Halo 3 Glitch Montage

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by tylyr1, Jun 7, 2009.

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  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You want more veiws to be known as a bullshitter before you put up a tutorial on some bullshit glitches?
  2. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Some of these glitches I have saw before, and I have done the levitation one with vehicles, but never tried people, good video, and good editing.
  3. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Haha, good job, no mods, huh? What's that gametype you're using? Carbine? Isn't that the modded forge gametype? That sandbox mongoose ramp one? I can see the spawn dots for the invisible barrier... Same with the Last Resort floating player. The one on Avalanche entitled "Telecanesis" (Get a spellchecker, by the way), Well, I know how that's done... You're in forge. Want proof you're in forge, I can see the spawn dot.

    Seriously guys, look for the spawn dots and you can tell half that **** is modded. He's using a modded game type for a start.
    Some of it is legitimate, but aren't glitches, and one or two are legit glitches... Seriously, Tylyr... STFU and/or GTFO.
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Nearly all of these are objects invisible in forge, and lag causing people to appear in places they aren't. That plus offscreen monitors moving stuff. I should have saved the video of Zanitor up there walking through walls on one of my Sandbox maps. We started a new round, his game reloaded the location of that wall, and he could no longer make the impossible jump he was making, basically it was just lag causing it.
    #24 Ladnil, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Nice, and like I said on the video, you should have used different music. Otherwise it's really really awesome!

    I'm stumped
  6. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    I never said I wasn't in forge, I used that gametype so we didn't have to changing teams all the time and not hear eachother. I got the gametype off one of my friends fileshare, I didn't make it.

    And do you really think that I can mod, lol.

    Why do you think they are so fake when I posted proof right in front of your face?
    #26 tylyr1, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  7. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    First of fall, modding isn't difficult, but no you're right, I don't think you can mod, you're definitely not showing the mental capacity.

    I think you'll find, if you re-read my post carefully and slowly, then you will find I never said you could mod.
    My point still stands however, that you are using mods.
    Why is this so incriminating?
    Nice quote, right?

    I love the way you haven't even attempted to lie your way out of the other ones.

    Of course, I doubt you've heard of party chat either, you can be on different teams, or games and still hear each other.

    Most of the glitches that are not modded are actually different glitches, mainly forged glitches used in interesting ways to create new effects.

    For example, the high ground gate one, is actually just clever placement of teleporters, and is not the glitch you are claiming it to be, if you watch closely you can see the message "teleporter is blocked" when you walk over the spot where the guy got teleported from.

    ^ I figured this out by watching your "proof" that it's a legitimate glitch.
    It's not. The glitch is you putting a teleporter under the map, not pushing him through a gate.

    Oh and the Rat's nest levitation one?
    I can see the goddamn spawn dots for the invisible barriers.
    Explain that.

    Oh, by the way... More proof against him... His "Telecanesis" (Read telekinesis) on Avalanche is obviously being moved my a monitor, as you can see the spawn dot for the warthog moving with the warthog, this wouldn't happen if the vehicle was moving by other means, only by monitor.
    #27 Dthen, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  8. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    It is a glitch, they are not invisible barriers.

    If it was being moved by the monitor, then why would it rotate and still be moving forward at the same time when it hit the ground, hmmm?

    Close but not right on.

    Edit: And I don't really care if you don't believe it, you will be proven wrong when I accually post the tutorials, no more fighting now...
    #28 tylyr1, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  9. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Maybe it IS a glitch, but like it or not, they ARE invisible barriers.
    Why can I see spawn dots?

    As for why the hog was still moving forward, you dropped it. The spawn dots stays with the object until it has settled.
    Why is the spawn dot travelling with the hog?
    #29 Dthen, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    That's rather crass in my opinion. Sorry, but I see no merit in holding out, other than boosting your own ego by having people constantly ask and you hold out, plus it's clearly not getting you much respect here.

    A video of the events and you saying 'This isn't modding, I promise' hardly constitutes proof.

    Why are you acting so patronising when you are the only one being childish here? The only 'fighting' going on here is people getting a little annoyed because you make big claims, refuse to back them up with proof, even seem to delight in keeping others 'in the dark', then act high and mighty when people don't just believe you unquestioningly. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less whether these are mods, glitches, or even miracles. The only thing I care about here is your attitude, and how it's very far from constructive or mature.
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This video is getting popular, so why not show us now? I'm really amazed on how unbelievable these glitches are. Nice video.

    The song is over-used though.

    What's up with that Carbine gametype? CMNeir uses it so what is so special about it?
  12. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Lolololololol; its invisible, indestructible grav lifts, so you finally stop argueing about this being modded. I can do that easily. No modding. You only need two people on different xboxes.
    I can explain like 90 percent of those. Just because you dont know them yet, does not mean it is modded.
    -armor change wtf, I dled and will watch from another perspective.
    -missile pod deflection?
    -mongoose appear and vanish hogs?
    Cant wait to see the tut.
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The Carbine gametype is a modded forge gametype where players have carbine starts and are wearing the slayer version of their armor. Those are the only mods to it and it plays exactly like forge does.

    I'm skeptical that these glitches aren't forge lag related.

    I also don't agree with your mentality. It's pretty childish. So please, ignore your ego and cough up the goods. You're not helping anyone here and certainly not making friends. You can't really blame anyone for the negative attention you're getting because of your cavalier attitude.

    Anyways, the video was entertaining.
  14. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Looks like Forge glitches to me but, hey, it was an interesting video to say the least.
  15. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    The Telekineses was done by obvious forge.And a lot of the other ones were lag.But besides that the glitches(if there are some real legit glitches.)are pretty nice.And you wont get much praise for this.But really people it doesnt matter if it was modded I thought it was down right awsome.Also the double jump can also be used if you are like a jumping expert like some people.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Lolololololol No its not ****tard, I do know what I am talking about, I have been on quite a few modding sites and glitching sites and that is a connection glitch, most likely caused by lagswitching...


    YouTube - Halo 3 - Walk through Closed Gates ★ Tutorial

  17. Biohazard

    Biohazard Ancient
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    most of these are bs or just clever forgeing or camera tricks. maybe one or two legitamate ones. but the warthog punch? your standing right infront of a sheild door. the missle deflection? theres another wart hog behind the hill and the missle pod is tracked on that one, not the one right in front of you
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Just shows you how a community flames people for false claims and bs.
  19. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i liked your video even though you modded. i do think that you should STOP BEING A PRICK AND TELL THE COMUNITY OF FORGEHUB THAT YOU'RE SORRY FOR BEING A DOUCHE OR TELL US THE TUTORIAL!! sorry for the caps but thats the most important part of my message.
    BTW you can see the spawns of the invis. blocks when the mongoose is coming towards you. also i used carbine for a machinima so that we could get a monitor and a Customized Spartan in the same match. i'm going to start ranking these vids. with my new ranking system, and for your vid. i'll give you an EPIC FAIL!!!!!! lol.

    - have a great time lying!, Mav.
    #39 mavrick145, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  20. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    now im going to tell everyone but you
    i said I was going to tell you just have to wait.
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