I don't think the premium map has been touched in a while. Though I have only seen pics from Insane's profile. As for the non-premiums, I read through their group and saw that they had slowly began working on it again, to my knowledge. However, some of those members are now premiums like chris.
Why not start up a new map on Sandbox? Let's just start from scratch on Sandbox for both Premiums and Non Whatta you say?
Premium members are users on the website who have gotten two or more featured maps. Non-premium is everyone else.
A While ago, before the Mythic, ( OMG I Know! ) All the Premium members (Has Had 2 Maps Featured) and Non-Premiums (Vey good Forgers, that aren't quite there yet) Decided to make a Group thing. All the Premiums took Turns making sections of a map that could've very well been the best Forgehub map to date. The Non Premiums were to do the same. There was a limited group of people per group. One of the Premiums, not to blame anyone, *Cough, Insane54, Cough,* ruined the map and un-inspired the rest of them, and eventually the map died out. Not to mention the Mythic release... I suggest getting these groups together to create a map on Sandbox
Should I make it? After all, I did start the whole thing. The Premiums lost interest a while ago with all the hype of Sandbox and the new maps coming out I believe. It wasn't really Insane's fault... lol. The Non-Premium team is slowly working, but a member, not to be named, messed up the entire thing by going on a one-month vacation without letting us know first. He had the map and the project was discarded for a while. Driscoll, joined the team a month ago or so and has been trying to get it going again, but the members aren't motivated enough. I'd really like to see this happen again on Sandbox however, and I'd be up for running it again.
All right, I'll talk to Insane and see if I can get a sticky. Should I make one thread or two? (Premiums and Non-Premiums) EDIT: I just checked the group... my God Driscoll. You are awesome. Spoiler So, I think the Non-Premiums team is going strong still. I think I might take the map next if Paulie doesn't want to.
I just spent like half an hour making one lol give it a glance http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...cial-premium-non-premium-map-disc-thread.html Of course its prob not as good as you can do so point out a couple errors pleases?
I've created a thread in the pub. You all pretty much called them out, if they turn you down, you can laugh at them, or something.