Trainyard Judgement Map Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eternal Reconnaissance, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Hello again Forge Hub. I'm proud to announce that I have started a new map, and this time it will be adding on to the popular infection gametype, Judgement, based off of COD5's **** Zombies. First came the Last Day, then the Asylum, now comes the next, a currently unnamed trainyard.

    First read this though:

    This is not a preview! Repeat, not a preview!
    This is hardly enough to be called a teaser. No this is a discussion thread and a thread to show what has been made so far and how the map will work out.

    First, what is Judgement?
    Well, I can't answer that question for you, because, I didn't even make it yet! To find out that, you will need to play the earlier mentioned maps made by Master Debayter and RivalMass, and patt06snipe. But to sum it up, it is Halo 3's way of doing **** Zombies.

    How will zombies enter the buildings, or rather, train carts?
    The zombies are able to enter buildings, not by destroying pallets, no that is unrealistic, zombies just coming in normally. The jump onto mongeese and then "climb" through the windows, so to speak. This way it is more like COD5, in the way that zombies can enter.

    Will weapons be on the walls, like in **** Zombies?
    Well, right now, I haven't worried about weapons, due to the fact that I just started the map. Once that is finished, I'll work on that, but most likely, weapons will be on the walls. Not EVERY weapon, but likely most of them.

    How do you plan to "unlock" rooms?
    I am following the Judgement rules from both maps so far. Dumpsters will block rooms and after a certain amount of time a man cannon will appear, thus allowing you to "push" the door open when touching it. Still confused? I'll show pictures soon.

    What about the random weapon box?
    Oooh, that will be difficult for me. So far, I've only started on the beginning, not the end of the map. The random weapon box will work with the system that RivalMass has created for both Judgement maps so far. I may have to change it slightly only because of objects already used on the map.

    There, now that we've got the Judgement map descriptions out of the way, time for the actual map.

    Now as for right now, I've only started on the first train car. Zombies will enter through only 1 area, to give the humans a chance to survive in the first room. As the cars progress, more variety in train cars will be used, like the first car is more like a boxcar, then the next might be a passenger car, then possibly a cafe, sleeping car, train engine, you get the point. So you may like the box car, with only one entrance until you advance. This train car might last you, but you may wish to consider the other cars because not only will they have more detail rather than a boring old boxcar, but they will have stronger weapons as well. You sacrifice safety, as in few entrances, for weapons and room.

    The zombie spawn also is in the works, but first I must finish the actual train. So far the only problems I've faced are:
    -Keeping the train aesthetically accurate both inside and out.
    -Keeping the train size big enough for humans but also allowing zombie entrances.
    -Trying to make the "unlockable" other traincars while keeping the aesthetic feel but forcing humans to enter the next traincar.

    As you can see, it is still far into the start of the map, and is still not playable at all. I also can't include wheels because I don't have the budget nor amount of objects, so that is one part I can't include. Not to mention how hard it is keeping aesthetics, playability, and accuracy to the actual Judgement rules in the map. Still confused as to how the map looks? Well you are in luck, I do have a few pictures ready for view.

    Here is an overview of the map so far.

    This is the entrance to the first boxcar for the zombies. Just walk up, get on the mongoose...

    and climb out into the train like this.

    Here is a window for the humans to shoot out at the approaching zombies. Notice how the dumpsters are blocking the exit.

    And now the man cannon has spawned to move the dumpsters. Care to see how to open them? It is really quite simple. Just approach...

    touch the dumpsters and they'll "unlock" the next room. Simple as that.

    You see the dumpster here? You may get stuck in there. To prevent that, just a few seconds after the dumpsters move...

    a window panel appears that blocks you from entering or just "unsticks" you if you are already stuck there.

    Unfortunately, that is all that I have for the map right now. However, I will update this thread every few days or so to show progress. Obviously, this isn't much yet because I have only worked on it for one day, but it should look much better in the future so stay put.

    Also, I will put a roof ontop, but haven't done so yet in order to allow you to see inside the boxcar in the pictures.

