What's your style?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wrote most accurately all the stuff I wear to prove a point.

    How the **** does that make me a woman you stupid ****?

    For you to assume i'm a woman because I buy clothes from a lot of different stores without you even knowing why I buy at that particular store is ****ing ridiculous.
    #21 Vinny, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  2. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    shirt: t-shirt (preferably from oakley)
    Pants: jeans
    Hat: no
    shoes: nikes
  3. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sstyle: Hardcore Metal Punk Goth winsauce!
    Shirt: A band(Metallica, Slipknot, Disturbed, KoRn, etc.) and Hoodie
    Pants: Jeans... And... more jeans?...
    Hat: Hood
    Shoes: Comfortable Vans
    Accessories: A wristband with the Metallica logo on it. A really shmexxy necklace for my zodiac, the Pisces.

    Ooh, I have this one shirt that has a Grunt head on it, and my friend wrote "Bet you can stick it" with permanent Sharpie.
  4. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Thank you.
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    style: My style.

    : I wear a lot of varied clothes, between preppy AE, Hollister and A&F, and then I wear sports jerseys, punkish/gothic shirts with like... the skulls and **** all over them... and then the ones that list Chuck Norris's top facts.

    : Either Jeans, prefferably very dark and somewhat baggy, or Sweatpants, because Im usually very lazy and dont like to always wear jeans. With shorts, I wear normal shorts. **** wearing shorts that have the risk of falling every step you take.

    : I dont regularly wear hats, but I like to wear Yankee hats usually. My favorite one being this old 1919 styled hat I got in cooperstown.

    : New balance. They're really ****ing old and torn so Im getting new ones soon.

    accessories (optional)
    : I wear two accessories all day everyday everywhere. First, my bracelet I got as a gift for graduating elementary school (lol) however I love it and always wear it so I never take it off. And my watch. I dont like how not a lot of people (at least where I live) dont wear watches. idk I just like mine so I wear it a lot....
  6. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I don't know about you guys but for some reason I seem to obsess over my hat and my shoes matching to my shirt.

    Like if I have a White and Yellow Green Los Angeles shirt on, I can't wear a hat unless it's from the same town and color.

    But i'm not trying to rag on anyones style and ****, but Chuck Norris shirts are just ****ing cheesy. Sorry. Everything else was fine.
  7. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    style: I have no idea.
    shirt: T-shirt
    pants: Jeans. Rough, worn.
    hat: Sometimes, Baseball cap.
    shoes: Skateboarding
    accessories (optional): I sometimes wear a glove on my left hand.

    Also, on top of my shirt I always wear this:

    Except with it unbuttoned, and the color turned up sometimes.
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Vinny I only have one.
  9. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Style: Normal/Surfer
    Shirt: Billabong/QuickSilver/Oneil
    Pants: Baggyish Jeans or Cargo shorts
    Hat: I used to wear hats when I was kid, yet I no longer do.
    Shoes: White Reeboks, or Reebok sandals
  10. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Style: None really... (I do what I want :p)
    Shirt: Band shirts, music shirts, artsy shirts
    Pants: Jeans, some ripped some tight, some nice :D
    Hat: None
    Shoes: Adidas or Moccasins
    Accessories: I'm always wearing a ring, and if I'm outside I got aviators on.
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, I am somewhat shifting over my style. I used to dress "scene", back before it polluted every child who entered highschool. I stopped about a year ago, and slowly have been building a new style. So here is the current one.
    style: N/A
    shirt: Ben Sherman mostly
    pants: Skinny and Slim Fit Jeans
    hat: none
    shoes: [​IMG]
    accessories: analog watch, leather belt

    Style I want:

    style: N/A
    shirt: Besides Ben Sherman, I have been eyeing some nice French Connection and Vintage Red tops. Surprsingly, it is difficult to find "fitted" button downs that are more casual than business.
    pants: Slim Fit Jeans (kind of like this)
    hat: none
    shoes: I am not entirely sure to be honest, something I have been thinking about.
    accessories: An analog watch that isn't made in China, and a nicer collection of belts.

    And no, I am not rich. Which makes acquiring such a style a difficult and lengthy challenge. Thankfully, Nordstrom Rack is an amazing place to shop with great deals. Downside to that is you have to be there the right week when they are carrying what it is you seek.
  12. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    style: **** THE POLICE! / I reject labeling.
    shirt: 90% threadless **** / 5% Kohl's **** (You can always find a good t-shirt at Kohls) / 5% whatever I find ****
    pants: Mid-Dark Blue/Navy Jeans / Khaki shorts (Urban Pipeline is nice) / Board shorts / Gym shorts
    hat: What kind of *** wears a hat?
    shoes: Sneakers mainly (I usually play some sport after school, whether it be a pickup or school sport, so it's easiest for me to just wear sneakers)
    accessories (optional): Um, a box for my ****?
  13. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    I don't think cheesy is...the right word.
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Style: I guess sort of skate/preppy, but no polos.

    Shirt: modern-style shirts; Skate brands or Hollister, Abercrombie, or whatever. Just simplistic shirt with a logo or brand in the middle.
    Pants: loose, but not too baggy jeans. Either from PacSun or American Eagle.
    Hat: I wish I could wear hats. Or else I'd wear a Tapout(UFC brand) hat.
    Shoes: DCs or Etnies.
    Accessories (optional): brown leather belt with either FOX belt buckle or White Sox belt buckle.

    I just realized that everything I chose was really dark, but I usually wear a lot of blues/browns/greens. So don't worry.
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I care about you.
  16. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Style: Surf/Skate, with wavy blond hair to go with it
    Shirt: Tshirt, usually DC, Chapter 11, Quicksilver. I'll wear a polo on a good day.
    Pants: Now that its Summer, cargo shorts
    Hat: None
    Shoes: Nikes
    Accessories: Shades when its bright out
  17. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, I just assume sometimes
  18. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Style: Punk/ Emo
    Shirt: Fit t shirts normally with Band shirts, and game tshirts
    Pants: I switch from Loose jean, to very tight jeans, depends.
    Hat: DC hats sometimes
    Shoes: DCs or Chucks
    Accessories: Well I will count this as tattoo's cause I can. I have a full sleeve of tattoo's on left arm consisting of a baby's picture, Legend of Zelda Emblem :p, and my name is German. Right arm only has a Lamb of God tattoo. the reason this is accerioes is cause I wear short sleeved things for people to see them as art I would say...I guess. I will get some pictures up too.
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't know, I would never get a band symbol or name tattooed on me. All i'm saying.
  20. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    style: casual
    shirt: green Quicksilver shirt
    pants: stone cargo shorts
    hat: white Nike (sometimes)
    shoes: boat shoes
    accessories (optional): watch, I never take it off. Ever. Like not in the past 6 months.

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