I just felt like posting a list of games that the Xbox 360 has taken from the Ps3 that were ment to be PS3 only. This may be the reason Sony is losing the console War. List of PS3 exclusive turned multiplatform no specific order. Assassins Creed GTA IV Devil May Cry 4 Final Fantasy 13 Tekken 6 Virtua Fighter 5 MGS:R List of the best 360/pc exclusivesHalo series+HW Gears Series Fable series Left 4 Dead Bioshock-but honestly whos playing the ps3 version, so this doesnt count i guess. Dead Rising Lost Planet Mass Effect Splinter Cell: Conviction Im also guessing the 3 game's prequels listed before SP:C are also exclusive If you have something to add or change about the list post it up.
They didn't really take them. It was all up to the game development company to decide who they sell their product too. Was Bio shock 2 supposed to be PS3 Exclusive?
They took that from us. And Burnout 3 was on the Xbox, so I doubt it was intended to be an original. Also, who is buying a PS3 with the hard times we're living in nowadays?
I think when a person has an Xbox and a PS3 and are deciding which version of the game they should buy theyd choose the 360 version. Wiht ps3 you have mandatory installs for some of the games that takes away from the initial experience. like this. "Dude look i guess this awesome new game lets play it! wtf i have install? this is bullshit! -kicks ps3 and turns xbox on- plus you get achievements with xbox games with ps3 tou get trophies, laaame
List corrected. Me. TBH, you're just a fanboy. The PS3 demolishes everything the 360 has except for the online service. I'd rather choose a game for the PS3, particularly one that I like, so I can play it without my xbox breaking. It doesn't take that long to install games... and you still don't realize that the PS3 runs games a LOT more smoothly. Trophies and achievements are practically the same thing. Its not like we live for virtual points :|
What? GTA IV was intended to be for the PS3 only. Grand Theft Auto IV may not be PS3 exclusive -- PlayStation Universe
Playstation 3 can boast smoother running or blu-ray or whatever, but what it all comes down to is the games, that's what you buy a gamesystem for. While PS3 does have a couple that stand out, Xbox ultimately has the better game line up. Not just in quality, but in quantity. There's so many both exclusive and successful titles for Xbox that the PS3 has a lot of catching up to do. I'm not some fanboy, I own all 3 systems (Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii). I've played all the systems, and through my own experience, Xbox 360 typically dominates. In fact, if I where to rank them, it would go something like this: 1. Xbox 360 2. Wii 3. PS3
i completely agree. btw editing thread with list of xbox 360(pc) standout exclusives ______________my____opinon_________^^^^^^ Also i honestly never expected this defense for the ps3 on a halo site
Ps3 fanboys! Srsly the only reason they branched to xbox is because they know they will make better prof on the mp games bcoz xbl pwns psn
That doesn't say it was meant for the PS3, it said the past few were, and the new one is undecided.. Really? Anyone still using the "PS3 has a few games, but they are quality" argument has been living under a rock. Let me give you a list of PS3 exclusives, and then 360 exclusives. I'll let you decide. PS3 Exclusives (including ones to come, please try to tell me any of these games suck): LBP MGS4 KZ2 Resistance, 1, 2 God of War 3 Infamous Gran Turismo 5 Uncharted 1, 2 Socom Warhawk MAG Heavy Rain Motorstorm (& Pacific Rift) Metal Gear Online Tekken Ninja Gaiden Sigma Wipeout Ratchet & Clank For the 360 (Note that for all these selections I pick good games) Halo 3 ODST Mass Effect 1/2 Gears of War 1, 2 Forza 2/3 Fable 2 Halo Wars Huxley Ace Combat 6 Halo: Reach Dead Rising Alan Wake Left 4 Dead (ported from PC to 360, not the other way around) Your choice. Huxley is pretty much vaporware, and most 360 games are eventually ported to the PC anyways. This defense? I'm one person, and I don't even own a PS3. Not yet, at least. I wouldn't defend the PS3 if I knew the 360 was better.
Tekken doesnt belong on your ps3 list considering its coming to the 360 simultaneously with the PS3. TGS 2008: Tekken 6 smacking Xbox 360 - News at GameSpot