Hello and welcome to jaybo's first switch!So while looking through some of the switches here, I relized that most that aren't from artificer are very basic. This drove me to bring some of my switches here! This is the first "hydrolic" elevator, it uses no g-lifts or cannon mans. the switch is It uses compression tech, witch is having movable objects fused and held fast with teleportors.Picking up the power-up allows them to shoot upwards slowly; never hurting you! LINKY overveiw Up close Up I go. my epic sauce! Never kills you No grav lifts or cannon mans Never damages you Reusable Long wait for next ride Slow rising Sometimes will push you back out Proof that sometimes it wont work. (More likely to work when crouching) LINK AGIAN
I don't get how it's supposed to be reusable. How do you recompress them in-game? Other than that, nicely done.
If I find this map on H3A, your proxy ass is mine. Now, onto the map. It looks a might messy (especially your merging), and it has been done, many times, and better. Perhaps if you could build a map around it, and/or recreate it on sandbox, then the map might have more of a chance.
This looks like a useful tool, but i dont think it has many applications if it doesnt work al the time but it couls be used in an infection map like a close the door style kind of thing, and Mace i dont think that you could make it on sandbox (i may be wrong) but the objects have different properties.
They all spawn in one place, so once they're "pushed" out, they are off their spawn teardrop, so they'll vanish after a while, then respawn under the custom powerup again.
why don't u make a map instead of a side item i mean only noobs go circling through an elevator over and over without any point to it 0.5/5
Because it's a SWITCH you know, like supposed to be released on it's own so people can put them in maps. This is what I was talking about, The dumbasses that think they know what there talking about then flame people who post new ideas. He is a disgrace to forgehub! Anyway, It was made almost 6 months ago and I now know how to merge better. And yes mace, It was on artificer first.
Interesting elevator. I was surprised when you said it didn't use gravlifts. By the way, hydrolic is spelled hydraulic.... dont worry about skillkill, there is always an asshole on the internet
Wow you missed the whole point to this thread completely... It was under aesthetic maps! Doesn't have to be playable! Anyways, the idea is cool. There are much better elevators but since I haven't seen this method used before it gets a thumbs up from me. And you did geomerge and interlock, so its not like one of those quick cruddy maps.
Nice switch, but I've seen a bunch of crates merged together, and once the powerup/whatever is holding it back is removed, it shoots out in high speed. How did you achieve making them rise slowly? It would also be cool if there was an infection map based around this switch, but it still needs a little cleaning up to do. Maybe a V2? 4.5/5 bonus points for using no gravity lifts of mancannons. Now to use this principle in Sandbox...
The shooting out is archieved when you put a man cannon under it (and probably with only 1 crate, i'm not sure what was the case with your map). With this map, there is no man cannon underneath, so it doesn't hit you with deadly force. On to the map, it is very nicely made, e.g. how you geomerged the double box to be 1 box high. It looks very clean and it has a simple structure (some swich maps have walls sticking out of everywhere) that adds to the neatness factor. I have made this kind of switch before and there is another con you might want to concider; the constant moving of the crates and also the flickering of the crates when they fight to be the upper one. Some people who are aestaticly oriented might find that noticable. Also, on the matter of 'resetting' the switch, I have seen a map where 1 object moving out of another is used ( it was a door of dumpsters and it was aided by a man cannon). There, the powerup respawned in the object that was being moved out of the other and the object with the powerup inside moved back into the other object when you touched it. Maybe you could make something similar like that in your possible V2. ( for that to work, the two objects may not be allowed to completely move out of eachother ) Nice switch.
Wow, great idea... Would you mind if I attempted to make an infection map with an elevator with this principal as a key part of the map? If you don't want me to I'll just figure out a different way.
Thank you for all the good news! And the whole point of me posting was to educate the people about this stuff, In other words I would be insulted if you didn't use this in your maps!
I like it, It's a really nice lift, though I can't understand how you didn't use Grav. Lifts or by Grav. Lifts do you mean the portable type? I'm also curious on how it is re-usable. I mean I thought that crates diaspear after a certain amount of time after they are moved? Then respawn a while later. Is this what you mean by re-usable? Also, can the lift go up and down or just up? Anyways cool switch, I like how it doesn't damage your shields too 4/5
I think it's reusable because the grav lift will disapear and the crate will go back down but i really dont know lol.
Did you even read the description? It doesn't use any grav-lifts. Any way it works by putingdown a crate then setting it to not spawn at start. start a new round. put another crate in the excact same spot as the first one. repeat. put teleporters around it. make all the crates spawn. They should go flying at super high speeds, but the air tight tunnel around my elevator is why mine don't kill you.