-- Apocolypse -- Hey graphics and arts, this is my first post in the graphics and arts section, i am a beginner at this and constructive critisicm would be great. i just Gimped with the colors, added a few streaks, edited the area around the edges, did some major cropping, and added text, which I then proceded to blur with the X shaped tool, and made the text look cool to me, then I took it to photobucket and worked in a better looking border. I did this one myself, tis nothing special Info: Text: R0FLninja Dont tread on me (yes I know, rather corny.) Font: Tall paul Image Editing Sites Used: Gimp 2.6, Photobucket, HP Image Zone. its more of art than a sig, but I like it. 1st v2 with border thats it Comments and constructive critiscism is appreciated
wow alot better than my 1st sig (it was only a week ago) mine was "trash" but yours is very good it could do with a main image but it dosnt need it 4/5 EDIT:how long did this take you to make?
That actually is a very long time... Most of the people who are considered the "best" graphics people take less than an hour on most of theirs... I'm actually wondering what you did to make this... It kind of just looks like a fractal placed on a black background with text, but if you say you took 5-6 hours on it, then there must be something else you did.
My and Hells collabs, which take much longer than regular, are about 2 hours work or less...So you must have done something other than just a paste job with text.
yes, other than that, i spent a lotof time experimenting with effects and tools on gimp and working things out, omg and the size modifier on photobucket pisses me off, it took me almost an hour to correctly get the good size witout messing up the text or the details and stretching it out, or having it copy and pasted with a bunch of white space next to it. like i said, im new here, but about 2/3 of the time was just trying to figure stuff out, experimenting with effects, and trying to FIX THE ****ING SIZE. most of the time spent tho was almost doing more painting over the painting on gimp with a cool combo of paint tools and stuff that would take way too long to explain.
you use gimp, is that easier to use than photoshop? yea on my 1st one i only actually spent about and hour or 2 makeing it but the rest of it figuring out how
REMOVED: cuz it was not good to have illeagal stuff on FH the rest isnt bad tho remember to use the trusted ones i think the guys name is REZMAN (numbers) tri it there or get a trial
its cool im happy to help, tho you should be asking some1 who knows something by the way what time is it there?
no just wondering about the time - britain you see its like half twelve and on topic ill give gimp a go and see if i like it im off for the night cya
true... edit yours then please im not held responsible for what he dose with my quote is that clear one last question is GIMP free i quickly glanced of the site didnt see and fee PM me the answer along with the question
I hate to break your dreams, but it's a C4D placed in the middle of a canvas, nothing too special, try not using those or even brushes, stick to defaults.