Debate What Happens After Death?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by M.Jelleh, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I have been wondering this for a long time. After death, what happens to your mind?
    Do we move on to heaven or hell as the religious say?
    Do we wait for a new body to live in?
    Does our mind simply cease to exist?
    Do we coexist, invisible to the living?
    Do we become a part of nature?

    I want to know opinions on this and whether our religion and piety or strict observance is a factor.
  2. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    What happens when you unplug a computer? Same thing.
  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No its not.

    Death is exactly the same thing as before you were born.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    I have found myself asking the same question. Is it no conisedence that theres always a balanced between life and death? when one dies another is born. Would it be fair if millions lived in he dark ages? no, they are reborn somewhere else in world. They have no knowledge of this but sometimes take the skills and knowledge from before, Rinse and repeat. Thus we evolve.

    Sounds stupid for some but someone somewhere shares similar characteristicsh as another that lived 100s or even 1000s of years ago. Just a shot in the dark but the more giving, loving etc in one life the more rewarded you are in the next.(meaning of life?) I'm Catholic, I'm taught about the afterlife. Visions of heaven, but I questioned. It took alot of thought but I asked"We live a life of good, never sin and devote our life to God. Lets say we die and go to heaven. What next?" What if we made some personal mistakes, you felt you should of done things different, do we get a second chance? In my opinion, yes. You don't know it yet but we've had 100s of chances and will have millions more.

    The frustrating thing about these questions is we will never know the answer until its too late. I say, live a good life, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun.

    edit; @Nitrous: I guees i got the wrong end of the stick.
    #4 DRiSCOLL, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    That's reincarnation and Lamarkian evolution, both of which I was not referring to. I was just referring to the amount of experience, knowledge, etc. you retained before you were conceived would be equal to that of death's. Every sensation you feel before conception will be the exact same as when you are dead. Personally, I don't remember any sensation or knowledge or experience before I was born so I will assume death is the same. After all, 13 billion years is an awful long time to wait and not remember.
    #5 Nitrous, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Your body rotts and decays unless you were eaten or incinerated :]. When you die you are no more because i put C4 on ya door . lol I love rymths :]
    #6 Eyeless Sid, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    If you've ever been put under, or been in a really deep sleep, you know what I'm talking about. Death in my opinion, is you, just not being there. I mean, your body might be there, but you aren't. You have no senses anymore. No thinking, seeing, smelling, any of that stuff exists anymore. Everything is just gone because you no where, and everything else is not there.
  8. kilamanjara14izback

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    I do not really have much an opinion on the situation but whenever I do think about this topic in my head I seem to believe that whenever you die or however you die you feel it while you are dead. If you die from old age then you will not feel anything while you die, if you die from a fire then while you are dead you will feel burning while you are dead. I do not believe in reincarnation, but I do hope in it, as I hope in heaven. There is something in my body and mind that tells me what I believe, not all that I believe is something that I truly like or want.
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I believe that your mind ceases to exist.

    If that's not true, the thing I think would be afterlife. However, it wouldn't we be like heaven or hell like religion says.

    All in all, who know what happens? I am interested in what others think, though.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Huh... ...What do you think heaven is like (if you believe in it)?
  11. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    If there is a heaven, it's gonna suffer from overpopulation at some point...

    And just what exactly do you do in heaven? Doing anything at all for an eternity would surely get boring at some point, regardless of the number of activities. How long before you go clinically insane? and then what, you get transfered to the Heaven insane asylum?

    I honestly believe there is nothing when we Die. We completely cease to be, there is no magical "spirit" that we transform into and whisk away into some other sense of being, or transfer into a new body for a further generation (What happens when all human life ceases to exist if we did reincarnate? Ponder that one!)

    I find it selfish of us as a race that we believe our spirits go on everlasting, yet those of animals apparently don't. So if you're a living being, but not human, then you just wither away into nothing? But, for some cosmic reason, we humans continue everlasting with our "spirit"?

    It truly is depressing when I contemplate death because I can't in good concience believe that there is anything afterwards, it just makes no sense to me from any logical standpoint. That sheer feeling of horror and sadness that I get when I contemplate death for too long is too overwhelming to ignore, surely I wouldn't feel such terror if there was at least some "spirit" inside me believing in something after death. But the truth is there is not. I would like nothing more than to believe in something after death.

