with the situation. We must improve drug rehabilitation centres and their availability. And we MUST do our best to make sure users are dosing the safest sources available. WE should be synthesizing drugs in labs to ensure greater purity and safety for the users. a) We can't stop drug users (legal or illegal) b) We can make drugs legal and available by prescription. c) These drugs will be safer and cheaper for the users, and income from selling the drugs can be used to benefit the rehabilitation programmes. d) This would keep drug cartels from profiting on drugs. Drug cartels kill thousands a year and poison their customers with adulterants. Read up on cocaine adulterants-- many are deadly. It's insane. People KEEP using regardless. Shut down the dangerous suppliers already. Can't we legalize AT LEAST marihuana to stop the discussion? 55 year olds will tell you that in their youth they thought marihuana would be legalized in 3-5 years. The War on Drugs CANNOT be won. It's usually victimless crimes... people getting high on their couch. We must learn to deal with the problem, not pretend it doesn't exist or lie to potential users. My priority is RESTRUCTURING U.S. DRUG POLICY. First and foremost, this means decriminalizing or legalizing marihuana. We're very close. Our U.S. drug policy demonstrates how RETARDED [undeveloped] our system is. (Read up on how inaccurate drug classifications are-- compare the penalties of use with their schedules (#1-5).) The government is composed of citizens we elect-- it's an extension of ourselves. If we want it changed, we can do it. Don't just sit back idly. Anybody else reading this? This guy is obviously a drug USER (not necessarily abuser). He's using heavy drugs (ecstasy is very dangerous--mostly because street variants are cut with meth-- and DMT is definitely considered 'heavy' as far as psychedelics are concerned). AND he's worrying about his supplier. S/he admits it's risky to buy on the street. This guy says mescaline is too long and intense. Hell, I think LSD is too long. Mushrooms > LSD, largely for that reason, IMHO. S/he doesn't want his/her child messing around with some of the people s/he is. Obviously the situation is a _little_ sketchy. Can't we get over the fact that people use drugs and at least try to minimize the damage they can cause?
Grif, my point is, that yes, marijuana can be addictive. No matter whether or not you try to claim chemical dependency, or you try to claim social addiction. It's all up to each and every individual to know their limits, and recognize when they are letting something take over their lives. I've met plenty of people who spend countless hours obsessing over video games, and what do they do about it? Nothing, because they don't recognize their dependency.
Yeah, I'm also addicted to FH. But legal or not, all drugs CAN be addictive. Do you guys like the synthetics (ecstasy) or the naturals (weed)?
All natural. I'll only ever smoke marijuana and salvia. Do shrooms and blotters (LSD). Although LSD can be considered a synthetic, it's only so because it's synthesized from ergot. I feel as long as you don't abuse a substance, you're perfectly fine. It's when you're constantly doing drugs to get high or have trips when it becomes a problem.
I was addicted to Percocets for over a year... I started taking them because I had a compressed nerve and was basically living with pain that was an 8 on a scale of 10. And the doctor said here, live with it... I was taking 2 every 4 hours from January '07 till April '08 the next year... They changed me, but they changed me from the innocent little kid I used to be and now I'm more mature. In February, I had a surgery that released the nerve and got rid of the pain. Then I had to get off them. It was a long two months, and going through withdrawal is horrible... But it was good to finally get off them. How ever, now my memory is ****. I still take 2 every once in a while when I just need to get away from all the bullshit...
I'm inexperienced in this certain subject. To really comprehend the various drugs you guys are talking about (Besides Weed/Marijuana, shrooms, and ecstasy) I'd like a web page detailing everything. I'd wikipedia it, but....I feel it would be to subjective and undermined. I'd like to try Weed, when I get the chance, just to know what the fuss is about...being high and all. I believe I'm in a stable enough condition not to get addicted, but if it's that good I might just used it avidly.
I'll give you a website, although, text and images don't amount to anything when it comes to the drug culture. I'm not suggesting you go out and do drugs, but I'm merely pointing out that textbook knowledge doesn't compare to hands on.
