Erebus beta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CC Pybus, May 19, 2009.

  1. notanoobforger

    notanoobforger Ancient
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    A great map and idea. The problem you're having with the bases is that they're too open and not a good enough place to make a stand. The bases act more as an obstacle rather than a safe place. To improve this I suggest giving them more cover and ammo. You could even possibly add a turret to a base or two as it would incline people to stay there. You just need to make it easier to survive at the bases, but don't change too much as the games pretty damn good the way it is.

    My only other suggestion is to put on a filter or two, even have them spawn halfway into the round, as darker dunes are much more fun.
  2. Canido

    Canido Ancient
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    I really dig the 'cliff' base. The whole map looks fairly well done.
  3. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

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    I've play through this map alot and it's really fun, you did a great job, but the more I played the more I thought "how cool would this be if it were territories?" All you would have to do is add a little to some of the main bases and spice up the weapon layout and there you go. You could have where one side deffends or where both sides attack or something totaly orginal. Just an idea.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Though I love this map, I played it and I can't help but feel like it is a bit too organized 4 its kind. 4 instance, most of the bases are equally distanced apart. Also, most of the bases are similarly put out about the same length from the middle. What u should do is u should make it a bit more random in terms of space. It is just like art; symmetry is less eye catching and is responded to in a less intention of interest. Therefor u should place things farther back and also toward the middle. Maybe u could also place something totally inside the map.
  5. Triple96

    Triple96 Ancient
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    dling right now!!! This is sooo cool. I like how u blocked off the guardians, adding soooo much more gamespace. For humans to escape. Also, Is it possible to get into the crypt or sky bubble? Probably not but it's still cool.
  6. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    No you cannot, but in the real version, zombies spawn in the sky bubble and choose diffent teleporters to assault the humans from different angles of their choosing. Unfortunatley I cannot release this version yet, my xbox got the RROD and my warrenty ran out, I have to wait around a week before I can get a new one :( sadfaic

    ZOMBIECOW Ancient
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    let me know when this version comes out so I can DL and test.
  8. SK Aleks

    SK Aleks Ancient
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    Man this is really creative and might I add you did a really nice introduction to the map with the pictures and info.
  9. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    I'm wondering now what the full version will be like,
    As you said,
    This is only a beta,
    Whats coming which isn't already here, maybe more bases would be nice?
    Also I find that the map could do with maybe a few more bits of equipment, as although the few flares are incredibly useful, I think other equipment would help out alot, especially if there were more bases.

    These are just suggestions,
    All I can say for sure is,
  10. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    I will make a spoiler section on the front page of the thread which will include pictures of the updated version and new infomation. So check the map post in around 15 mins and the new infomation should be there. Im glad you like the map. :D
  11. Civil Heroes75

    Civil Heroes75 Ancient
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    This map is amazing. I love that you put the main part of the map out in the dunes. The 'cliff' base it definitely my favorite. I don't really like the limited ammo, but it is fair. 5/5
  12. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome update,
    I can't wait.
    Please tell me when its done,
    I MUST KNOW!!!!!
    The highway looks good, and I like the new spawn base,
    It makes the centre seem less bland,
    Great work, keep up the good forging.
  13. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Hey Pybus, this map was good, and I'm glad I helped with the first version and saw it come along.

    Enjoyment: This is one of the more competitive infection maps I've seen, and that's a good thing. I thoroughly enjoyed the action of the map, and the drama that happened getting from point A to point B and the teamwork that went on made me happy.

    Score: 10/10

    Balance: There's good news, and bad news. The good news is, its hard for humans. That's always a good thing in competitive maps. The good news also is that zombies have fun killing humans. That's always a plus. The bad news is that the zombie spawns are too open, and easily campable. Zombies do however have a good health system. Keep it that way. Humans also have a good health system, but there is an extreme shortage of weapons in the base. Now I know you were going for minimal equipment and weapons - but its too low. I'd suggest you add a few more. The temple is over powered with only one way to get to the roof - I'm glad you're adding another. The tomb is underpowered, practically useless. I hope you're making the necessary changes with that, or doing that highway base, it seems. The cliff base still needs that extra wooden piece, I'm telling you.

    Score: 8/10

    Durability: There really isn't anything to break in this map. It functions how its meant to - and it plays well too. Its just the zombie spawn system that's iffy - and i'm glad you fixed that in V1.

    Score: 9/10

    Aesthetics: This map's aesthetics are exactly how they're meant to be. There are bumps, but they're as good as they good. The bases look great and play great for the most part - and you did well with the cliff base.

    Score: 10/10

    Originality: A very, very original map. Its never been done before, so its very original as far as that goes. The only thing unoriginal is camping, but that's not included, because that can be done in every map. When I started working on my map back in April and then saw this map get released, there were a few very minor similarities and due to the originality of my new map I can also surely say this is very original as well.

    Score: 10/10

    Final Score: 9.4

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great job. The new changes really increase the playability and aesthetic appeal. The highway is magnificent adding to the abandoned ( Fallout 3) feel. 10/10- still the best map in my opinion on forgehub.
  15. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Thank you I will try to re-create more of that fallout feel with more ruins. Fallout was was actually inspired me to make this. (Y) Any suggestions for a new base. I got a new xbox today so I can start forging again.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just a suggestion: maybe you could make an abandoned shack made out of wood similar to some of the places on fallout 3. U could maybe decorate the deteriated inside a little.
  17. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Cool Map.

    So this is a great concept and the geomerging is pretty amazing. Where is the highway part I looked all over for it. You may have an older version of the map on your fileshare. We played it and love the idea of it but still think zombies are too slow. I totally understand that they will overshoot thier targets so we let the zombies have regen grenades and added a prowler for the humans at the central spawn. We also added 3 turrets (one at the central spawn one at the cliff base and one at the temple. Also you might want to use killballs in some creative way to create lighting at some of the darker bases. Amazing job 9/10

    Grif: I took the liberty of taking out his advert and the quote.
    #77 ManRayX, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
  18. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Please don't quote the entire post...

    The things in the spoiler are what he plans to include in the next version, not in this one.
  19. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry and sorry.

  20. MatrixedYOU

    MatrixedYOU Ancient
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    WOW, what an AMAZING MAP! This must have take a long time to create, and the game is a big challenge! When will the final version be released?

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