i have to agree with everyone the map is simple and thats what makes it so awesome, very well forged cant wait to play it 5/5 love the pit area//// where you start.....also very cool with the 2 versions day and night...feature this race map
I think it is a nice oval track. I just feel that it could have been better if you would have used man cannons instead of grav lifts at the goal point like on Lunar Speedway. The starting lights are basically useless because everyone just bunches up and trys to get to the front. Other than that, it is a decent oval. 4/5
I like it. I'm usually not a fan of simple circular tracks, but the additions you have made plus the great interlocking make it really good. Also, the observation tower is something I like to see in a race map. Though it usually doesn't get used, unless your doing a competitive race or something, I think it adds something.
This map is ok it has a good racetrack. the track is all fine and i love the day and night feature. the portal to the tower is usually blocked though and you can't get back down. it would be awesome if you could fix it this way you can see the track all the time. otherwise its great 4/5
It's a me, Mario! Hey, awesome track mate, quite a nice surprise actually... Anyway, as I said with your previous track, we need more tracks like this - different, original tracks. Personally, after playing Cherry Kiss, Back Burner and Silhouette once, loving them, and deleting them from my HD, I found that every other track I DL'd just wasn't different or original enough to keep me occupied. It was recently proved that loops and twists in a roller coaster are nowhere near as important as large drops and fast straights; simple is better, as they say. I can imagine races being pretty intense on this track (haven't managed a full 8 player race just yet), and am looking forward to more from you! Anyway, I also love the night theme (prefer it to day), as well as the Warthogs, but I'm a little confused by the kill ball structure... Whatever, fantastic map, 5/5, keep it up, blah, blah, blah, see ya.
Thanks everyone for the possitive feedback, adn about teh killball structure: I was stuck on what to add for aesthetics and so merged 4 Y-intersection tubes together around a single tube piece. I then thought, hmmm, looks abit boring, so i added a killball in the middle. Well, you don't have to wait long. I'm releasing my newest, and best racetrack to the world tomorrow. I sent you a message about it but I don't know wether you aknowledged it.
Woah I thought this was it! I haven't checked the race maps for a while, and when I saw this yesterday, I assumed it was the track you were referring to in the PM. That's awesome though, can't wait to see your next track!
I love this race track! It is amazingly smooth and well forged/interlocked. It might be just a oval but it plays so smooth. Gameplay was great. A fav race map of mine. One thing I didn't understand was why there was some warthogs? Couldn't you have more mongeese? Even with that I still love the way this map plays and I really like the "Spectator tower". 4/5
love the scaffolding job, looks amazing. Reminds me of an actual race. Well done and good on you for making it simple.
Thanks, and no, you can only place 8 mongeese. So I decided to add the hogs just incase their were to many poeple, or people didn't feel like racing mongeese.
Well my problem with that was people just gave up on racing and started to attack/ bump of people with the warthog.
I wouldnt say daytona but i would say Dover (my favorite track) very wel interlocked and good aesthetics 4/5
Why are the objects that make up the turns angled by pair? It clearly doesnt make the track any smoother. It'd probably be better if they were measured individually.