Definately my favorite piece of work yet but I dont like the black it looks out of place... edit: made with gimp 2.6
C4D' is meh, and your text could use some work, also the hair seems a little too purple. I don't like your motion blur on the signature, also it's a little too dark, try adding a border text and removing the motion blur, uhm.. maybe sharpen it a little bit.
The white spots are a little distracting, try to just make paintbrush blotches instead of 100% opaque spots, make some from where the light hits off of the helmets of the characters to give it a good source of lighting.
you distorted him! AAHH! Yah thats a big big no, no. also, whats that in the bg...It looks weird, the only thing cool about this is the lightbeam and thats only moderately cool. What you should do is start over, and try working on flow and stuff, just start over. Try to redo the bg and undistort the person mostly.
Took in all the advice hells gave me and gave it another go. No downloaded brushes or renders, and it is a stock image! Let's see what i get this time. =)
Sweet, someone actually using my advice about DEFAULTS in Photoshop, thanks. As for the sig, it is a little bit plain, but you will soon see that you have more filters at your hand, also try using settings for your smudge tool.
CnC please. I did what you said as far as reducing the flashiness of the C4Ds and darkening the edges of the sig (mostly the top right corner). I thought it looked a little plain, so I added a listing of every single ELO song set to Soft Light and a low opacity, to give the background some more texture. Then, I darkened up the main background to create just enough contrast so that the text is semi-legible, but not clear enough to distract from the focal. I also felt that using retro font works well with the sig. What do you think about v2?
Looks better than V1, but maybe make a source of lighting on top of the sig, and your text is a little bland, because gray is just really dull, and where did that guy's arm on the left go? it looks like you faded it off?
k, well the text isn't the best, could stand to be a thicker font but still might need to be lower opacity. The bg is ok, not the best. The blue c4d doesn't quite reach him and that looks weird. The best part of the sig is around his head and shoulders while the worst part is in the area between him and his arm. Try some diff. c4ds to mix it up. well I like this one much better, the text is way better. But you missed a spot of the bg (didn't blur it) and you blurred a spot of his hat. It has great depth and looks ok, but its missing flow and effects...Try maybe adding a couple photofilters and some lighting would also help it. k, well the colors are ok it could stand a gradient map set to color at aobut 50 or 60 opacity. Other than that your main problem is the text. It could also stand a better bg and more blending and effects. K, well its ok but the c4d on bottom left sticks out and looks odd. the top looks ok tho'. However, his helmet gives off that it was a render, and his arm and gun barrel are to smudged and blured....Text should be closer to him, the only praise I can give is the top looks good.