    Thanks to Master Debayter and Rivalmass for the original map.
    Thanks to patt06snipe for giving me the idea to make a Judgement map.
    Thanks to any supporters of Judgement, or of even if just this map.
    And finally, thanks for at least viewing this thread. I appreciate the time you have taken.

    Like I said, stay tuned for updates, the map isn't nearly done yet.

    EDIT: I have now finished the roof, saved myself a few doors and signs from that roof, started and nearly finished the second car, now have THREE overall zombie entrances, added even more details, and have smoothened up the first "unlockable" door.

    There is the entrance in the first pic, another regular entrance newly created in the second room, and also a newly created ceiling entrance in the second room as well. The zombies must break down a pallet and then they can storm the second room via roof. The second room is not quite finished and I have a few bumpy areas to fix, such as that drop down after the door is opened. Humans need to jump over it rather than just walk across, and it makes the gameplay feel a bit bumpy, so I am going to try and figure out a way to fix this without blocking the switch.

    EDIT: Sorry I've been gone lately on Forgehub, I've kinda been busy most of the summer. Lots of camps and stuff going on, and plus, I took a little break from Halo 3. In the second room, I fixed the drop after unlocking the room. Now you can just walk to the next room instead of jumping into it. The unlockable door for the third room is started, but may need to be remade. I am now stuck, although what is finished so far is absolutely great for one of my maps. Never has a map by me looked smooth like this, but then again, I'm trying to make this the best one yet.

    I really need to find out a way to make a third train car. If there is any ideas from anyone whatsoever, please post. The second train is like a storage car, the first is a boxcar. I want the next to be a diner car but how can I make it big enough with enough room for humans but also zombie entrances. Please give me ideas, or else this map will have to wait until later. Thank you.

    Update #1: Here are some updated pics of the map as promised. Sorry they took so long, but I haven't had much time to do this yet.


    Here is the roof to the first train car. It looks kinda messy here, but it isn't like this in game.


    The roof of the second train car. Like I said for the first, not messy looking in game.


    Here is the entry to the second traincar. Notice the bridge I'm walking on. This helped smoothen it up so there isn't a drop when walking to the second car. Here is another picture showing the drop I would have made:
    This pic is from before, but it shows the drop from the first car to the second. Note: This picture isn't the updated version of the switch there, but it still works to get my point across about the drop.


    The new ceiling entrance for zombies. It is still in works, so any suggestions to fix would be appreciated.


    Overview one of the interior of the second train car.


    Overview two of the interior of the second train car.


    This picture helps to show size between the two cars and also shows the ceiling entrance and main entranc for room two.


    This is the switch for room three (note: may be redone upon request or my opinion of it).


    Location of the switch for traincar three.

    First off, I want you to note that I haven't got a clue on how to start the third traincar. What you are about to see most likely will be completely redone or deleted for the final version. This is to show how the third traincar looked when it failed. I need you to give me ideas for how to make the entrance to the third traincar, and the actual traincar itself. Don't say, "The third traincar sucks and looks really stupid." I know that, I just want to give you an idea of where it is, and to show what I DON'T want it to look like. The theme for the third traincar is a diner car.


    Third traincar overview 1


    Third traincar overview 2 with zombie entrances.

    Now you see how this third car looks horrible. Don't worry, I'll completely redo this upon request, but before saying that, give me suggestions. I need feedback from you: The Forgehub Community, to continue this map. So help me out, add ideas for it, saying what I could make it out of, or if a diner car just doesn't fit. Just add some suggestions.

    Thank you if you actually took the time to look back at this thread and see my update. I hope this gives you some ideas on how to make my third traincar without making it as sloppily forged as it is right now. Please, like I said, give me suggestions, and help me also to find any areas you want to see fixed, like the ceiling entrance, or parts of the second car and such. Also, weapons aren't made yet, so don't leave comments saying: where's the **** zombie weapons? I'm doing that last, after the map is almost done. Thank you again, please leave comments!
    #1 Eternal Reconnaissance, Jun 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    The map looks interesting. I am not sure how it's going to be set up or if you've mentioned it, but I think it should be a linear path. The humans start in the caboose and end in the front. Zombies should be able to enter any car. That's just what I think it should be.

