Sandheart Manor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by iTz Fuzzywig, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Hey everybody!! This is iTz Fuzzywig again, coming at you with another new pro made map!!!! I like my maps to be both beautiful and functional so this map that made her offers both of those. I decided to make this map right after I made my highly acclaimed map the Mile-High Club and decided that I was tired of making maps with no geomerging in them and I wanted a challenge!!!
    I started right away and about 1 month (about 45 hours of forging) after the beginning of the map, I finally got done with one of the most difficult maps Ive ever crafted, The Sandheart Manor!
    About every single object needed to be either geomerged or interlocked because I decided to be a hard-ass and build it into the side of the large dune on Sandbox. The map definitely gives you a unique gameplay experience because I tried to make it much like a fortress with small weapon slits and a lot of rooms in it.
    Overall. the map has 9 rooms in it not including the balconies, hallways, secret room and the zombie spawning buildings.The manor itself has 5 floors in all so its pretty massive.
    The map is built for infection and it works pretty good for it. The zonmbies spawn in the outlying building and they assault the manor via the multiple ways of entry.Other than that, the humans just attempt to survive in the many fortified areas within the manor from the zombie onslaught!!
    Soo- everyone just rate it what it deserves and if you like it- download it and show your friends!!!

    Weapons List
    Assault Rifle- x4
    Battle Rifle- x8
    Shotgun- x6
    Sniper Rifle- x2
    SMG- x6
    Rockets- x1
    Spartan Laser- x1
    Human Turret- x1

    Frag Nade- x4
    Plasma Nade- x3
    Flame Nade- x1
    Deployable Cover- x1
    Active Camo- x1

    Download the Map Here
    -All the Best- iTz Fuzzywig

    The Sandheart Manor

    Second Frontal View

    Zombie Spawn Buildings (Man Cannons Push Blocks out of way after 20 seconds)

    Main Entrance

    Man Cannon that pushes you up into the Manor

    Entry Room

    Sniper Tower

    Stairway to Upper Floors

    Main Hallway(Right Turn at Stairs)

    Defense Slits

    Bar (Every Fortress has to have one!!!)

    Office- Me behind my desk doin Taxes

    Main Defense Turret of Manor

    Bottom Defense Slits

    Below Entrance to Bedroom

    Bedroom- Even the most stalwart defenders need some love!!!

    Bedroom Balcony- Nothin more romantic tha the view of a barren desert...

    And thats about it!!!! And a note for the secret room- its much easier to find on this map thn pn my previous uploaded maps- sorry to those people who get their thrills from finding my secret rooms!!
    #1 iTz Fuzzywig, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  2. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    This map is beautiful. This is by far the best use of geo-merging I've seen to date, and from the looks of it it will be good for infection with the right settings. How large does the manner seem on the inside? It seems large, but that might just be that way as it's got it's back to the dunes, am I right?
  3. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    You are amazing. Mile high club was my favorite map and now this! I might have to clear my que and download every map you come out with. The map is amazing. Somehow you combined aesthetics with custom games perfectly. The geomerging is awsomerific. You are on your way man. The bedroom is cool, the bar is cool, and the armory is cool. This better get featured or else! The defence slits where brilliant. Daaaaaamb you did it all.
    no wait
  4. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    At first I was like "Why's it called Sandheart Manor?" and then when I see it I'm like "HOLY S**T!!!"

    Wow, great job coping with the terrain. I could never do it, but most of Forgehub could. I prefer solid, flat ground, but the way you've done this is amazing. Nice job!
  5. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Idk about most of forge hub being able to do this geomerging as I did, Ive talked to a lot of people from forge hub that I see as respectable forgers and they are all like "HOW DID YOU GEOMERGE LIKE THAT!!!!! ZOMG ROFL!!!" I know that there are people out there that could but I would change your word to some =]
  6. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Yeah- I thought about adding a throne room instead of an office but then it would be TOO much like Jabbas Palace =] And JUST a 4.5?? Ok.... Ill take what I can get ^_^
  7. Kopaka

    Kopaka Ancient
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    Wow! I'll just download that... without having played it, the map looks top notch. I look forward to playing it. 5/5

