
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by beastlymczcillz1991, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. beastlymczcillz1991

    Senior Member

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    Story: you and your friends are camping its the middle of the night and you all here a strange noise as the night goes on there is a blood curdling scream someone calls 911 they'll be there in 10 minutes if you can survive that long

    Zomibies: Have a splazer and can run as fast as a mongoose they are pretty tough 110 resistince and they deal normal damage

    Humans: grab a partner and drive you start with a A.R. and a B.R. you deal 90 damage and have normal resistance guns have limited ammo and thats why i have put ammo stops under the kiil balls if you need a new weapon you can get one at a golf hole.

    now onto some much needed pics

    Ammo stops and golf holes:


    now the overview of the campground


    dont fall in the hole to crypt reson A you cant get out B your easy pickins ya i said pickins

    The zombie start


    There are 6 more ammo stops but im to lazey to put the rest on so please give me a DL and some criticism thanks : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
    Map and Game Made By crazy dukky
    #1 beastlymczcillz1991, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your pictures are not working you can't embed pics from go to and type in your gt it will show all your screenshots and you can embed them from there

    Ok they work now
    #2 jakob hunter, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  3. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Use this, HaloScreenshots. Click the link I provided (--> Haloscreenshots <--) This is the easier and faster method to posting pics here. Click that, type in your gamertag on the side, then click on a picture you want to use of yours, and once you click it, go under the picture where it says BB code. Copy that and paste it into the thread. Do this for all of your pics, and you'll have a good 1st post. I hope that helped.

  4. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    needs pics!! but from the story it accually seems kinda fun.. not to original but decent enoupgh i might download onece i see some pics
  5. beastlymczcillz1991

    Senior Member

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    acually this is my second post but your the first to tell me how thanks
  6. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can see that you really didnt put that much time into this im not trying to sound rude or mean but this looks pretty sloppy but i have a few suggestions. First off the tin cups dont really look very good just sitting out all by thier lonesome i suggest putting some columns interlocked with them surrounding them to make them blend more. Second, build some structures around the killballs like bases or something i know it doesnt really fit with the story but make them like broken down trees or an old log cabin. Third, Interlock more and make the camp ground look nicer i have to say that it does look pretty good but not very neat it is probably the best part of the map however but let me suggest interlocking on it and making the walls strait and using wall corners for the tents. Fourthly either block off the crypt hole or put a kill ball at the bottom or if your out of kill balls use a few teles that lead to the sky bubble or something so you die when you fall through it will just be a little nicer that way so that they cant just camp down there. Overall 3/5 because it is a good concept and i like the story but remember im not trying to be mean this is all supposed to be cunstructive. Keep on forging and i'll look out for your next map.

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