Ok well upon enter of this thread you probably thought its was something retarded like me sayingOMJESUS I PLAYED WITH RECONZZZZZZZZZZZ Well, no Everyone is talking about Halo3ODST and how u can get the vidmaster achievables and get reconz. Well 2 things: Did Bungie say that or "you will be on your way" and "you gain a special prize" Fallout 3 Rocks BTW AND im pretty sure nobody has checked out Marathon: Durandal and the VidMaster Achievment (scroll down) VidMaster: I Give No Secrets Now, im wondering if this is included, and if it is how do u get it BUT W8 Look at bungie.net THEY REVEAL HOW TO BEAT IT and so what i am wondering is this gonna be included And on an unrelated remark is this guy holding a silenced smg PS i covered 5 things in this topic, way to save posts
Um, wow. Thats a bit and I only count 3 things (Recon, Marathon's Vidmaster, and the SMG) First, I think they said both those and that the "something special" is Recon. Second, I highly doubt that Marathons VidMaster will be part of the achievements for Recon. All the other VidMaster achievements have a colon and some other thing after it. It doesn't fit with that. Third, yes, that is a silenced SMG. Not new news. But please elaborate on the 2 other topics. I don't see them.
Hmm...I read over it again, and I realized it sounded like a bizzare infomercial with Billy Mays as the salesperson. Anyways, I'm guessing the "Unlocking all the vidmasters" and "Fallout 3 Rocks" are the other 2.
You've been spamming on here for the past month; don't pretend you have a social life. Also, I don't get the point of this thread. Are you trying to point out that the vidmaster achievements could be really hard? Seriously, all you've done is link to a dead competition-style post on b.net from over a month ago, say some **** about recon and attract spam. Requesting lock.
ahah, owned ;p Yer this is a bit jumbled up, I couldnt keep track of what was happening ;p Its pretty obvious to say that it will be recon that is the special prize because what the **** else could they give us? Think about it..