Whassup graphics and arts, here is my 2nd CnC signature within 2 days, , here it is. i kinda think the text is too blurred, i could work on that, but I think its okay. V1 V2 with Shadowed text (the best thus far) V2 whaddaya think? I put it through photobucket with softening the ODST, then adding a border and tweaking it majorly on Gimp 2.6, then adding the text. I did this one in about 30 minutes SHOULD I TWEAK IT AND CROP OFF SOME OF IT?
Okay, working on cropping and adding a cool Shadow feature to text, will be up in like 10 or so minutes.
I think you should move everything to the right a little. It kind of looks awkward with the small gap over there.
Ill try that, its gonna be hard doing the shadow text effect over along with the accidently cropped over border thats a bit large. ill try