Click for the video YouTube - Halo 3 Rube Goldberg Machine - made by 'Tylyr1' and 'i lost my 49' by Tylyr1
Jesus, how the hell did you make those pallets go into the perfect spots. Damn that must have taken lots of time and an amazing amount of patience. I wish it was longer, but that is fricking sweet.
Nice. I attempted one of these on Standoff and I nearly threw my tv out the window. Once I got it all cleared out it wouldn't work again!!! That's when I said screw it, and deleted about 5 hours worth of stuff.
wow, takes alot of time and patience to finiosh these! i helped do one that was a little smaller but it made a sword fall into the person's hands.
Oooh I hope its not modded or lagswitched. You do make some good videos, its just a pity when you bullshit about them, the map looks good but the ball pushin pallet and pallet landin and ball rollin ova is a bit tad repeptitive!
Oh i c wat u did thar Wow man, I don't know what to say. You have your r3c0n polished in winsauce amirite? Make a new one that uses all the items available, and all three tiers!
dont get me wrong here the vid is cool its just that there are quite a few vids like this now and im getting bored fo them but good work anyways