What do you hope valve brings to left 4 dead 2? I hope some sort of replay mode (like halo 3's theater) comes up.... Your thoughts?
-at least 2 new special infected (charger would be one of these) -unique, new weapons -replay mode -ability to be a common infected during versus when your waiting to spawn instead of waiting around for 20 damn seconds.
That's actually quite a good idea... maybe you could also spawn as the horde and direct them somehow? that would be fun too.
I second that. Ummmmm wow you guys stole all the good ideas. I guess forge can never be a bad thing in any game. Speacil infected that can fly would be cool. Of course new weapons. Maybe a mission where you are on a helicopter or something where you get to see the whole world from above.
There are three new special infected, in addition to the original five. They have these, along with different rounds to fire. Yes. This is a dumb idea. Normal infected die with a single pistol shot most of the time. It would be even more frustrating to play as something that has a hard time dealing out a total of two damage.
It's not a dumb idea. I know most people I play Versus with would much rather do something than sit around and watch the survivors fight for 30 seconds. Even if you die with a couple bullets, having a person play as a normal infected would make it challenging nonetheless. If you were to wait back and attack from behind you can easily do 2-6 damage with each life. And if you just want to mess around, you could climb up buildings and jump off. Anything would be more exciting than spectating.
Chainsaws!!! What else...uhm...a flamethrower? Oh and a bazooka! And C4! What about a samurai sword?!
Of course their going to hate it. They're supposed to. They just died. There has to be some penalty for dieing. And I just got an odd thought, if the infected have night vision, will we still be seeing in Orange in L4D2? Anyway, Valve seems to be getting rid of my main problem of L4D2, that being closet camping.
- A more common setting cliché than Louisiana. Gamers would enjoy a zombie apocalypse overturning one of America's beloved and great cities. - A new "type" of infected that involves a player entering a RTS-like view of the surrounding level and controlling were common infected spawn and attack. Also, this player could control the placement of the levels witch. - I would also like to see more horrific and darker scenarios that add horror elements to an apocalyptic game. This was something that the first Left 4 Dead was deprived of. It would be particularly fulfilling if Valve included an actual dramatic storyline with plot elements that added to its contrast of horror and fun. - Upgraded zombie types + new ones, a larger range of an arsenal, and hopefully a more polished and awesome Left 4 Dead!
I would like if you could choose your infected, but different zombies take longer to respawn. And you can play as the common infected in a group of 20+ at a time. Remote-activated traps, instead of carrying around a gascan, putting it down, and forgetting about it...
Custom characters, but that's not happening. I actually think the setting sounds amazing, Louisiana is scary as ****. The city is also overused in the genre.
The ability to use you're fists like Chuck Norris Able to use weapons as an Infected. Custom Perks like one called "Light Step" Its effect would be Lighter Step as a Tank or Charger or can anyone name more cause I have no idea on anything else. New weapons like: A Tire iron Etc, Etc.
This video just gave me hope for the game and Valve. YouTube - Left 4 Dead 2 Video Preview It talks about how their will be five new campaigns and confirms that the layout of the level will change based on your team's performance. They've improved crescendo events so the players are forced to move instead of sitting in a corner. The Charger also makes hiding in corners obsolete, as it will attack a survivor and send all survivors near them flying. Also, a new game mode that they haven't revealed yet. I feel all of this could have been added in DLC, but it's just nice to see it's coming in one shape or form. Here's saying I can't wait for L4D2.
i cant either... it looks like a sequel to me, i really dont care if it's full priced, i still will probably get it. Im excited for melee weapons
Yeah... Melee weapons are the ****. Also I want some reason to play online other than it being fun. Some sort of ranking system would be nice or at least unlock new things the more you play. Such as choosing before you spawn what your starting weapon will be. As you play more you would have more options.