The Official E3 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by chrstphrbrnnn, May 31, 2009.

  1. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Because they don't have their own conference, and half of them are owned by Microsoft anyway.

    This is probably true, but they need money after seeing profits from the PS3

    Graphically, but other than that there will be no difference. Also, why does it matter how many discs it comes out on?

    ICO is most likely a bad idea because the people who played it loved it, but eight people played it. Eyetoy doesn't do full body motion tracking anywhere near to the extent of the 360. Plus, NATAL has voice and face recognition as well.
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    When a game is on the 360 and pc its still considered an exclusive to the 360 because microsoft owns Games for Windows which what all major games come out on.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    • Left 4 Dead 2 is a Microsoft Exclusive.
    • Supposedly yes it is, Metal Gear Solid Rising is supposed to be for PS3 as well. That doesn't change the fact that it was revealed at Microsoft, not Sony.
    • Sony rolled out their motion control way before it was due, obviously. After Microsoft dropped Natal, they decided to display their motion control as well to compete. Clearly, it wasn't ready.
    • In your sense, The Last Guardian is just a rehash of ICO anyway? I mean, it is sure to follow the same general premise, maybe even story wise besides gameplay. But sure, Sony gets that as an exclusive.
    • Lost Odyssey was on multiple discs, no one really cared. Still a damn good game.
    • ODST is Halo 3, because it runs off the same engine and everything else. It may be a stand alone game, but that doesn't change the fact that it was originally developed to be additional Halo 3 content, and there is nothing wrong with that. Also, it is a Halo 1 and 2 pistol hybrid, a cross between both. I would say that it features about 5-6 hours of campaign (yes, that is short as hell but at least it isn't 4), and firefight mode with every DLC to date including the second part of Mythic Maps, but I am sure you already knew all of this.
    • Microsoft showed off Modern Warfare 2. Sony showed off Assassin's Creed 2. They are multi-platform, but that does throw a slap to the general x-bot or PS3 fanboy's direction.
    • Well, let's face it, you probably wouldn't know good gaming if it came out of your ass and called you mama. Alan Wake is going to be a ****ing fantastic game that is a break from all these goddammed shooters (yes I know you do shoot in this game, but that is far from its focus).
    • People like Skateboard games, so what? It is still exclusive (though with Natal, you don't need his board...)
    • If you are going to get on L4D2 or ODST for being re-hashes, then you have no room to praise another Super Smash Brothers, Mario, Zelda, and Golden Sun for Nintendo.
    Your logic and reason amuses me. Let me break this down for you to display why almost everyone says Microsoft won.


    • Lots of figures and graphs to prove that they are the best.
    • 30 minute talk about how they are "pulling in the non-gamers".
    • Wii-Motion Plus isn't as amazing as it was meant to be.
    • Destroyed a Mario RPG.
    • Wii Sports, what a shocker.
    • Vitality. Wtf?

    • Figures saying that they are the best (not as bad as Nintendo).
    • Put a lot of emphasis on the PS2 considering how long the ****ing console has been out.
    • PSP Go was leaked and no one cared about it even then. They focused on the damn thing.
    • No price drop. The one thing Sony needed was an anounced price drop so people will buy their console.
    • Exclusives such as Heavy Rain got almost no attention.
    Now, I am not saying that Microsoft doesn't have flaws, but I am biased so I would probably miss a **** load that you would consider flaws. However, I am willing to see your flaws with Microsoft's Presser, so I just rebute the bullshit and then have a nice list to compare with Sony and Nintendo.
    #203 X5, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I believe Microsoft won E3 as well, but some of your reasoning is flawed. It doesn't matter if ODST could have only been 4 hours long, that fact is that it is only 5 hours long. I believe Microsoft finally officially said that it will in fact be a full $60, which is a complete rip off. Halo ODST is not worth $60, and hardly $30.

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinion on what's good. Fallout 3 won numerous awards and GOTY titles, but I still pretty much hated it. Just because I don't like one game that other people like does not mean that I "...wouldn't know a good game if it came out of [my] ass."

