Firefight on Mombassa

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by HLG FlashPoint, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    HLG FlashPoint & Rik Astly

    Map Name:

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    Supported Gametypes:
    Custom Gametype



    Made by: IxFlashPointxI

    Mombassa is a map created by Rik Astly and I. The map was originally my idea but I asked Rik if he wanted to take part in this project with me. Mombassa is a map to played with the gametype Firefight. If you do not know what Firefight is then you have not been paying attention to Bungie. Firefight is a feature in Halo: ODST where you fight the Covenant round after round. We have made a gametype to replicate that, we have also made a Map to play it with. This map has been tested many times and most people have not survived a full rounds (7 minutes each round.)

    How the gametype works:
    The ODSTs spawn at the center structure and the zombies spawn in the skybubble in 1 of the 3 covenant boxes (will be explained soon.) The ODSTs have to scavenge around for weapons when they spawn because they only spawn with SMGs and magnums. The zombies spawn in 1 of 3 covenant boxes, there are 3 different boxes, a Brute box, an elite box, and a grunt box, for the first 10 seconds of their life so they may pick up the weapons in the spawn boxes. There are teleporters in the spawn box so once they are done getting weapons they may enter the battle field. The humans have a high damage resistence, no sheilds, and are immune to headshots (seeing as headshots kill instantly with no sheilds.) The reason they have no sheilds is because ODSTs don't have sheilds, they only have health.

    Okay so now that the wall of text is over here are some pics:
    (Note: The description of each screenshot is under the screenshot, not above.)

    ODST spawn.

    Brute spawn box.

    Elite spawn box.

    Grunt spawn box.

    Overview #1.

    Overview #2.

    The tower building.

    The broken bridge which connects the tower building and the broken wall building.

    The broken wall building.

    The center structure.

    The destructable wall, it has a suprise inside.

    The Warthog and Mongoose which are located in the tower building. (Note: you need the either the Warthog or the Mongoose to destroy the destructible wall.)

    The communications tower.

    The red corner a bridge spawns in the middle of the game so you can get to the comm. tower.

    The K-Mart building. (originally was going to have a giant K on top as a joke.)

    The ramp up to the K-Mart building.

    Action Shots:

    Close up of an ODST Soilder.


    2 on 1.

    Elite attack!

    Well that is it. If you missed the download link it is at the top of the page.
    Please comment, critic, and download.
    #1 HLG FlashPoint, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  2. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Im also workin on a firefight map but looks like you beat me to it. Lol jk ours is quite different though. But i really like yours the structure look really cool and i like how you added the effectx to make it look like nighttime. And the brute spawn looks ok and i guess it will work. Ill have to dl and find out. Mine is somewhat similar to the firefight demo map that they showed at e3.
  3. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    thankyou and Rik and I seem to be the first to make a gametype and map for it. I also hear that somebody is working on one on avalanche. I am glad you like the map. Rik and I put a lot of thought into it.
  4. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    This looks like a very fun map to play but it may have its issues.
    For one, put roofs on the brute, elite, and grunt spawn boxes. I could grab the brute shot and brute shot jump over the wall!

    I'll check it out later, but in the meantime, please fix these issues!

    3.5/5 for now. :)
  5. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    there is a roof but i removed it for the picture...
  6. alex quit

    alex quit Ancient
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    this looks like a great concept, while bungie came up with the orginal idea, i like the fact that you brung it into halo 3. I think the way you executed the idea is great and it sounds and looks fun to play. The only thing i see that might be a problem is spawn killing when the covenent come through the teleports, i would like to know if it was a problem, please let me know :)

    i love it! ill be sure to download.
  7. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    During the first few tests, spawn killing was a HUGE problem. But we fixed it. There are now five teleporters that are well-hidden/invisible to prevent spawn killing.
  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    I was waiting for someone to make something like this and i have to say you guys did a really good job on it it really looks like a ruined New Mombassa at night time and all the differant buildings look great the map and game look like they will play well together. I will dl and try it out with my friends later 5/5 great job.
  9. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    thankyou we're glad you liked it. We spent alot of time building this map and testing it so we could get it to the best it could be. If you want the best experience play with 8 or more people it makes the gameplay so much better.
  10. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Wow, I'm in the process of working on a map that is just like yours, although mine isn't based on FireFight. I even have Covenant spawns similar to your, but mine will definitely be unique. Overall, your map looks pretty good. Your trying to go for the 'ruined city' look, but some of your buildings still look somewhat sloppy, but that's not a big deal. Yours also looks like a City Based Infection map. The only problem I have with those types of maps are where there is a building where humans can camp and be nearly invincible. I think since you have Covenant weapons for the zombies, I'm sure that won't be a problem.
  11. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    All buildings have at least two entrances, most have three or more, so that eliminates camping.
  12. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Camping definately is not a problem most of our buildings have tons of entrances and non of the buildings have too many camping spots. The best camping spot would probably be in the destructable barrier room. But even in there the zombies can still get you.
  13. Mattie 400

    Mattie 400 Ancient
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    Damn nice map! :) you beat me too it as well! I was making one too but this is by far better good job
  14. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Thankyou I am glad you like it. Do you have any suggestions for our next map?
  15. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    Yeah, we've started our next Firefight map. Does anyone have any advice to offer?
  16. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Sorry, it looks absolutely nothing like Firefight. In the demos they did, you could clearly see how it looked but you didn't do a very good job, as professional as it may look. Plus, they do Firefight in the daytime so it didn't look like you really thought this through. If I were you, I would start from scratch on the surface of SandBox and look much more thoroughly at the demo videos.
  17. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    It's not supposed to be a replica of Firefight. That would be pointless, seeing as it's coming out soon. It was originally called ODST Survival, but we changed the name to make it more authentic. We chose the name because this map resembles the concept of Firefight.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    There are definitely some original concepts here but it looks a bit too messy. You fixed the issue of spawn camping and and it really just looks like a fun map. Good work.
  19. ZaTaisho

    ZaTaisho Ancient
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    I'm currently making a Firefight map as well, but since I just started it today, it's going to take some time. Hope I can finish the map before you! XD

    Quick question about the gametype... Can you tell me the details for the zombies, Humans, ect...? Thanks!
  20. ParaEmbeR 33

    ParaEmbeR 33 Ancient
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    hmmmm, seems a lot of people are working on firefight maps. Can't wait to see all your guys's maps when you finish em. ;D Anyways... This map looks very interesting. It certainly caught my eye. It looks very well made and looks like it would be fun to play. One thing I was concerned about was that new mombassa is a city... which means it has buildings, lots of buildings. You do have a few buildings and a lot more structures so if you ever make a v2 I would suguest tall buldings to give it a city feel! :D

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