    But as Nitrous said, it is most likely the same as how we were before we were born. So while approaching death is scary, at least we won't care afterwards!

    But truly contemplate death long enough, perhaps while lying in bed before going to sleep, and honestly tell me you don't get the worst case of the shivers in your life.
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I don't remember anyone saying organisms don't go to heaven...

    but srsly, what do you think heaven would be like? Think of the best moment you've ever had or something...
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I think we just rot in the ground. As much as I wish and hope for it to be another way, I'm not sure it's logically feasible. I mean why would such a place exist? Why would a person deserve such a place? How can people have so many different religious beliefs, yet still make it to heaven? If it's there, whys there been no "solid" evidence since the beginning on mankind.

    Honestly, I think it's a concoction of our mind. It's something we use as a motive to escape grief when we lose a love one. I think for most people, heaven isn't about going to place after you, personally, die. It's about feeling your loved ones have moved on to somewhere where they are happy, rather than just being no longer existent.

    If heaven exists, it exists as a linked collection of our thoughts. Brain activities that are processed after beings are dead. Waves from deep inside the bowls of the mind that no living being can understand. This is how we all end up in the same "place". I think it's a huge possibility, no one truly understands the brain.
  14. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Heaven is made up.. When you die you decay just as any animal would. We made up religion, god and haven because most people can't deal with the fact that the life we see, is the life we get..
  15. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Depends on your Religon, which this guy i just quoted definitely not religous

    Believe that Jesus died on the cross to save you = Go to Heaven

    Say that the Bible is just a made-up story for kids = Highway to Hell

    Which one would you prefer? Eternal suffering in Hell? or a Living Paradise in Heaven?

    Think about that one for a good week or so.
  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Paradise is only paradise for so long, you would get bored eventually, it is inevitable.

    The same with eternal suffering, you would get numb to the suffering, and also get bored.

    Either way, eternity = boredom.

    The logistics of the whole thing is fundamentally flawed.
  17. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Exactly. There is no answer to this question because man has been dealing with it for millions of years.
  18. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    What is our brain, that thing we use to think, to coordinate movement, to use the information we just read in this thread? Mostly cells. Now what to do with a bunch of cells?
    What are feelings? Feelings are chemistry. Biology. Genes and Memes. Evolution. Logic? Yes. Feelings are there because they survived in our society of feelings, mostly because humanity was intelligent enough to keep them up to today. What to do with them?
    Does our process of thinking, do our feelings disappear? I partly agree with that computer theorie guy. Our RAM deletes information. Our HD keeps what is saved. Until the cells die, which is a very fast process, and our brain-computer is ruined forever. How should our feelings, experiences be tranferred or used after we died? No answer? Well, as long as noone proves me wrong, nothing. End of existance in the way of thought.

    And this thread would never have been started if the feelings "fear" and "hope" did not exist. They make us think of unlogical stuff like witches in the mid-ages.
  19. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I have no say in this debate except that heaven is not a living paradise. It is a dead paradise. With dead people.

    I will say one thing, the only thing that keeps many people in this world from giving up hope is the thought of heaven. Whether they will be disappointed or not, who cares. We're dead.
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Why you edit his quote out of curiosity?

    As you said "depends on your religion", yet you go on to talk about jesus as the be all end all. I mean hell, if it weren't for Jesus my maps wouldn't be nearly as good, but that doesn't mean everyone has to believe in Christianity. Besides, not believe in religion is your religion, so you can't say he's wrong.

    You don't want to get me started on organized religion, to me it's just another form of government/media that uses fear to control. People created religion to have power over other people. I'm not saying I don't believe in a God, or Heaven, but I am saying organized religion and believing the story the bible tells is not the only answer.

    Look at it this way, believe in God/Heaven and it exists, you go to Heaven. Believe in God/Heaven and it doesn't exist you rot in the ground. Don't believe in God/Heaven and it doesn't exist, you rot in the ground. Don't believe in God/Heaven and it does exist, you go to Hell/Purgatory, whatever it is you believe.

    So honestly what is there to lose? Granted person I quoted, I don't necessarily disagree with what you are saying, as you pretty much said what I did, that people have nothing to lose. I just disagree with how you said it.

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