    Also, what if the window panel spawns before the door is opened?
  3. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    It is going to be a linear path, only one way to go, to the front of the train where there is the most powerful weapons but most dangerous area because of more zombies.

    Zombies will enter any car that has already been allowed to be opened. That way there is no camping or assassinations right as humans enter the next car. At the end, they can enter every car and kill humans from there.

    As for the window panel, I simply need that there to help human out. Here is how it works: At 30 seconds, the door can be opened. Humans will probably want to open it immediately, and I worked long and hard on the door, probably an hour and a half to make it smooth and easily accessable. When the door is able to be opened, the mongeese in the next car spawn, so zombies can already access the next car before the door is opened, and therefore they can open it for the humans. By this time the door SHOULD be opened and at 45 seconds the window pane appears. If this doesn't work out in the testing, once I can get testing anyway, then I'll change this to at 60 seconds.

    But the window pane is needed, because it stops you from going into there or if you're already stuck, then it sort of blocks the gravity from the man cannon from sucking you and "dettaches" you from the dumpsters.

    I'll fix this at testing if need be. But right now I have a big problem that needs help.

    The first car is done, but I don't know how I should be able to get into the next car. I want it to feel like a connected train, except for maybe one car that is flipped over, so that you can get into the next cars without getting out. The flipped over car is to make it feel like you're on a broken train trying to get to the front and leave. But I'll worry about the flipped car later. How should I make the next car attached to the first so you can enter it without getting out of the entire train? BTW I'm low on doors and signs, so I'm saving those for zombie entrances.
  4. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ok, sorry for not replying earlier..I have been busy working these past couple of days and have been too tired to get on here. Sorry if this is not lengthy, but I will try my best.

    First off I would like to say that I really love the new zombie window/get in style. The doors look really good, and from the pictures it looks really cool when zombies come flyn through the back seemingly out of nowhere. That is a really good idea.

    For the train itself it looks really good too. Although on one of the screens the walls on the left look crooked. Idk how they could be because the walls on the floor are all lined up perfectly. It prob isn't crooked but it looks like it on the picture. Just a heads ups. (take as much time as you can to make the map prefectly lined up and straight as it should be.)

    Also, the door looks great and seems as if it works well but I don't think those signs on top are even. They look as if they are slopeing inward towards the door itself. Again, perfection is something that goes unoticed on a map because the player is thinking that the designer wouldn't leave a crooked line or something that shouldn't be there on the map. But when there is something crooked or just out of place, the player really notices it and sometimes its just an annoying thing that is just there all the time. This applies here on the signs. When they are perfectly lined up and straight, nobody really notices and just takes it all for granted because again they are thinking that the map should be perfect and contain no flaws...but if something, likes these signs, is crooked then the player may think that the maker/designer didn't put full work into his creation. Now I know that you said you worked on the door for like an hour and half so I hope that little commentary doesn't p--- you off much. I mean nothing bad in any way. I am just trying to help get your map as good looking as it can be. But really, sorry if it makes you mad.

    So, to fix the signs I would say just interlock the ends of them into the walls so that it looks cleaner. I know that the door is already working nicely and so ya this might be annoying to fix, but I think once you have done it you will be glad you did. \

    PS - this is just a suggestion, so you don't have to do these things to the map.

    PSS - I just saw that you put down...."and have smoothened up the first "unlockable" door." so everything I said above might not apply any more. Hah wow.

    Also, to make it impossible to get stuck in the doors I put another wall facing the dumpsters end so when they fly open they hit the wall and are not shoved all the way back into the crevice (when they get shoved back all the way there is the gap that humans can get sucked into) so I made the gap go away by making less room in the crevice for the door to slide into. I still used the window panel though as a second block.