    There are reasons L4D2 and ODST are considered re-hashes. They both use the same engine with some very minor tweaks to the gameplay that don't necesarrily warrant a new $60 title.

    Super Smash Brothers are games that have no choice but to release new games, seeing as how Nintendo has very little support for DLC. Mario and Zelda (for the most part) differ a large amount depending on which generation of Mario/Zelda it is. For example, you can tell a large difference from Super Mario Bros to Mario 64 to Mario Kart to Super Mario Galaxy to "insert Mario title here." Same goes for Zelda. They change the gameplay and graphics up enough to justify a new release, and frankly, they have no other choice, since there is virtually no other way to release new content for these titles.
  5. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Halo ODST comes with all the maps as well, so that being Heroic, Legendary, Mythic 1 and Mythic 2, that is a $40. That is, if you haven't gotten them yet. It also is a stand alone game, the the second disc is all you need to run Halo 3's multiplayer (so I've read/heard). Seeing as multiplayer is the main benefit to Halo 3, then that is quite alot. However, this is only a deal for those who basically never came close to Halo 3 themselves, so it is a bad deal for us. I am not saying it is a good one, but I am just pointing out what ODST is.

    No, but to blatantly call Alan Wake a bad game without even playing it to see for yourself is pretty ignorant. I am all for having your own opinion, but if you are going to state it you sure as hell better be ready to back it up.

    The changes being made for Left 4 Dead 2 are changes not possible through DLC. Valve already doubled the past game with FREE DLC, I am sure they would do so again if it was possible to pull of what they are doing with Left 4 Dead 2. However, it is having major changes to it's engine. ODST I already went over, but yes it could be simple DLC for some of us.

    It still doesn't change the fact that it is just creating mroe and more titles to an ancient franchise instead of creating all new content. They might be new engines, but same general gameplay basis. However, I am glad they are having some games for hardcore gamers (as long as they don't ruin them which is a likely possibility), but I am saying that you just can't call things out as re-hashes so lightly if you are going to be pushing these franchises.
  6. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    I want Mass Effect 2,Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction,L4D2,MW2,H:ODST, H:Reach,and the new mario lol,Forza motersport 3(even though I never tried forza before) but people on midnight club la say good things about it so ill try it.
  7. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    eyetoy tracks light and dark
    have you noticd how the edges of you are what forces things?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    No, PC still counts.

    More disks = costs more, plus a general hassle.

    Natal and the PS3 wands are NOT motion-sensing, they're motion-tracking. This was concluded already with the EyeToy and of course every gaming journalist forgot about that, proven the huge unprofessionalism of gaming journalism in general.
    To give you an example what I mean. Go stand up and push down on your left leg without having your right foot leave the ground. You are now doing something Natal and the PS3 wands cannot detect, but Nintendo with their balance board can. Now move your arm in a pushing motion quite fast, now do the same thing but with more force, Natal and the PS3-wand will not be able to detect this difference, The Wiimote can. Why?
    Well ask yourself, what causes motion? It's the exertion of force on a object, the result? The object moves in space with a certain speed. Natal and the PS3 wands can only track the result, not the source, wich the Wiimote can. The Red Steel 2 demo showed this that it can detect differences in force applied.
    So in their quest to circumvent NIntendo's patents, Sony and MS circumvented true motion-sensing and replaced it with shallow motion-tracking showing that they actually do not understand what the Wii is actually about. Not saying that motion-tracking can't be accurate, it's what motion-capture is based on, but it cannot sense the "meaning" (aka force) behind the motion, it just sees the motion and calls it quits. The difference in this can be very subtle and potentially very big, in favor for Nintendo.

    Also, opinions.
    #208 BASED GOD, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  9. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Did "I am Alive" make an appearance?
    Someone answer :D
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    No it did not.
  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    do you have a problem or something?
    can you not tell the difference between the plain ****ing obvious?
    natal and the ICO technology is far different from eyetoy
    eyetoy doest track motion
    it detects the difference in opacity etc.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    In result of the confusing ass way I worded this, I'm re-writing it. Anyway, ico the game is not why people are excited about LG, but because ICO as a team is working on it. This is including all of their projects, and even still it doesn't matter..tLG looks terrible. Period.