    On a side note, how do you geomerge in Sandbox? I used to do it on foundry, but I used the doors, an object absent in Sandbox. Thanks!
    #7 Kopaka, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  8. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I remember getting this map from Yuri a few weeks ago. This map is very good and the geomerging is off the charts. I love playing infection on it, and I love how there are a lot of secret areas (until you find them, at least). I wish it could be bigger, but alas, things must come to some sort of end. If you ever plan on making another one, or a V2, make it larger. A really amazing map, and that's an understatement.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Originality - Seeing that not many maps are geomerged on Sandbox, yet. This is very good. Why does everyone always use that same hill to geomerge with, though? I think there's a better hill located out of bounds

    Aesthetics - The exterior of the mansion looks great. The interior doesn't look as clean though. In some locations there were some wall corners that were sticking out in the middle of a corridor or hallway. I feel that some of those corners could have possibly been merged with a wall or something. I saw you had some budget left over. I did like the fact there were a lot of "nooks and crannies" that you could find and hide in. One question, though. Why would a mansion not have a garage?

    Game play - Although you didn't provide a game type, I saw some serious issues with the map that could pose some issues during infection games. There are a lot of places that a group of humans could hold out. A lot of these hiding spots have one small entrance, some which require you to crouch. I think the only way this map could possibly be played fairly is with semi-powerful, but slow zombies. Zombies with 150-200 damage resistance and maybe 75-90% speed. Anything less than 150 damage resistance will result in people quitting.

    Improvements - This is definitely the best use of geomerging that I have seen so far on Sandbox. Great work. Like I mentioned above... clean up those wall corners sticking out inside the mansion and maybe add a garage and I think that would go a long way. I also noticed that the line of sight on some of those wall slots weren't very useful. I think a lot of those slots you created will end up kinda useless since the zombie spawn areas are so close to the mansion, too. I'd suggest moving the zombie spawn areas back further a bit and add a little bit of cover to fill in the extra gap created by pushing the spawn areas back.

    Great work on the map.
  10. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    This looks really cool. Mansion on a mountain side..the perfect place to be..unless an avalanche come crashing down :D hah. I can see this map turning into an infection map real fast. All you need to do is block a cople entrances, put lighting effects and wala! Dld from me for sure.

    P.S. How in the world do you geo-merge on Sandbox?!
  11. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You do it old skool... brace and grab.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Wow this is really neat. I love structures made into the sand and this is probably the best one I've seen. Two suggestions, it could use a little color and the rest of the map is very empty (though I'm sure you probably hit the item limit). Keep up the good work!
  13. Kopaka

    Kopaka Ancient
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    He reached the object limit; there's no room left for more cover. One problem I found is that using the Fat Kid Gametype, the humans just run around the outskirts of the map. I know of some fixes, but it's up to you to change it. The map is one of the best I've ever seen. Still enjoying the aesthetics, etc.
    I've found a youtube video explaining how to just "push" objects into the map without braces. It works okay, but the objects spaz out when they're embedded.
  14. Mander

    Senior Member

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    I downloaded this map and played it, and was definately impressed. It's clear that you put a massive amount of effort into the geomerging and details of this map. This is another map on the casual maps thread that deserves a five star rating but doesn't have one due to idiots giving it one star just because they don't want it to overshadow their own crappy maps on the same thread.

    The only criticism I have for this map is that the gameplay isn't very balanced, as there are a fair few good places to camp, but that could easily be fixed with a proper gametype. Besides I love the layout of the mansion and wouldn't want it to change anyway. So I give you a 5/5 and hopefully it'll help bring your thread rating up to where it deserves to be...