    Anything else you want me to help on just let me know.

    edit -- I was not expecting this to be that long. hahaahaha
    #4 patt06snipe, Jun 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2009
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This looks a bit ambitious. Although this would easily be my favourite **** Zombies remake if you pull it off, you probably won't. Why? OLN. You'll probably only be able to make 3 or 4 carriages, so the game may be over too fast.

    What would the humans get at the end? Freedom? Or just a large stack of weapons?
  6. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Im going to be the ass here but wouldn't it be easier to buy cod5?
    **** zombies would require so many switches that it just wouldn't be the same.
    and you have the choice of a metallic foundry or a stone sandbox. The theme would not be the same.
    There is no way of keeping track of money.

    You can try, and might surprise me but if I have an irresistible urge to play **** zombies I will go buy it.
  7. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    they have already made a few **** zombies maps in halo and it works quite well.
  8. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    He's making it so we don't HAVE to buy COD5. Hell, he's doing us all a favor.

    As for the map, it's gonna be tough. The OLN will be a major hinder in the progress of this map. To get from cart to cart, you could have a small connector piece such as a door or barricade, small rails on the side, and a grav lift to keep you from moving. Check out Draw The Line's map End of the Line for ideas on your train.
  9. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Sorry I've been gone, have been very busy and still have to fix up a lot of this project, like how I didn't update this when I said. I am going to take a break off this map and occasionally go back to fix the errors, then continue later. Some of the mistakes you've noticed have been fixed, so forget parts of that.

    Yes, I regret to admit, but it is ambitious. The OLN might just ruin the whole thing, and making this on Sandbox would be SOOO much easier, except for one thing. Sandbox's theme. It is all stone and I actually tried on Sandbox first, but it turned out horrible after the first 2 carts and I just went to Foundry. I will probably only make 4 or 5 carts, but make them large yet more trainlike. But I will still try to finish the map, and who knows, maybe it will turn out great and the idea will be finished. Actions speak louder than words, or ideas.

    As for the objective, survive. There will be a random weapon box at the end, and that is your reward for traveling, but if you decide to stay back, you have less areas to worry about.

    I DO have COD5, but I like Halo 3 much better. This idea isn't mine, but Master Debayter's. I am just adding a new map to his gametype, like patt06snipe did. This gametype works great and adds for a new spin on Halo 3. But true, it does, I guess, help save you money from buying COD5. But these are made only for pure enjoyment and a spin on Halo, everything else is a bonus.

    As for now, this is all you can see, I have finished cart 2 but I'm not posted that yet. I finished it, now I'm going back to touch it up and smoothen everything. Sorry for no update yet.
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Well, it's nice to see you working on a judgement map.

    I'm currently in the process of making my own Judgement map at the moment, but I'm not going to reveal much about that. However, I will say that the map has two different versions. One version has two bases with the humans split up between the two bases, and the other is the same map with one of the bases none existant and the other larger with the addition of the random weapon box. I'm not even going to say what map it's on, although some people have played and tested the version with two bases already and apparently the testers thought it played better than the Last Day in some cases. But, there are still some changes that need to be made to that progect.

    I look forward to seeing how this project turns out however. Make sure that you have enough objects to put a roof on all of those train cars, so completely forge each train car before you move onto the next. It would look stupid if some of the cars looked more complete than others, so keep the same design throughout, and when you have too little objects to make another identical train car, use those remaining objects for aesthetics. Also, I recommend that you try and make the train so that there are two windows to each car (with four cars this is the perfect amount of windows).
  11. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the idea Master Debayter. I think I'll add windows, and that will help with shooting the zombies outside. Four cars will be enough though, and then maybe a small ouside area or so like in Shi No Numa. But I've decided not to do the flipped over train car, because that won't work well. It just simply won't work with the object limit.

    This map is now updated, so for everyone who wants to see how it looks please look at all of the new pics, and please actually read through the post. I need lots of ideas for the third traincar and entrance to the third traincar, so all that is there in the third car will be deleted. Please also note, I won't go back to this map without any suggestions, so please just add some ideas here.