I understand what you're saying. I'm 14 now though, and really am just opening up. Last Saturday I slept over my friends house, and we smuggled 3 Smirnoff's one for each of us. Drink 1/3 of the bottle, and stopped. My stomach couldn't handle it. The next morning I didn't feel sick or anything, just couldn't withstand it while doing it. Showing I'm basically too young for drinking...but I'll still try weed if I have the chance. I could buy a dime bag for $20 of my friends connection....just need to be certain.
Big post time, I just got back. I will touch on Master Keif's post later, although I have no ****ing clue what his point is. . . but again, that's for alter. Wouldn't that be awkward as hell? It's not exactly a contest, but if you want to be addicted to pain killers, cool. I don't want to sound incredibly biast here, but I don't see how someone can go into the "justice" system in America. There are some many wrong doings, just general violations of "inalienable" rights, blatant discrimination, rampant hypocrisy and incompetence. I don't know how good I would feel about myself if I made a living ruining people's lives because of a plant, that's for sure. However, if he's FBI I'm sure he's more concentrated in areas of extremely dangerous drugs. I wouldn't really consider anything a "safe" drug but look at marijuana or ginger for example, medicines found in nature. Then look at the medicines doctors are prescribing to patients and all of their negative effects on the body as opposed to those natural. Millions of American children are diagnosed with ADD and are put on some form of medicine, all stimulants with a similar chemical structure to that of pure cocaine. Highly dangerous drugs that almost guarantee physical dependence and addiction. So although all drugs aren't "safe" I would say that you can use drugs "safely". I can relate, I personally was addicted to Percocet for about six months when I was younger, for pain I had after a two month hospitalization. Once your hooked it can really destroy you, I remember NEEDING it all the time, and for times it was just all you can concentrate on. It wasn't always that the pain was killing me, it was just that not having it couldn't be done. I couldn't function. The worst part is that opioid's have one of the fastest growing tolerances, so towards the end before my doctor made me get help I was taking up to triple the recommended dose for my weight at the time. Withdrawal from prescription medications is so difficult, it's like having the worst flu ever. You're freezing and sweating all over the place, it feels like a war trying to breathe, the diarrhea, and I couldn't eat any food for about a week, then I still felt 3/4 as shitty for another week. All for the next couple weeks I had the mental craving for it too. **** doctors. Dead on with the memory too, same with most prescriptions that effect the frontal lobe, it just destroys your brain. End with an attack on my character? When did Bill O'reilly come to forgehub? For one, this thread is about helping people who will do drugs regardless, do them safely. I don't need some Ron Paul dickrider to tell to tell me this. Two, my thread my rules, I specifically said DO NOT talk about the legality or use of drugs, because that's not the purpose of this thread. Three, another rule, since you clearly read them is DO NOT POST IF YOU HAVE NO ****ING IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Ecstasy is NEVER cut with meth, considering that MDMA (main ingredient in ecstasy) is an MAO-I, and any amphetamine is an MAO, this clearly would not happen given that the MDMA would cancel our the meth. Not too mention, what a shitty combo of drugs to do anyway. Four, read the sentence in context Bill, I didn't say I was worried about my supplier, I said I was worried about buying DMT on the street because of how intense and risky it is. Five, I do hope you realize that how LSD or shrooms last is purely based on potency of the one you get, however, synthesized drugs NEVER will last as long as the natural chemicals found inside mushrooms (psilocin). Dosage is also an exterior factor, as well as method of using drugs. Your "friend" is ripping you off if he's going to sell you a dime for $20. Given that a dime is 10 cents, and a dime bag is a $10 sack. But I saw your last post, and you don't just get addicted to pot. When people use pot and addiction together they are generally referring to "dependence" or how often they smoke. It's different for everyone, some people enjoy it, some don't really like it. If you're willing to try it a couple times and get the hang of smoking it, that's when you will really be able to tell whether you enjoy it or not. Most people don't even figure out if they are inhaling it or not until the third or fourth time. Be careful who you associate yourself with though, always think be weary of people that you think might end up getting you busted. A smirnoff ice? I'm not going to infer your sexual preference off of what you drink, but if I did, you'd be gay. Jokes aside, that is natural for your stomach to hurt after drinking, especially if you drink it fast, but it says you only drank 1/3 so I don't know. Alcohol is very hard on the liver's to process, so when you drink too quickly your liver is basically overloaded and that can cause pain. I wouldn't recommend starting drinking, but if you are, start out with some beers. You can't really just jump into hard alcohol for your first time.
