Forgebox Opening Forge contest!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nestik, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, not getting many submissions in and i wanted to have a contest started up for my sites opening, hopefully no one here gets mad and thinks i'm advertising my site on here (Maybe in my sig but thats legal!) i just want to celebrate with a good contest :D

    So i started ForgeBox as some of you may or may not know as a way for me to give back to the forgers who give people that play all the neat little maps and mini-games that we all love to have fun and play on.

    I don't see it as a community site competing with FH, i see it as a way for people like us to share ideas and good times.

    Anyways, back on topic.

    I started up ForgeBox a while back and it's come a long way development wise, i wanted to have a contest to celebrate but we're short on members and publicity so i decided it'd be ok to post the contest here :D.

    Pretty much it's simple.

    Here's the details (Copied straight from ForgeBox.)


    • Must be a Competitive 4v4 map (Can be MLG)
    • Must play well on Team Slayer (Or MLG Team Slayer v6 Settings)
    • Must be made on Sandbox
    • Cannot be Budget Glitched!
    Pretty simple i suppose but your ideas must be original! Use anything you want as long as your map isn't budget glitched and it meets the above details you'll be fine.

    Judging will be based on these 3 things

    1. Neatness
    2. Gameplay
    3. Originality
    Turn your map in by July 1st! Submit your map
    Submit your map here.

    Any questions message me!
    It's pretty simple, just a fun contest to start off the site! Let's see some features from this!

    Good luck and remember to have fun!

    thats about it, hope this contest is ok with forgehub and hope you all have fun doing it :D


    1. Action Jacksson
    #1 Nestik, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2009
  2. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm in on this. I've got the perfect map :)
  3. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    :D Alright good :)
  4. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is there a prize?
  5. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Perhaps depends, :p
  6. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    or, There is...

    There's a diff lol
  7. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As of right now no, it's just a contest for fun and to get the site's activity jump started. Although if i do happen to buy a 1 month or some MS points i may turn them into a prize.
  8. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I have a map all sketched out that fits the paramiters so...why not. I can't get on xbox until after school lets out though. Might not get it done by the due date... well see. Consider me a participent anyway though.
  9. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll do this prize or no prize as long as it's for the opening contest for Forgebox. But prize would be preferred, I must say. Motivation = Results
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    ForgeBox is not a ForgeHub affiliate. You need to remove FH from your affiliate list.
  11. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It matters not if FH wants to see me as an affiliate, i'm an active member of FH and i always will be, i owe alot to this site and because of that i like to recognize it on my own. Theirs no rule on the internet stating that i cant have my site affiliated with another even though they don't list me as one on theirs.

    I do it out of great respect. I've been a member of FH for a while and been a lurker since the day it started.

    Back on topic, welcome to the contest :D have fun.
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Oh it does matter. It matters because what goes on on that site (good or bad) reflects upon FH, its image, its members, and its ideals. As long as our name is on that page, that connection exists. Whether its a good reflection or bad is for the Admins to decide, not you.

    Until FH Admins approve said affiliation, and said connection, itd be wise to remove our name from your affiliate section.

    I understand your intentions are good, but to be honest, they are irrelevant. And while, like you said, there's no "law" per se that can stop you from listing us there, its in very bad taste to do so without approval.

    Your site is not only falsely gaining unapproved credibility by having our name there, but you are also advertising your contest (also unapproved) here. You and your site are riding a very thin line right now.

    Things like this DO go through the Admins. There's a certain order of things that should be adhered to in matters of both affiliation and potential soliciting of members via advertising. You need to contact the Admins (Shock Theta). Its very possible that they will approve this thread and let you post about your contest here, but until they do, you should probably tone it back.
  13. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I understand what your saying as well, perhaps though 'affiliates' isn't the word i'm looking for then, to my understanding to be an 'affiliate' of FH you must have over 1000 members. So perhaps just external links.

    and i'm not soliciting members or that's not how i intended this, i know FH runs things as a community site, i see my site more as a site for groups all throughout the gaming community (which includes forgers) to do fun things, share ideas, and other things. I'm not posting this to get more members, i'm posting this so other Forgers no signed up on my site can take part in the contest, if you would like i'll gladly change the map submission forum to non-registered access so participants don't have to sign up to submit maps.

    I'll message admins sometime tommorrow about this, i didn't see it as a problem but if it is i'll do whatever i need to do. I only had FH on my site's link because FH is an inspiration, i respect this site greatly. Most sites would want a link in return on the others site, as for me i could care less if FH links to my site or not. I do it out of respect. Never meant to offend anyone if i did and never meant to do any harm.

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