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Tbh that makes more than allot of sense. I was wondering why nice maps like this one gets ranked so low. I mean a map like this is very very hard to come by. And still people only pay attention to their map only, instead of opening up and see awesome map that are post once in a 1000 years like this one. Fuzzwing you really do got talent, and the way you make your maps gives me the same feeling when i first saw some of FH great maps. I just love it.
  16. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    I see what you are talkin about and I thank you for the constructive criticism but there is much more that I could do to the map without completely starting from scratch and making a brand new mansion all together- and the thing with the garage is that, yes, I was going to add a garage beneath the bedroom balcony but halfway into making it, I ran into the budget limit and had to just add those two ramps there instead. Also, I knew that the map all around was completely open so I knew the LAST thing that I wanted was vehicles that the humans could get into and make it even harder for the zombies to kill them; there will always be those dicks that camp in the dunes and take away fun from the rest of the people. As for the so called wall sticking out of the walls, I added those on purpose to give the map more of aesthetic look in my eyes, Some people may not think that it looks good but I thought that just a blank wall would be kind of bland so I added that to spice it up. (Maybe if you ask real nice Ill create a version with all the walls inside of the four base supports so that they are hidden and send it just to you =] ) And as for the problems with the gametypes and zombie issues, I added an active camo to help "dislodge" humans from those "nooks and crannies" so that humans wouldnt be invincible- trust me- Ive killed the human in the tightest crannie on the map when he had a shot gun, its not easy but its definately not impossible.
    #16 iTz Fuzzywig, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  17. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I know I've posted a review, but here's one more in depth:

    Enjoyment: To be honest, I had a blast playing this map. I played with six people, on my own infection gametype, and it was great. There were a lot of little things which made me smile and I love how there are so many ways to play, for example camping in different rooms or just hiding, the map was just fun.

    Score: 9/10

    Balance: I think it was wise to put two zombie spawns, and its good how the zombie has to wait 20 seconds until he can escape his spawn area. Depending on the gametype, it will be more or less balanced, but for true zombies, its a well rounded gametype. There are however many weapons, which can create unbalanced playstyle and make it easy for humans, considering there's only one entrance, a second if you destroy the grav lift.

    Score: 8/10

    Durability: This map is good as far as durability goes but due to the various types of infection gametypes, issues may occur where the last man standing runs out of the manor and goes to camp on the opposite side of the map or on the roof.

    Score: 8/10

    Aesthetics: This is where the map just owns in every corridor, literally. The geomerges and hidden rooms are off the charts, the walking is smooth and nice, and the interior of the manor is flawless and just looks amazing. Probably the best aesthetically looking infection map I have ever seen.

    Score: 10/10

    Originality: Many people will say that unoriginal maps are boring, like fat kid for example, and though this map has the same basic idea as every other fortress/house camp map, it does it so well, and is by far the best infection house map I've ever played on, and that's also where you excel.

    Score: 8.5/10

    Final Score: 8.7
  18. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Just because you add a garage, doesn't necessarily mean you gotta add vehicles. A garage would just give the zombies another way into the mansion. As it is right now, I saw only two ways into the mansion. The ramp in front, and the entrance blocked with the grav lift. 1-2 guys with BRs can cover the grav lift entrance. Same with the front entrance. The zombies are shot up the man cannon and pressed against the wall. Of course it all depends on game type settings, but you could hold off zombies for a while that way.

    I don't think we're talking about the same thing. I was talking about areas
    like at the top of ramps. There's a corner of a wall sticking out in the middle of a hallway. I was saying that if you had budget, you should put another wall there and merge it with those corners. Wish I had some pics so I could show you what I'm talking about.

    How many humans were in there? 1 guy with a shotgun can probably be beaten, but what about 3-4 guys with shotguns or BRs? They can hold out for a quite a while, especially if there's limited ammo and they all crowd into a room with one entrance and a lot of ammo that keeps respawning.

    Like I said before... a lot will depend on gametype settings.
  19. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Ok- like I said before I CANNOT SPAWN OBJECTS-MAP IS FULL If I were to make a garage, I would have to delete objects in other parts of the manor which would hurt the aesthetics and gameplay- Also there are other ways into the mansion- if you are intelligent- you would use the ability to get on the roof to drop down on people Hint- look in pic 13 and you will see a HUGE opening into the manor- And yes as a matter of fact, there where 3 guys in the room ,one with shotgun, one with dual SMGs and another with a Shotgun, I just killed one at a ime and didnt find it too difficult =] idk- maybe ur right because a lot of people arent as good on this map as me
  20. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    I'm rather blown away. This map displays some of the most incredible geomerging I have seen to date. The different levels look as though they are easily accessed and bear unique callout names. The map looks fluid and flowing, something many maps lack nowadays, leading to static gameplay. I will get back to you after I get my xbox back and download, but the strategic placements of defense-slits, pillboxes, windows, and weapons looks as though this may be one of the greatest infection maps ever created. Excellent job. 9.9/10. (The 0.1 point that's missing is my leverage over you to make more of these maps :})


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