    Thanks to everyone who's given this a chance, however small. I understand that this forge project is very ambitious, but with enough time and effort, that ambition might be worth it, and this could very well turn out to be an outstanding infection map.

    Also, here are two overview screenshots of the map without a roof. Please don't say: oh well the walls are all stupid and sloppy, fix those up. Trust me, I played through this in human form more than as in forge form. I tried to find these areas, and they were not noticeable. Only without a roof do they look sloppy, so don't comment on that. These are to show you how much has been made, and to give you an idea on how big the map is so far.


    Overview 1: that single box by the switch to the third room is not going to be in the final version, because I'm redoing the third room and switch, so don't worry about that.


    Overview 2: note, the third room is going to be redone. I know I've said this a lot, but there's going to be that one idiot who says, dude, why don't you just redo the third room, cause it sucks balls.

    Thank you. Please give suggestions.​
  12. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    i can see that you have though tthis map out very well. the first train car looks very nice. while the second train car looks decent. maybe its because there is more room in the first train car. but the only problem i can see with this map is that with the other maps if to many zombies enter at once you can move around alittle and make room. but on that small train car i dont know how four humans are going to monovre around. but i think the idea where the guns get better as you go on is a great idea. i just finished my shi no numa map and i already have a nacht der untoten map and they are both kick @$$ so i should probably start a verruct one to complete the set. great map so far.
  13. NYEKE

    NYEKE Ancient
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    looks like a good map ill dl when its done fo sho
  14. Roflman117

    Roflman117 Ancient
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    lol. nice map, but i dont think i would use it much.
  15. arrowhon120

    arrowhon120 Ancient
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    well instead of a diner car, I was thinking maybe a baggage car. That would be something like a bunch of weapons that would be useful against the zombies, or ammo as in like say you've started off with a shotgun so in the room there would be ONLY shotguns and they could be weapons hidden behind objects, or geomerged into the wall so they will take time to find. Also I love the idea of the map and hopefully am getting the game tomorrow. Oh and one more thing. Make it so the weapons only have one clip in them. I mean what are the chances that you'll have a bunch of ammo and a bunch of zombies start appearing.
  16. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Man It Must Be Hard Making A Judgement Day And A Left 4 Dead Map. Holy, If I Had That Problem I Would Hold One Further Back In Tell I Finish One Of Them. Your Hand Are Maybe Full But You Can Still Pick'em Off One At A Time.
  17. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    It looks good i hope you finish, im eager to play this!
  18. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    First off, I know I'll get an infraction for this so yah, oh well, I need to update this thread majorly. Sorry.

    Thank you everyone for the support you've given me on this map. I am just going to let the bad news out first. I have not made any more of this map yet and I'm still not sure what to do next for it. Like I've said before I need ideas for how to make the next traincar but unfortunately I still haven't thought of any ways to connect the second and third traincar or even how I will make the third traincar, I'm running out of ideas. The budget is becoming a major problem for me as well and then there is also the zombie entrances which are getting harder to make for each car as they increase in number and the cars decrease in size from the entrances.

    I will leave you with this:

    I need ideas. If you have any message me, this thread is pretty much dead so I'll start a new one later once I have it near finished. Just message me and I'll hopefully get something finished and build off of and fix that. Thanks again for the support. I have less and less time for forgehub lately and will probably stop making maps after this one, except for the occasional map that I will release for competitive or infection and stuff. But this will probably be my last official map. So help me make this one of the best and I'll get this out there so you can play and test it.

    Some ideas you can give me:

    Types of traincars for third and possibly fourth if I don't do the engine.

    Weapons for each room

    Ways to connect the traincars

    Entrance ideas for zombies (but they must still follow judgement rules)

    Any other ideas to make this aesthetically or gameplay-wise better.

    Thank you, remember message me, forget this thread, I'll make a new one, and I might just get this out but the end of this year or early next year. Thanks

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