Where's my attack on your character? You're a drug user who's worried about your supplier. You stated that all yourself. That's ALL I reiterated. Read my post again. You claim to not be worried by your suppliers, yet you're quoted as saying it's risky and you wouldn't want your children to deal with the characters you buy from because of unsafe products. When you're talking safety of recreational drugs, legality is intrinsically involved. Nobody is trying to turn this into a pro-legalization thread. But when we're talking about safety, as your thread title indicates, it would be irresponsible to NOT mention that the legal status of drugs directly affects how safe they are. Cocaine is becoming less pure AND more expensive due to it's illegality. And samples are found to contain phenacetin, which promotes cancerous growths. This thread is pure novelty and NOT here to help ANYONE if lightly touching on legality is forbidden in the discussion. You literally say that ecstasy is NEVER cut with methamphetamine. Here's proof it is, taken from street samples. If you want to impress the kiddies here at Forgehub with all the knowledge you've learned from Erowid, go right ahead. But don't pretend you can hold your own in a real discussion about psychoactives, and don't get defensive when I explain why you claim it's risky to buy illegal (and often times unsafe) drugs on the street. You're the one getting offended over nothing and insulting (Bill O'Reilly, Ron Paul dickrider). THAT serves no purpose in a thread meant to help others.
I, not too long ago, tried weed for the first time. I found it a very....strange, but entertaining experience. It made everything appear slower, but more interesting at the same time. I have done moderate research on the drug, and found that most sources tell that addiction to Marijuana is rare. Is this true?
Yes! Your exactly right, I want a bunch of plus rep, so I googled how to do drugs, yes. That was my intent, you caught me. And describing me as a junkie isn't a personal attack? What serves no purpose is you stating the obvious. Everyone knows its risky to buy and use street drugs, if anyone needs to explain that to you, then you shouldn't be doing this in the first place. And I feel no need to quote your Pro-legalization rant to show that you were just proving your point for legality. If you want to talk about that, let's make a thread in the debate section. I agree with what your saying, this is just not the place to do it, and I don't want this to get shut down. As far as your link, no where do those pills that contain methamphetamine also contain MDMA. They may look like ecstasy, but you can trim bushes to look like animals too. Plus, whilst I've never heard of digestible pill form meth, I could imagine that it would have the classic meth smell, it's pretty hard to miss. My apologies for over reacting.
There are MDMA+meth pills a page over on the link I sent (here), but that doesn't really matter. And I'm not *necessarily* pro-legalization, I'd just like our drug policies to be rational and reflect the actual harms presented by said drugs. Regardless, I wasn't trying to insinuate you were a "junkie." I called you a user. I'm a user too (and so is hypothetical grandma with her medz and hypothetical little sis with her rx stimulants). It wasn't meant to carry negative undertones. Sorry that it seemed to. Edit RE: above post: Addiction to virtually anything is possible, even if it doesn't cause significant physical dependency. Chronic (pardon the pun) smokers do experience withdrawal symptoms.
Lmao. Also, do you know how much nutmeg you can eat without dying? EDIT: Already been infracted, but for future reference, nutmeg is in fact a hallucinogen.
I've read your rules, but I'm going to have to break some of your rules. All I interpret from this thread is an unknown source encouraging others to use drugs... Telling other people how to use drugs safely will obviously encourage those who have not used drugs to use them because they will believe that there is a safe and clearer path to drugs. This can lead to addiction to some and obviously death. Your morals may be right, but they are a double-edged sword in disguise...
Thats the same as saying teaching kids about safe sex can lead them to death. Also, if you read the rules, none of the drugs mentioned (discluding ciggarrettes and alcohol, which are legal) are actualy addictive.