Ok so sorry for sounding dumb here. Just downloaded legendary and Mythic Map pack about a week ago. I went to download a money glitched sandbox map and it asked me if i wanted a map with filter or a glitched map without. My question is what exactly is a filter? what does it do?................... thx for any comment that can help me
A filter, AKA FX, changes the look of the entire map. For instance, the FX "Colorblind" makes the entire map black and white, while the "Juicy" FX enhances the coloring of the map. There are other FX's too. Oh and don't post in giant green letters. The normal font is fine. And 7 question marks really aren't necessary.
It asked you? Is this on Bungie.net or on some other site, because Bnet never asks me if I want a different version of a specific map. Also, AceOfSpades already answered your question, so I'll help you further - Don't get the glitched map with the filters, they are hella annoying and make you feel disoriented with most of them on, let alone all.
i actully dont mind the mind the gphont as annoying as the green on it is. highlighting some words with it are fine but that is just to insane man...
crap i already downloaded the 1 with filters i think, never really thought about it before i downloaded lol