Please Read First!! This thread is in no way shape or form promoting the use of drugs amongst any individual(s). I am merely making this thread to help those who are interested in experimenting with recreational drugs, in a way so that they do it safely. According to the forum rules I am doing no wrong, nor by basic moral guidelines. It's the same argument of giving condoms to kids, will it make them have sex, or keep them safe? your decision, but not for discussion here. The goal of this thread is to answer questions from the confused, to guide all to safe and responsible drug usage. To allow "users" a place to discuss their experiences and share stories. Topics Not Approved for Discussion: - Posting false information about drugs (this is someones life, not time to impress or boost your post count.) - Heroin - Methamphetamine/ Crystal Meth - Crack Cocaine, Cocaine - Debating legality and usage of drugs - Lies and exaggeration Drugs Approved for Discussion of Use and Safety: - Marijuana - Tobacco and Alcohol (too a lesser extent though, please) - Entheogens: Salvia Divinorum, Peyote, Ayahuasca (5-MeO-DMT), Kratom, Amantia Muscaria, Nutmeg, Kava, +++ - Psychedelics: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD, Acid), Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms, Shrooms), DXM (Cough Syrup), Dimethlytriptamine (DMT) - Prescription Medications (broad) - Ecstasy Please use this thread responsibly, and always be safe and cautious in your decisions and actions.
Ugh, just when I was about to try weed, they raised it to a Class-B so I pussied out. Hell, I've never even smoked before and I've only gotten smashed twice. I'm pretty clean.
I'm gunna have to disagree. Bnasty set proper regulations on this thread, prior to posting it. Let's let it take a slow ride, for a bit.
Ah man, I was expecting to get all kinds of questions, I guess people here aren't interested if it doesn't improve their halo game haha. Tecks do you toke up?
This is also the 1800th thread. But a thread with this many rules will probably fail regardless. No-one try ecstasy 'just once'. It has been known to kill.
Not at the moment. I'm on probation... Gotta regulate my usage, for the greater good, you know... Though, while off probation, or while not worrying about an upcoming screening...I'm regularly putting the pipe through new colors. For me, it's not just about getting high. Because I do everything the normal every day person does... You know, basketball, frolf, baseball, football, work for family, go to school, etc etc etc. I smoke at the beginning of my day, at lunch, and/or at the end of the evening, in which I smoke heady amounts, to help fall asleep. Though, as I said, I don't smoke to get high. I smoke to gain the heightened sense of ones self, that you get after a good 'rello; to be able to slow my thoughts to a normal pace, and actually determine which of them I'd like to carry out; to be able to transcend my current relationships into more close & personal relationships. There are a variety of reasons as to why I do it, these are merely a few. On a different note: I'll be rollin again here soon, and tusk just gave a great new list of techno... ^^) I can't wait. @fishfingers: Know your dealer, know your drugs.
They aren't really rules, they are just guidelines so that we don't get in trouble by the forgehub police, and because i don't want a bunch of kids going and harming themselves doing drugs. And as far as your thought regarding ecstasy, I normally would've been pretty mad at you, because that is simply not true. The majority of people who die on x is because of inexperience. Ecstasy dehydrates your body severely, especially while on noisy and crowded dance floors where it is most frequently taken. The key is to drink a bottle of water per hour on the dancefloor, or one bottle of water for every two hours not in motion. However, if you take x and you aren't in motion, I don't know what the **** you're doing. Be smart, and be safe. Sucks about the probation, damn po-po. Rollin as in x, or toking?
Nice! I hate listening to techno on x, but I suppose I'm strange like that. It's really hard to find reliable x where I live, but last time I rolled was at an Umphrey's McGee concert, it was incredible. Something about loud music + X, makes you the music. It was incredible, sometimes it was hard to tell if i had my eyes open or closed with the light show going on at the concert. Enjoy your "blue transformer"!
What hallucinogens have you taken, nasty? I've only taken Psilocybin 7 times, and Salvia Divinorum 3 times. Always wanted to try Peyote, Lucy, and Mescaline (Peyote's goodness), but never had the time (12-48 hour
This post reminds me of the "drug talk" my dad gave me when I was a kid. He said, "If you ever want to try drugs, come to me and I'll show you the proper way to do them."
As of late I've just been doing a lot of DXM, some entheogens, and marijuana. But around November to March I did some pretty heavy tripping; acid three times, shrooms eight, 5 meo DMT once, ecstasy twice, salvia tons of times (80x highest dosage so far), and a very very low dosage of ketamine once. I'm currently trying to find a legitimate supply of DMT, but I am thinking about waiting until I have my own house so I can extract it myself, too risky to buy off the street. I agree though, mescaline is just too long and intense. One of my better mates who moved to Arizona about a year ago told me about his experience. 18 hours, he seems wayyyyy different too, I think it really got to him. You gotta be really careful with some of those. That's exactly what I would do, I wouldn't want my child messing around with some of the people I have to, or getting unsafe product. Plus, it's ridiculous how much I have to lie to my parents, I wish I could just say, "Hey mom I'm gonna go smoke some pot be back in a bit." What a conversation that would be.
Smart thinking about waiting for your own place, it is indeed to risky to buy off the street. I have also met people who after their first 24 hour trip, just don't seem the same. I would give them the credit of, maybe being enlightened, if they didn't seem so half-witted. The thing with one of the individuals I know, is that since they experienced one 24 hour trip, they felt the need to continue pushing their limits. He's now done multiple 3 to 4 day excursions, and I gotta say, he's no smarter then an egg carton. Though, I'm not entirely sure the drugs are to blame. He's never been a bright one. I have a hard time determining what I'm going to do with my kids. I'm almost positive that because of my mannerisms & outlook on life, my kids will be outgoing & understanding enough, to try marijuana in their life. Though, I don't know how I want to regulate it... Like... What age is it okay for my kids to start? Who am I to tell them they can't start when they first come across it? ... There are a hundred different questions I have about it, but I guess only time will tell...
I think as equally important as the trip itself is the time and thought on your experience that will yield the best results. I find that as I tell my friends about some of my trips that I learn more about it myself, in my own self discovery. Have you ever tried DXM?
Getting high with your parents makes for...interesting conversation. I recommend it to everyone if/when you get the chance.
Unfortunately (well not really) I don't do drugs. To top it all off, my cousin is an anti-drug agent in the FBI. My only question is what would you consider a SAFE drug. Something non-addictive. Just out of curiosity.
My Mother and Step-dad couldn't care less about me smoking pot/salvia. They both know what it does through their own experiences, and both believe it isn't anything to fuss over.