CnC please: I couldn't decide on the text color or placement, I just knew what I wanted to say. Also, the sides seem a bit empty to me, but I didn't want to mess with the flow of the sig by adding more C4Ds and effects. Edit: looking at it again, definitely not one of my better ones...
The text is a no go lol, try to remove it and see what it looks like, maybe add less of a brightness to the top right hand corner, and your effects seem a little too "busy", the flow of the guitar direction is pretty good.
CNC please! I'm pretty new to photo shopping. I've had it for a while but I didn't use it much. This is my first attempt at using brushes and C4D's. It's probably nothing special but it is surly a large improvement on my last sig!
K, since you're new I am going to tell you 2 things that will REALLY help you on your journey to becoming better, do NOT use C4D's or BRUSHES from the internet, it doesn't really help learning, try to use JUST the things that come with the program, like circular brushes and the smudge tool, and maybe make your own brushes when you can, also try to use filters more. I do not really like the effects in the background since you said it is "brushes" assuming they are from a download that is basically like stealing peoples work and stamping it on your own, don't take this personally, I used to do this when I started off, just stray away and you should get better quick. K for the sig, try working on using a stock image instead of a render, it helps with learning quicker about depth and stuff like that, also try to stick with high resolution images and stocks.
Well, I suggest some tutorials, but for this particular sig I would say your weakest areas are, text, flow, sharpening, and those lines. Well, I'll address the easiest problem first, your render is over sharpened, unsharpen it. Next would be the text, move it closer to your focal, and pick a plainer font so it doesn't steal attention from the focal. Next is the lines, remove them, they don't help in anyway and stick out to much. Next thing is flow, your sig has none except that is shown by the render, there should be some other indication of the flow. K, just try and fix those on the next sig you make.
Basics of Signature making by ~Gurssury on deviantART my and hells tut, its about all the basics and has a whole section on flow.
i really dont mean to overload you Ice, but i wanted to get this posted before i go to bed GIMP thanks again
Well, the bg still needs work. Try using socks, also for depth blur the joker some. Also, please don't use lens flares or gradient flares, or downloaded brushes, keep it as default as possible with your brushes. also, once again, move the text closer to the focal, font is better tho. Try some gradient maps, if you need help ask. They will help bond the colors more.
Another possible SOTW entry...I didn't know exactly what to do for the effects, so any tips? V1 V2 or should i just submit this one into the SOTW haha....
Well, to be honest the text in both are kinda meh, but the idea of the wrap around pen tool lines are nice and original, I actually have something like that going on in my entry I have in the works, maybe try to make new text and sharpen the stock just a little, and the lighting is coming from the wrong angle, it should be to the right side of his head not on the left.
Much better, the new text is way more original than the other 2, and the lighting is good now. I like the concept but I would change up the text a bit and also make the boat more opaque around the sides, nice use of depth on the background though.