It's really plain, also the microphone is too blended, sharpen the focal a bit as well, um, add some text in there too, try to experiment with all the effects they give you, there are so many that you could just try for fun. Also, what band is the vocalist from? He looks familiar.
Thanks. I purposely over-blended the mic because I thought it looked cool. I actually have no idea which band that vocalist is from. I just found the picture on Google Images.
Well I personally think theres to much noise. I do however like the hand thing, and the text is ok. Overall its ok, just the noise...I can't get around that.
I'm pretty sure I Googled "screamo," "band screamer," or something like that. It came up on some guy's MySpace page. But I don't think that's ABR...
And I don't know if you care but here's a great site for non-commercial free vintage stocks. LIFE photo archive hosted by Google
Thanks for the link, I don't use vintange stocks much, by the way since you gave away your little stash of vintage, ill tell you where I get MY stocks... Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing Amazing Res and everything ANYWAYS about your piece... I liked it better with the filmgrain, added more of a vintage effect to it, nice theme you got going too, you might want to try a more of a darker colour scheme.
Nice work, I don't like the smuding on the guys shoulders though, also try moving the I in LEVITATION a bit more, it looks like it's part of the stick thingy.
Wow, thats alot of improvement...I like the use of wire frames, however I would have picked a less liney one for the right side, it distracts some from the focal. The text should also be closer to the focal. The bg is kinda bland, but its ok, I like the c4ds....Overall good sig, the text and right side could use some work. Well, its kinka big, but other than that its an ok sig. The colors are pretty good, the text is ok, Although I don't know how you would do it, but it looks kind funny where it is...Anyway, nice lighting and depth. Overall good sig.
Definitely one of your BETTER pieces, I think you're getting a lot better than before, just work on your text. Interesting work, did you put this together like a bunch of stocks? You might want to put those up so we could see.
Actually, no, it was one stock; a real photograph believe it or not. I looked on Flickr when you posted the link and found it :happy: