Just wondering, does anyone know how to make a Random Weapon box on SandBox? I need it for a map that I am working on Thanks Plasmaterial
I would love this aswell since I am making a **** Zombie map. I have everything figured out but the weapon box :/ If anyone can help on this that would be great. I have an idea but it would use up to many items...
Ok make an enclosed box with weapons in it. Put a grav man cannon that constintely mixes them up. And that's it.
to create a random weapons box just put a weapon holder down and put every weapon into it. they will all stack together. im not sure how to prevent people from taking a weapon repeatedly though, im sure you can create an inventive switch that only opens a door every 30 seconds or so.
His one worked by punching a propane tank that blew up a fusion coil which blew up a pallet. The pallet had the weapons on it and dropped them all together. The person had to hold down RB (or B or whatever) in front of the gap where the weapons could be retrieved from. There was a ledge that the weapons dropped behind. This ledge was at such a height that it not only prevented people from picking up other weapons once they had reached the ground, but it also served to stop people dropping their previous weapon into the device. Although I don't think you can place propane tanks on Sandbox, so you may have to compensate for the lack of delay after activation by making the weapons drop from a large height, and making the players have to shoot a fusion coil so they don't get damaged by the mechanism. Here's a picture from Master Debayter's map post for **** Zombies: That's me in the picture with Master Debayter in the right, with the random box behind us. Good luck!
i'd like the creator of the R.W.B to put up a guide on how to make it. i've been searching for months to see if i could find a guide or anyone that knew how and i couldn't find any one........
I originally made the random weapon box. Im now going to try to dig up the post I made describing how it works and link it here. [to be updated] Ok here is the link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/62060-random-weapon-box.html vV\/ Desciption Below \/Vv Spoiler This post is meant to explain how the random weapon box works in the **** Zombie map created by Master Debayter and myself... THE RANDOM WEAPON BOX Background: creation Originally I was just fooilng around on foundry trying to come up with a design for the switch. I played multiple weapons on a weapon holder and then had a gravlift push people back as they got close. The player would then try to destroy the gravlift which would give him a couple seconds to grab the weapons before the lift respawned. As I moved the gravlift around, the weapons were pushed against a nearbye fencewall and stuck to it. As I thought about how to use this effect, I remembered that people had already put gravlifts inside open singleboxes overhead that would hold players up on the ceiling. I decided to see what happened when I placed weapons up there. They stuck and from that point on it was very easy to continue the idea. All the player had to do was destroy the gravlift and the weapons would fall. This was the first working design. Activation was on the left and pick up was on the right. Weapons were held just out of reach on the ceiling. Here is the inside of the activation switch. The first propane tank would fly back and set off another one which would set off a second tank which then destroyed the fusion coil and the gravlift. Weapons would fall past the person and you could grab them as they went past This design however was very large and looked nothing like the random weapon box in Call of Duty. After the original, I worked on making it more sleek and efficient. In the end the propane tank was held in place so that you only needed one to get the reaction going. The slot was lowered to the ground so players did't need a ramp and overall it was compacted to take up the space of a single box. Here is the latest version as seen in our **** Zombie map Simply walk up to the propane tank on the left and punch it. It will then ignite, giving you some time to get to the slot. Weapons fall down and you must hold the rb [weapon pickup command] Comments: Players can tweak how often the box is used by changing the respawn times on the propane tank. In the **** Zombie game we had the time at around 30 seconds. Under the gravlift, it is best to place a fencewall above the weapons because sometimes they glitched through the floor of the single box Weapons can be favored by placing them closer or futher from the slot Feel free to use this on other maps and in new, inventive games Here is the **** Zombie map post: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual...-last-day.html Here is the link to the map that uses it: the Last Day As for implementing it on sandbox it will take a little more thought. All you need is to hold the weapons out of reach with a concealed grav lift. Then use any kind of switch to destroy it. When the gravlift is destroyed it will release the weapons which should fall into a predesigned area. Be sure to keep humans from getting multiple weapons at once. We fixed this problem by creating a slit that the humans had to stand next to. When the weapons fell past there was only enough time to grab one randomly. I'm pretty sure that the wall with a hole in it in the sandbox forgelist should be perfect fort the job. If you need any more help just post here or pm me.
What everyone is not understanding is that he wants a random weapon box on SANDBOX all of the ones you have shown so far are on foundry and they all use a propane tank which is NOT available on sandox.
Shooting an enclosed, vertical stack of fusion coils would have (almost) the same effect of punching a propane tank. You just couldn't stand to close.