You're getting better with your effects but your text needs A LOT of work, seriously just try to experiment, using the Times New Roman font is really boring and doesn't add much interest, also try darkening the left side a bit because it is too bright and like Frag Man said, it distracts from the focal, and his chin is glowing lol...
wheres the piano? lol the effects are pretty good. I think you should put the text together and make it a little bit more interesting. Also, the "whisps" of light bother me.
look at his hands, they're playing the piano, and the whole left side is the piano, covered in c4ds and stuff and if you look closely enough you can see that I put the guys reflection into the piano, that was the hardest and longest part, but I should've made it stand out more... and I've never heard the term whisps in a statement such as yours... thanks for the critisism so far.
Definitely fix the text. and maybe make the effects on the left less prominent. Otherwise it has great coloration and effects.