Sandbox Tangent

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Epitomous Nub, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
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    Created by: Epitomous Nub

    - A smallish, symmetrical map built in the skybox that demands a certain amount of situational awareness. Long jumps over gaps are not required, but allow faster movement across the map. The gameplay is quick and flowing; a mix of chokepoints and flanking. Teamplay is essential due to the open nature of the map. The map has light cover and long sightlines; the contours of the floors provide the most protection from direct fire. The large amount of equipment allows the field of battle to constantly change with each encounter.
    The style of the map is a departure from my usual, which inspired the name.

    Recommended for 1v1; 2v2; 3v3; 4v4

    Tangent is compatible with all gametypes and is particularly recommended for 2 Flag CTF, Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Assault and Territories.

    Weapons -
    4xPlasma Rifle
    2xSniper (one spare clip)
    2XShotgun (one spare clip)
    6xBattle Rifle
    2xBrute Shot

    2xPower Drain
    2xBubble Shield

    12xPlasma Grenades

    NOTE -- The gaps can be jumped, but have little margin for error. They cannot be jumped while carrying a flag, bomb or skull.

    -- Blue Corner --




    -- View from below --


    -- Mind the Gap --


    *This map supports all gametypes*


    [edited to accomodate the changed file share slot]
    #1 Epitomous Nub, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, your pics aren't working.

    Use this thread.

    I would like to see this map, so try and get the pics working.
  3. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. I am completely illiterate when it comes to the finer points of computers. The link was really helpful.
  4. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Anything to help.

    And the map looks amazing. I really think this would play great for some CTF and Team Slayer. I really love the look of this map, great job.

    The aesthetics are brilliant, though the layout seems a little bit too open, just add some higher structures or something to break up the lines of view. But overall, great job. Great marks for posting well, too.

  5. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Yea i agree. When i first looked at the map i was like wow there isnt enough cover. But now it seems like that because of the different paths there are to take it wouldn't be that bad. Actually, depending on the weapons you put on the map, i think this would make a really good mlg map also. Looks like you really put some effort into it and the gameplay most likely shows it. Good work
  6. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    That is a very cool map design. It kind of reminds me of an extended version of Orbital because there are only 2 ways to get to the other base and areas where you can jump to a lower pathway. You should consider removing some of the obstacles on one or two of the pathways because I can't find any long range lines of sight.It looks like a great CTF game though

    EDIT: Nevermind about the lines of sight thing; you have a lot of long areas that i didn't notice
    #6 cory21, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    This map looks really cool. I love the frequent elevation change that will enhance gameplay, yet still keeping symetrical. It's a very weird layout, and I like. I can tell you spent alot of time on this. Good job
  8. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    I think this is a sweet looking map and has a download from me :). I like the way its symmetrical because for me making a map symmetrical is very hard to do because you cannot make mistakes. 4.5/5.

    Maybe changes
    I was thinking maybe if you replace the red and blue or in between the holes of the bases more items get colored making the map look cooler :)

    Also if you remove all obstacles and add rails this map could be a awesome race map alternative. =)

    Hope to play it tonight if friends are willing to play customs since they never want :(
  9. DJ Nate Dawg

    DJ Nate Dawg Ancient
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    I have played on the map with Epitomous many times...from experience, amazing game play for regular slayer, and almost always a close game to the finish. this map is also a great way to boost your grenade skills
  10. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    this looks pretty cool how it has multiple layers to it, but theres one thing that bugs me, on the lowest level, made of walls, they dont attach to the ramps, they just kinda hang there making for a not so smooth bump and a gaint black hole that nades can fall through. other than that it looks pretty good, 3.9/5
  11. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    This map looks... well... interesting. I see how you've incorperated LOS, but you may have gone (0v3RBAORD!1!) with them. Also, some of the cover that is on the map looks to "clog" it up, which may prevent some much needed flow. For example, in the top middle 'bridges', I would take one fin out of each set of three and space the remaining two out of each set and space them out. You'll still have plenty of cover, but it won't **** with the flow as much. You might also try taking those sets fins and interlocking them down a bit into the bridge, enough so that you can walk directly through the centre without having them obstruct you.
  12. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. I tried that tonight and tested it to see how the game flow responded. It did open up the top well, though I think a little more than expected. I found it gave the sniper more room (perhaps too much?) to play and made the upper levels harder to take/easier to defend due to the cover and less of a grenade trap. I will look into interlocking the fins though. Thanks for the input.
  13. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Just by the looks of it, I can tell that this layout would work well with Conquest. I'm certain that lots of people would like it if you made the map compatible with conquest as well.
  14. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    I look at your map, and I see a good design.

    I look at your map, and I see not so much interlockz.

    Yes, yes, I know, I know, the hypocrisy. But after seeing why interlocking is needing first-hand, I'm going to say it myself - needs more interlockz.
  15. xpk3

    xpk3 Ancient
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    welcome to forge hub. after a run through the map with my sister (because there's no one else on) i could see that game play flows well and i think the weapons are well balanced, staying on the map is hard as well especially when there's an angry sister playing. forge wise it is aesthetically sound, no interlocking that i could see being used the map looks great without it and it isnt required anyway. i agree with Mace "I would take one fin out of each set of three and space the remaining two out of each set and space them out." you could perhaps rotate them at an angle if there going to be a V2, other than that i couldn't find anything wrong with it. overall the map is great and i can see myself playing a few custom matches on it.

    BTW don't kill your sister!

    #15 xpk3, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009

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