    BTW PC games are still "technically" counted as exclusivity, as MS owns the op system generally used on PC games. They still get money from people playing pc games.
    #212 chrstphrbrnnn, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  13. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    to expand on that, all games for PC have to be able to run on a windows OS so the producers have to pay for lincensing to use the OS to create and run their game on it
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    TBH HPM is just a major troll and better ignored. If this was gamefaqs he'd be "infracted" a multitude of times over. Granted, he's arguments are full of overbiased opinions and major falicies, so it's not tooooo hard to ignore him.
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    yeah, i'd like to bring this discussion round to
    so hawt. dont see how the graphics could get any better
    but they've done it
    r8 as their cover car
    they have read my mind
    ibout the DLC for forza 2 just for the r8
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    -Halo ODST
    -Halo Reach
    -Shadow Complex
    -Alan Wake (Again, you cannot call this a bad game. You're opinion is worthless)
    -Tony Hawk
    -Mass Effect 2 (It is an exclusive for Microsoft at this time)
    -Splinter Cell Conviction
    -Forza Motorsports 3 (whose trailer looked far more impressive that GT5's)

    And I think there are more. However, already Microsoft has a larger list of solid exclusives than Nintendo or Sony. For the record, FF XIV is not a Sony exclusive, it's heading to PC and possibly Xbox buddy. Also, Metroid the Other M will probably fail hardcore. New Super Smash Brothers will not be nearly as good as the old. Red Steel 2 looked terrible, I could hardly tell that they took advantage of Wii Motion Plus. I can go on and on, and I am not saying that Nintendo's titles cannot be good, but if their past failures showed anything, we shouldn't get too hopeful.

    As for the whole Motion Tracking/Sensing, of course everyone remembered the Eyetoy. It was impressive to a degree, sure, but poorly executed. Natal can do way more than the Eyetoy can, such as voice and full facial recognition. Also, Natal is supposed to be able to determine force behind a "punch". They showed that in Ricochet. Beyond that, Natal is supposed to work with most games already out for Xbox 360 (as displayed by using it to play Burnout Paradise). But that is only one thing, it did not make Microsoft win.

    Microsoft did what we wanted to see at a Press Conference, get to the games and other gaming innovations. Sony did not, they showed way to many Sizzle Trailers. Nintendo talked to much about how good they are. You say MS spent too much time on Natal? How about this, I will even go back and rewatch all 3 press conferences, and clock how long Natal is. I will then clock how much time Sony spent with PSP Go and their Motion Controller. I will go to Nintendo, and see how much time they spent with Graphs and Figures, along with Vitality. If you want, that is, because I already know that both Nintendo and Sony wasted way more time than Microsoft did.

    All in all, it really doesn't make a difference. You're a dumbass. Sometimes 3 words are all you need. You are of the minority, clenching onto Nintendo like a mother holds her dead child. Your arguments go in cirlces like racers on a Nascar track. Face it, after so many left turns it just gets boring. Alan Wake is bad. L4D2 is a money grab. Natal sucks. Alan Wake is bad... Same old tired argument, and pathetic rebutals to actual logical sense. Now excuse me, my fingers are aching and my stomach is turning from the amount of bullshit you have spread across this thread. I have a videogame to go and play.
  17. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I'd never thought I'd see fanboys on Forge Hub. Wow...

    Can't we just agree that all conferences were great in their own respects?
  18. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Nintendos wasn't lol..
  19. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Well, Nintendo announced 3 major titles this year that me and my friend were like "if they announce these, they will do lots better." They announced Super mario bro's, super mario galaxy 2, and a new metroid. Sony and microsoft still did better, but i'm just trying to show that nintendo didn't do all that bad.
  20. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    nintendo had nothing new. hands up please, who's genuinely hyped about those games and plans to buy them and play them with their freinds, and show them off to other gamers?

    Also, the milo thing was bull.

    MW2 dissapointed me.

    firefight in ODST looked amazing.

    god of war 3 looked awesome

    new controllers and features for 360 & PS3 looked awesome.

    but nintendo's press conference was terrible.

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